

Oh, it seems that the final battle is just about to start.

At most, it'll take a few minutes at most.

So let's forget them for now.

"Alright! What you got for me, Daisy?"

Currently, Daisy was fluttering around me.

Although I was invisible, for some reason she could clearly see me!

Behind Daisy were yellow butterflies which had the same wing patterns as her before being named.

I'm assuming that they belong to the same swarm or group or whatever do you call a group of butterflies?

More important than that there's a lone night wing butterfly.

The butterfly species that Daisy belongs to should be called "Paralysing Wing Butterfly" which possessed a bit of paralyzing capabilities.

As for the Night Wing Butterfly aside from the fact that they possess a jet black colored wings and rarely seen if my memory serves right then this butterfly helps to calm the mind.

I've seen a live one sold back at Dumbo's before and it was sold for at least a 1 gold!

Ha! I'm going to get rich!

Butterflies usually lay at least 200 eggs right?!

That would be 200 golds!?

But wait, do butterflies produce sexually or asexually? Butterflies produce asexually? That's stupid.

Then can it only mate with the same species?

Encountering a single one is lucky enough and wishing to find one is being too greedy.

My dream to be a rich tycoon instantly crumbled.

Oh well I haven't even spent half the money I stole from the shop so let's not swallow more than we can chew.

I should name then first.

You'll be Trisha! I said to the nearest butterfly near Daisy.

"Trisha" then glowed brightly as its wings grew a bit bigger and its wings' color became more vibrant.

Then this one would be Mira, Nina, and Maya.

Hmm? Why do I feel a little light headed?

It must be me getting hungry I haven't eaten my lunch yet and these fruits that I am not enough.

Let's not waste time and finish naming you all.

"Trisha, Mira, Nina, and Maya. Fly here since you've already been named."

That would be four more butterflies added to my fluttering army.

But there are still six more and I'm running out of good names.

Ok, I lied giving them good names they were all random names I thought of.

Ha! I know a good name.

Since you would be the sixth butterfly I'll name you Hexa!

You're seventh? Then you'll be Hepta!

I named the next yellow butterflies according to the name of polygons.

This is their names according to heir "seniority"

Daisy would be the 1st following Trisha as second. Mira and Nina, Maya as 3rd, 4th, and fifth respectively.

The next ones would be Hexa, Hepta, Octa, and Nana.

The last unnamed butterfly would be the lone Night Wing.

I decided to give her a different name since she's different but after naming the last yellow butterfly, Nana. I suddenly felt very sleepy and drained.

Let's name you since you the last one anyway.

I'll be naming you "Magenta".

Ehh, what's this?...

So sleepy.


With Mark falling asleep due to excessive use of his mana.

His body fell from the tree he sat on and went down with a thud.

The nearby alpha wolf got distracted and searched for the source of the sound but found nothing.

And the moment it turned its head to focus on the battle a looming shadow came crashing down on its head.


The knight hobgoblin's sword slashed the wolf's mouths and the mage hob also casted an explosive fireball.

Seeing their leader blasted away the remaining wolves fleed in terror.

The two hobgoblins also sat down on the ground as they escape imminent death.

After recovering for a while the knight hobgoblin grabbed the alpha wolf's corpse at its tail and grabbed it as they returned to their cave.

Meanwhile, Mark who just planned to be the "fishermen" is now currently in a deep sleep on the ground.

Luckily, his [Invisibility] is a passive skill and doesn't need any mana or the sort to activate, unlike other skills. There are a lot of skills and magic which has similar effects but what makes [Invisibility] skills so defying is that it doesn't require anything. No need for mana to activate and after activating [Invisbility] it wouldn't deactivate even after one is unconscious.

Every skill that Mark has is op to the extent that Mark hasn't used it to its full potential.


"Ughh, F*ck my head hurts like hell"

Intense pain could be felt everytime I moved a muscle.

What the hell happened.

The last thing I could remember was me naming Magenta.

Right! then everything blanked out and I fell from the tree.

"Awww Awwwwwww aww"

Every time I tried moving a part of my body it feels like I've been stabbed my thousand of needles.

"Daisy, I can't move...."

The hell did I do to deserve this!

Intense pain would attack me whenever I moved and I'm so f*cking itchy!

I want to scratch it but I cant.

It also feels very weird as I am currently naked lying on a patch of grass.

My body also feels sticky and there's an unbearable stench coming from somewhere here.

Ugh...This is not better than dying.

I can't move!

If I could only take out a healing pot from my spatial ring then everything would be well.

But my spatial ring was nowhere to be seen!

F*ck if ever I found out the person who took it. I'll shove a freaking stick up his ass.

I'm so unlucky...

Wait! There's still hope.




"Any insects around?!"

I screamed with all the strength I had many times.

Finally, I could see a yellow butterfly landing on me.


Before I was about to say, Daisy, I immediately swallowed my words. Who knew if this butterfly was Daisy! It seems naming them was quite useless if I can't even distinguish them.

"Go find some help please."

The butterfly seemingly understood my intent and started to fly away.

Just as it left a few seconds later the whole fluttering army was dancing atop me.

I then ordered for them to look for medicinal fruits in groups.

I don't know if any of them would be able to carry a fruit or something as I'm just trying out my luck.

Crap, I should have just said to attract a human or something here.

At first, when I ordered the first butterfly I thought to myself how would it even look for help when it couldn't communicate with humans.

So I decided to ask them to go look for some fruit which had any medicinal properties instead of trying to look for help.

Ahhh! I'm so stupid.

It seems that I could only lie here and pray for a miracle to happen.