
LOGAN~ The Mafia Prince

I was pure,I was sane, until he came and tainted me, turning my world upside down. When college student, Millie witnesses a murder in the alley at the back of the bar,her life is turned upside down in a split second as she is the only living witness. She lives with fear as she stays on edge looking over her shoulder all the time. She meets Logan,a notorious biker who is feared because of brutal fighting skills and Mafia ties rumor. Logan grows interested in Millie and makes a bet with her,he wins a match and she goes on a date with him or he loses and no date happens. Bet after bet gets things complicated as Millie is left to deal with the aftermath, will the bets turn into something more? Or will the game end as just a mere dares? Authors Note: please be assured that this story will be full and completed for free.

Michelle_Alleity · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter Two


"What?! No no no no." I start to turn away from the mirror

"And where do you think you're going?" Lia blocks my way with arms spread wide

"I can't,nope I totally can't."

"Yes you can and you will."

"No,I'm not going in this,just look at me,I look ridiculous in thiss....thing." I pull down the elastic red dress

"Stop ruining the dress." Mia slaps my hand away and turns me around to face the mirror

"I'm seriously not wearing this you guys,I'm almost naked."

"That the point, we're in college and you need to look sexy."

I look at myself again, smoky eyeshadow,short red strapless dress,red lipstick and hair up in a high tight ponytail.

"Mm mm." I shake my head and turn to my suitcase.

The girls groan and lift their hands up on surrender.

"Fine,but at least choose something that will do you some justice."

"That's if she has any." Mia points out

I roll my eyes and shimmy out of the dress,I hand it over to Lia

"Thank you,if I'm going then I'll have to do me."

"Fine,just do you."

I throw on a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt which reads 'I must be out of my mind' then I tie my hair in a low loose ponytail,I wipe off the lipstick and go for lipgloss. I'm about to wipe off the eyeshadow when a hand stops me.

"Uh uh,what do you think you're doing? The eyeshadow stays." Mia says firmly


"The eyeshadow stays." Lia supports

"Fine, I'll keep the eyeshadow on this time."

After we finish dressing up,we head out.

The place is packed,it's just outside but there's a lot of people.

"Come on,let's go inside."

"Why don't we just stick outside?" I say nervously

"What's the point of coming if we are going to stay outside?" Lia pops her gum 

"It looks too crowded inside."

"Come on,don't be such a party pooper." Lia drags me inside

If I said it was crowded inside,then I didn't say it right. The villa is packed to the fullest,full of people dancing, playing games and drinking. Oh making out too, in public,ew.

"Mia!" A girl from Art waves her over,she waves back and turns to us

"That's my project partner,I'll be right back."

"Okay." I say

"Come on,let's loosen up a bit." Lia drags me through the people. Almost everyone we come across says hi to her since she's the dorm captain.

She comes to a halt in front of a container,red cups are flipped downwards next to it. She pours the contents in two cups and hands one to me.

"What's this?" I take a sniff and feel my nostrils burn,I scrunch up my nose "take it,I'm not drinking whatever poison this is."

She rolls her eyes and pushes my hand back.

"One,it's not poison. Two, it'll help you chill a bit, would you rather look like a lost puppy?"

I stare at her without blinking

"Come on,it's not that bad,just I sip,take your time."

I stare into the cup and sigh. Fine. I take a gulp and instantly, waiting for the regret but it never comes,it tastes like....mint. my eyes wide

"Uh uh boo,don't let that mint and apple deceive you."

"Not bad,it tastes good." I take another big gulp and then another and another until the cup goes empty. I hand it over to Lia.

"More." I say after I swallow

"Okayyyy..." She trails off and pours more of whatever magic that is into my cup.


"Thanks," I peek inside and realize the colour is pink not green like before.

"Pink? Is this another flavor or something?" 

"Yeah, another flavor."

I take a sip and it tastes different,a good kind of different.

"Mmmm, how do they make this?" I take a sip

"Millie,I think you should slow down a bit."

"You wanted me to "chill" an hour ago."

"Of course,but this is your first time drinking,you should probably take it slow before it hits you har-"

"Oops.." I spill some of the liquor and lean against the table. "I feel funny."

"Yep,it's too late." Lia nods

"Hi babe." Peter flings his hand around Lia's shoulder.

Peter is one of Lia's no strings attached fuck buddy.

"Hi." She smiles at him

"Hi Miriam."

"Millie." I correct

"Right. Millie, you wouldn't mind if I stole Lia for a while would you?"

"Noo,it's all good,just...go do your thing,I'll be right here." I nod

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" Lia asks with concern

"Of course." 

"Okay,I won't be long,if you see Mia just call her over, she'll keep you company once she notices that you're all alone."

"Yes mom." I salute and the disappear into the crowd.

I look around,my head feels so light and I'm on cloud nine, everything is calm, better than I expected.

"Hey." A deep male voice speaks over me, I lift my eyes and narrow them to get a better look.

The guy standing in front of me is freaking handsome,not the normal type of handsomeness but scary handsome,he looks so serious,like he's angry even. Oh and he's well built and tall. His lips seem to be moving,is he speaking? Then, a smirk pulls at his lips,a sinister one.

"Excuse me."

I stand still, finding it hard to hear what he just said because of the music and humbleness of my mental state at the moment. His eyes move to my chest,I consciously wrap my hands over my breasts, feeling uncomfortable. His eyes lazily move back to my face. He leans down and my heartbeat picks up

What the hell is he doing?

"Wh-what are you doing?" I stutter

His face lingers a few inches from mine,close enough for our breaths to mix. He reaches his hand around my waist and I hold my breath, I don't know what I expect but he straightens back up again,then he tips his liquor filled cup at me. It's then I realize he was just getting himself a drink behind me,I'm leaning against the table so that means I'm blocking his way.

I clear my throat.

"If you thought I was going to kiss you just now then you really Must be out of your mind."

He uses the line on my shirt, he wasn't ogling my breasts but reading what's written on my t-shirt. That's the second mistake. Embarrassment builds inside me and a bright red creeps up my cheeks. The guy turns and walks away, leaving me inwardly slapping myself.

"Mille,oh my gosh I'm so sorry I took long,are you okay? I thought I'd find you having a panic attack."

"Well,I'm alive and well,without you and Lia keeping me company." I make sure I point out the without.

"Come on, don't be mad,I won't leave you alone again."

"It's okay." I finish the last drop in the cup and place it down



"Millie,are you drunk?"

"I had two cups of that."

"What? Two cups? Are you okay?" She places her palms on my cheeks and I slide them off

"I'm good."

"Okay." She smiles goofily "I'm proud of you, finally,one down one more to go."

"No no no,we talked about that,I'm not having se-"

I get cut off when Lia slams into Mia's back

"Hey!" Mia shouts

Lia tries to hold her breath

"What's going on Li-"

"Cops!" A guy shouts over the music. Commotion starts and people start to run out of the room

It's normal to have college parties right? So why is everyone in panic mode and running away?

"Shit! Is there?" Mia asks

"Yes,there's drugs in this place,we need to go."

My eyes widen,drugs?

"Shit!" Mia curses and grabs my wrist pulling me with her as she starts running for the exit."

"That was close."

Mia says as we sit in Peter's car driving off. Sirens ring in the air meters away from where we are as Peter keeps driving.

"I feel sorry for those who've been caught." Lia says

I sit still and quietly in the car, trying to process what just happened.

"We could have been caught,I would have been in jail right now and-and-"

"Millie,calm down."

"And it would have been over,done,completely."


"What would I have told my parents? How would they have-" before I can finish,a hot slap lands on my cheek, immediately silencing me

I gasp and hold my burning cheek

"I'm sorry okay,you went into panic mode,you wouldn't stop so I had to do it." Lia says quickly

"What a shame,a good night wasted just like that."


"But! We can still make it worth it."

"No." I say "I've been traumatized enough for the night,I want to go back to the dorm."

"Come on Millie,it's just one stop, besides, the cops won't find us there."

"Where are we going?" Peter asks

"The club where you took us to last time."

I widen my eyes and lean forward

"A club? I'm not stepping foot into a club!"

"Oh come on, there's a first time for everything." Mia smiles sinisterly