
Log-In: Special Talent At The Start

In an Accident Aki traveled to a parallel world. There is a temple here, and those who register as player can enter countless world and gain power to become stronger But Aki also have a deep secret as he know the plot of dozen of worlds as it was actually worlds of previous life animation, movie, and comics Aki awaken the Sss talent multiplier making him stronger quickly and face those adversary

Aki_Uchiha · Fantasía
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48 Chs

Chapter 48

Two hours later, the destination arrived.

The number one university in the world!

That's right, the world's number one university is called this name.

very cringy...

But the gorgeous door is full of this surging momentum.

Nothing to do with cringe.

Moreover, the words of the world's number one university are even more vigorous and powerful, revealing a hint of mystery.

Even Aki felt it. When he looked at these big characters, the already honest nine tails in his body...

At this moment, it curled up even more, not daring to release a trace of power.

As if encountering something that made it fearful.

The person who wrote these words is definitely not simple.

Absolutely a horror.

This was the first thought in Aki's mind.

The world's first university is not established in a certain country, but is a university founded by some of the top experts from various countries in the world.

It brings together geniuses from all over the world, and has a faculty that is incomparable to the outside world.

Of course, the teaching courses here are all based on the login space.

Therefore, the entire No. 1 university in the world, including the tutors, is registered.

Similarly, the world's No. 1 university is also valued by the current powerful army. After all, the freshmen who can enter the world's No. 1 university are all novice registrants with good qualifications.

Many legions are recruiting new recruits here.

To put it simply, this world's number one university is rather a training area for novice users who log in.

The whole area of ​​the world's largest university does not seem to be very large.

In fact, it wasn't really that big. Compared to Aki's previous life, the size of the university on Earth was just average.

But after entering, Aki found something different.

Promoted to D level, his talent absolute space has also been promoted.

Therefore, after entering the gate, Aki clearly felt a special spatial fluctuation.

After lim of explanation, he finally understood.

This is some kind of space prop from the login space.

It directly expanded the space of the world's first university by a thousand times.

From this point of view, it is unmatched by other universities.

Soon after, under the leadership of Jiutian, Aki came to a villa building.

This is where some core members of pheonix group live.

Ordinary member of pheonix group are not eligible to live in.

Aki also lived here because of Meixu's relationship.

This is your dormitory. As for me, I live opposite you. Just call me if you need anything."

lin took Aki to a room, and after explaining it, he left in a hurry.

Beside the fact he is pretentious but only pretentious there is no scorn or disdain because of him being a novice

Aki entered the room and saw the arrangement, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Big dog!

It's over a hundred square meters, and it's so luxurious.

Well, it's not bad to enjoy it for nothing.

On the other side, after lin placed Aki, he went straight to the top floor of the villa building.

"Sister, I'm back."

As soon as lin entered the door, he shouted and screamed.

Needless to say, this is Xiu Feng's room.

It is worth mentioning that Xiu Feng's name is Ying Feng.

"How did you get it?"

Xiu Feng asked.

"I have already taken it over and arranged to be on the same floor as me."

"Then what about Meixu's younger brother?"

"How about it?"

Jiutian pondered for a while, and said, "The temperament is quite calm, and as a registrant, it is initially qualified. By the way..."

Seemingly thinking of something, Jiutian hurriedly said: "I heard Aki say that this time his sister received an SSS-level super god evaluation this time, and obtained a natural devil fruit, which has now been eaten by him."

"Well, I already know that."

Xiu Feng said: "Meixu has already told me that she won a diamond-level lottery card, and this thunder fruit is obtained by lottery."

"Diamond-level lottery card?"

Lin stared at him with envy in his heart.

"It's strange that you can get a natural devil fruit, but this thunder fruit doesn't seem to have appeared? It seems that there are still many devil fruits that have not been explored."

"This is natural. Although a lot has been excavated in the world of sailing, there are still many things that are unknown."

Speaking of Xiu Feng's tone, there was a hint of emotion.

"After all, so far, what we registrants really know for sure is only a world with a low power system. The water in the login space is too deep, there are too many unknowns, and it is too difficult to explore."

She thought of Academy City world.

If it wasn't for the information that Meixu brought this time, the Phoenix group would probably suffer a heavy loss soon.

Because a certain captain of Xiu Feng has made up his mind to lead a team of key members to conduct a thorough exploration of Academy City.

They already have a way to deal with superpowers, or delay, so that other members can take advantage of it.

After all, Academy City's technology is very advanced.

There are even scientific and technological equipment for research and development of superpowers. If you get it, it can improve the entire army of Xiu Feng .

That's right, based on the information Meixu gave, Xiu Feng currently knows about Academy City, there is absolutely no problem in dispatching a team led by 3 S-level powerhouses.

But now that she knows the existence of Aleister Crowley, Xiu Feng has no such thoughts at all.

Aki didn't know that, he accidentally saved at least 3 S-rank powerhouses.


I cal it pheonix group and pheonix dance

the real name of legion is Lin Xiu Feng

the pheonix dance is code name of lin xiu feng

because Xiu Feng has pheonix blood

I hate the fact that I my brain is hurting

I sleep 4 hours everyday and there is no problem

But now sigh

well I got addicted to writing that I didn't go to school

and write novel in my phone


F:Pocket Dimension(A mini dimensio)

E:Folding Space(Fold space making you seem to telepor,)

D:Invisibility(Covering yourself with Void energy making yourself invisible unless disturb)

C::Vortex(while the Void is pulling the player It also Release a stored energy or attack to enemy)

B:Exile(Touching your enemy and vanishing him to unknown depend on strength of enemy a strong enemy will just stop for a second)

A:Intangibility(Making your body appear visually while your body is in dimension)

S:Mini Black Hole(a black hole that can absorb and recover you energy)

the contract say that it is restricted because there are language that shouldn't appear here like Chinese and Japanese

well doesn't matter since this is just for fun but it will be cool if I can't receive money?

I should try it in the second novel?

My friend say that I shouldn't have sign in contract

he say it is very dangerous?

beside why people say bad thing about contract?

It is said the contractor can sell your work to others site