
LOGAN~ The Mafia Prince

I was pure,I was sane, until he came and tainted me, turning my world upside down. When college student, Millie witnesses a murder in the alley at the back of the bar,her life is turned upside down in a split second as she is the only living witness. She lives with fear as she stays on edge looking over her shoulder all the time. She meets Logan,a notorious biker who is feared because of brutal fighting skills and Mafia ties rumor. Logan grows interested in Millie and makes a bet with her,he wins a match and she goes on a date with him or he loses and no date happens. Bet after bet gets things complicated as Millie is left to deal with the aftermath, will the bets turn into something more? Or will the game end as just a mere dares? Authors Note: please be assured that this story will be full and completed for free.

Michelle_Alleity · Ciudad
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13 Chs

Chapter Three


I stand still in a dark corner afraid to move,it's like the crowd is going to swallow me directly to hell. I sigh and look around,it's been an hour since I last saw the girls,I have a little hope that Lia will show up and save me from the uncomfortability threatening to swallow me whole. As for Mia...well that's another case,I might as well consider her "see you in a bit" a "see you tomorrow."

I get on my tip toes to see if I can spot the girls or at least anyone I know who might get them for me.

"Well hello there?" A voice speaks from behind me,his hot breath fans the back of my neck.

I jump and spin around to stare at the source of the voice,Julien. As in the Julien I trusted,the Julien who I shouldn't have trusted,he was so kind and sweet to me at the beginning of the semester,he invited me to study with him at his place,I mean...it was sweet,kind Volleyball player Julien,untill he wasn't,the perv switched from sweet to...well,a pervert,he literally jumped me, forcing a kiss as he gripped my thighs tightly. Memories flow back in,my anger rekindles and I glare at him.

"Hey...come on,don't tell me you're still holding a grudge for what happened last time,I was just asking for a simple kiss."

"Yeah?" I fold my hands over my chest

"Besides,I stopped when you told me to."

I lift a brow

"Well that's not how I remember it."

"I stopped though."

"Yeah,you did,after I broke a lamp on your head."

I almost went crazy after I realized what I had done, I thought I killed him but thank the heavens it was made of plastic,rich breakable plastic as a matter of fact.

"You owe me for that one,you could have murdered me you know."

"It would have been self defense."

I sneer at him,he instead looks at me with lust. Why am I even still talking to him. I walk past him and stare at him with a blank face.

"I hope we can study together again!"

He shouts over the music,I ignore him and keep walking. I need to get some air,this place is crowded,I see Matt,one of Mia's flings standing next to the counter with a beer in hand busy watching the people dancing. Our eyes meet and he tips his cup at me in greeting. In order not to be rude,i decided to walk up to him and say hi.

"Hey." He takes a sip from his cup

"Hi." I hug myself

"Wanna join? Here,have some,you seem like you need it." He offers the cup to me but I shake my head. Matt works part time at this bar,he's hot for sure,just not my type, he's too big and gangstar.

"All I need right now is some fresh air,it's so hot in here." I massage my temples

"Well,you can use the back door." He points at a door that reads "EXIT" "that's the only quicker and easiest way out."

He's right,If I decide to use the main door,I might faint before I reach it.


"Don't mention it, but don't go far,this might be a safe place,but you never know, risks aren't good,stick to the door."

He changes his standing posture and my eyes drop,I find myself checking him out because of the conversation the girls had two days ago,well...not the girls alone,I was included by force. He's really hot for sure,my eyes unintentionally move to his sweatpants and land on his member,I instantly snap them back up and find him watching me,I fumble with my finger and he winks at me. Being a gentleman that he is,he doesn't pin me about it,now I get why Mia has him saved as "Big(cucumber) emoji"

"Okay, thanks again."

I use the exit door and find myself in the alley,I rest my back against door with my hands behind on the doorknob,i look up at the sky,then I take deep breaths in. Finally, some fresh air.

After a few seconds,I turn ready to go back in when something catches my eyes.. No,not something,someone. A shadow. I glare to get a better look and my feet move on their own,where I stand,I can hear muffled sounds.

I move closer and my eyes land on the back of three guys,they all have black head stocks on,which cover their entire head up to the neck,it's those types of headstocks criminals use,they're all dressed in all-black. One has a Leather jacket on,another a t-shirt and the other a long sleeve casual shirt, they're all in jeans and army boots. One of them moves and my eyes land on a blonde haired guy,I think I've seen him before,he's a student at the University I go to,next to him is another guy.

The scene is unpleasant,the blond guy's face is swollen and one of his eyes is closed and purple,the blood alone speaks for him on how brutally beat up he is,as for the other one, he's kneeling in front of the guy with a t-shirt,so i can't see his face from this angle. The blonde spits blood on the ground and looks up at the three guys,it seems like an ambush,they're just two and the other's are three of them. Although honestly speaking, even if it was only one of them,he'd still be able to take them down without effort. 

These guys look scary from behind,their posture and presence scream "Run."

I should run right? No,I won't make it if I make any tiny bit of noise. But again,maybe I should go and call for help instead?

"One more chance,looks like it's your lucky day,I don't do chances." The tshirt guy speaks

"I don't fucking care about your chances,you're not getting anything out of me." The blonde spits

The guy in a t-shirt cranes his neck to the side

"Hmm..maybe I should kill you lover instead?" He points a gun at the other guy

"Just tell him what he wants! He's going to kill us."

"See? Your lover has some sense,you should learn from him."

"Fuck.You." he sneers up at the three of them

"Very well,any last words?"

"I would rather di-" before he can finish his sentence,a low sound shot rings and a bullet goes right between his eye.

His body thumps to the ground and blood flows in a streams from his head. I let out a small gasp and then immediately cover my mouth with both hands.

I'm about to turn when the blond guy's eyes lift and find mine. He looks at me asking for help,he literally silently mouths "Help."

It's good I'm sharp at reading lips. I lift my pointer finger and place it on my lips as a sign of silence. I slowly retreat backwards,I hit into something that rolls over and I freeze then look down. My eyes follow the empty can of coke as it keeps rolling until it hits the trashcan, making it's final stop.

Silence fills the air, everything around me pauses and my blood turns to ice. Slowly, calmly,the three men turn to face me,the blond guy sees that as a chance so he gets up and starts to run,I don't know where he gets the strength from but he runs for his life.

"Fuck!" One of them curses,the one wearing a long sleeve shirt

"Get him." The one with a polo neck orders.

The other one though? The one in a leather jacket? he doesn't look fazed at all,his posture remains the same but this time around, he's facing me, intimidating. I start to shake like a leaf in winter.

"Pop!" Another low shot rings in the air,the blond screams in agony as he falls down to the ground holding his wounded leg,no one can hear the sounds because of the loud music in the club,which I can loudly hear even from out here.

"Gotcha, slimy mouse." The one with a t-shirt speaks as he drags him back to where he was

I can't properly see their faces because of the masks covering their heads and faces, only leaving their eyes visible.

"My father will kill you and your entire family if he finds out about this."

The t-shirt guy chuckles in mockery

"Let's test that theory then,shall we?"

He hits the back of the guys head, knocking him unconcios.

I gasp again at the brutal impact. Then their attention comes back to me.

"Well well well,now what do we have here?" the t-shirt guy addresses me, it's like he's the talker of the group or gang,or whatever they go by.

My mind instantly tells me to run,I retreat two steps back,my eyes don't move from the leather jacket guy. He's calm but i I don't know why I feel that he's the most dangerous,the one I should look out for. I turn around and run,I don't even get far when a hand shoots out and grabs me by the hair,fisting it tight enough to the point where I feel some roots snapping out of my sculp,my back slams again his chest,then his hot breath fans my neck followed by his sinister words.

"Gotcha,your turn now baby girl."