
Living with Arrogant CEO

Matilda Huston is young girl with painful past, she moved to Canada few months back, she got job in world famous multinational company. She met Easton Fanaggaen who is arrogant rich CEO of Fanaggaen industries whose chains are spread through out the world, unknown to her Easton knows more than she know, he asks her to be his fake fiancée in order to run away from marriage his parents has framed for him. Later she come to knows about his secret that shakes her.

Michelle_Zeah_0764 · Ciudad
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23 Chs

Chapter No 18 You are Part of me

She has never felt this much happiness. She was feeling heart fluttering and filled with love. When we fall in love, everything seems pleasurable and happy. All we want is to be around that person who becomes our other half. Love is like a gift, like fresh water to a person who has been thirsty for age, a miracle in need. A person who is incapable of love is the saddest and depressed person in the world.

Matilda Huston is continuously haunted by her past. The abusive past that made her lost inside darkness. She stopped believing in love, but when love knocked on the door she denied it, but in the end love won but like all stories her story has to face a lot so it begins her very tough journey in the way of love.

She has been in hospital for three days, Easton has not left her side but in the morning she insists him to go for some rest. She was lying and thinking about new changes in her life, when the door knocked. She looked up.

"Jim?" she called his name happily.

He came inside happily. He ran towards the bed and hugged her softly.

"You are fine," he said in a whisper.

"When you came back?" she asked.

"Two days ago, your boss called me about an accident," he said,

"He called you? That's how Ivan called me last night, now I know how he knows about the attack" she said.

"Anyhow you are fine, that's the matter" he said. She smiled.

"Well Mel" he said hesitantly.

"Yeah?" she asked.

"I saw you and Easton the other day," he said sheepishly.

"Which day?" she asked.

"When you were injured I came the same day to know if you are okay" he said.

"Yeah?" she said in a tone as if she already knew what he would say.

"I saw you both kissing. You guys are together" he said.

"Jim, I, I came to realize that I love him," she said.

"I know, I know, I knew it from the beginning that you are denying it, when you reject my proposal, I am sorry I did not come earlier as I was processing things" he said awkwardly.

"Oh It's okay Jim, I can understand that as I said before you are a good man you are going to find a better one" she said smiling.

"I know Mel, but never forget that, I will always be at your side no matter what," he said while placing his hand over his heart.

"I know, now don't get sentimental and tell me what you have brought for me" she said. He smiled in return.

"Your favorite chicken pasta" he said while showing her bag. She laughs.

"You made it?" she asked.

"Of course I did, who's will?" he said, smiling widely.

"Dramatic" she said and both laughed.


Jim left for the apartment while she asked Easton for a book to read so that she could pass her time in a boring hospital. She was reading her favorite book "Do with me what you will" when the door knocked. She looked up at Mr. and Mrs. Fanaggaen. Christina looked so worried; she had Easton's expressions when he got tense.

"Oh thank God honey you are fine" she said and hugged her. Lorenzo walked towards her and gave her some flowers.

"I hope you will get well soon," he said worriedly.

"I am fine, I am feeling better now" she said smiling.

"We came to know what has happened and we came here on the first flight, you save our son, you are the most suitable wife for him," said Lorenzo.

"Mr. Fanaggaen, were there any clues?" she asked.

"Easton and Sebastian are digging it out, the last member is still alive," he said worried.

"It will be fine soon," said Christina. She smiled in return.


"Hy Mel, how are you?" asked Alejandro.

"She looked fine, she must be fine" said Easton while rolling her eyes. He gives him a sigh,

"I am fine Alejandro" she said.

"He will be here by next week, he said he is digging out the last member," said Alejandro. "I am afraid to say that they are too dangerous," he said.

"I don't care how dangerous they are, they have put their finger over my girl so they have to pay for this," said Easton, angrily.

"We don't know who they really are or what they look like. No one has seen them before," said Alejandro,

"I will finish this family once and for all," he said anxiously.

"Mr. Easton, when will I be discharged?" she asked.

"Why are you still calling him Mr. Easton?" asked Alejandro mischievously. She looked at Easton as if she was asking what to say.

"I like her to call me that way, I like role play" he said while looking inside her eyes.

She understood his meaning and that made her blush.

"You gotta be kidding me, you can't put it inside your pants brother," said Alejandro while rolling her eyes.

"Tian was right about him being a lady killer," said Alejandro.

By hearing the word "Lady killer" Matilda felt the jolt of jealousy in her body. In a matter of seconds she imagined him being around a lot of women naked and they were touching his strong body.

She unconditionally looked at Easton who understood what's hidden inside her eyes and a smile appeared over his face.

"I am a lady killer but every killer gets assassinated and I got assassinated by this lady," he said pointing at Matilda who blushed bright pink.

"You are going to discharge tonight and you are going to stay with me," he texts her.

Her phone vibrates and after reading that text she smiles.


He was standing on the balcony while she was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine. Easton was on call with some business Clint. Her phone vibrates, she checks it up, it was Jim. She answered the call.

"Hy Mel, have you not been discharged?" he asked.

"Yeah I am" she said while looking at the cover photo of the magazine.

"Where are you staring at?" he asked.

"No, I am at Mr. Easton's place," she said.

"Oh Easton's place something fishy is going on there?" he asked.

"Shut up moron," she snapped. He laughs on the other side.

"Where are you staying? I mean the apartment was looted when I left," she asked.

"I am staying in a hotel room, and wait what do you mean by looted?" he asked.

"Long story will tell you someday," she said, exhausted.

"Listen, I am hanging up now. Got to prepare some office paper," she said.

"Oh, office paper or prepare Ceo?" he said laughing.

"Screw you," she said and hung up.

"Who are you screwing?" she heard his deep voice. She turned, he was standing there while crossing his arms around his chest. He was wearing a dark brown T shirt, his tuned muscular body structure was visible through the shirt, he was looking breathtaking. There were jealous expressions over his face. She got up and opened her mouth to say something when he came towards her in a rush and kissed her passionately.

He blocks her mouth. While kissing her he pinned her through the wall and moved his long fingers inside her long hair. She was breathless. He moves his hand over her waist and from the other hand he holds her hand. She wanted him more as if she couldn't get enough of him, She hugged him and returned his kiss.

Her hand was moving across his back. He was feeling her soft body, while she was feeling his hard body against her body. She moved her fingers towards his head, making them lost inside his hair. She was touched for the first time with the man who belonged to her heart.

He lifted her up while crossing her legs around his waist. He did not stop kissing her and she did not want him to stop. They both were lost to each other.

Her mind was singing Enrique Iglesias song "Lost inside your love".

I could never miss your love

Warm as a Miami day

I could never get enough

Wetter than an ocean wave

Now one is the key

Two is the door

Three is the path that will lead us to four

Five is the time

You kidnap my mind

Into ecstasy

He let her go softly and bit her lower lip in passion. He moans. Her body was all warm, it was indeed december but she was feeling like july. She was breathing heavily and so was he.

He smirked.

"If you dare to screw the other man you know the consequences," he said in a deep huskier voice.

His perfume was all around him. She was unable to resist him and all of her lust for him arose again. Her heart was beating so fast, she never felt like this before. She was a virgin and she never had been touched by a man. It was the first time someone was this much close to her. Someone as hot as fire.

She was staring in his eyes.

He knew what he had done to her body. He wants to tease her even more. He walked closer and looked inside her eyes.

She glub. There was an intense fear and lust in eyes. Fear because a man was coming closer to her for the first time and lust because she wanted that man to make her scream.

He moved his hand on her collarbone and then her cheek. His strong warm hand was enough for her to get triggered. Without thinking anything else because her mind was all blank. She hugged him tighter. There were tears in her eyes.

He lifts her up in his strong arms and brings her towards the bed softly placing her over it. She softly put her head back on the pillow while he came over kissing her forehead.

"I love you Matilda Huston," he said in a whisper.

"I love you too Easton" she said while looking inside his eyes.

He planted a kiss on her forehead.

She was so fragile because of her lust and pain for him. He bends on her in order to kiss her when she closes her eyes. He smirked and then he chuckled.

She opened her eyes, he was smiling at her, she understood that he played with her. She blushed and felt embarrassed because she got inside his honeytrap.

"I am sorry but it was fun," said while slightly laughing, she felt she was getting lost in his beautiful laughing sound.

She looked at him with slightly fake angry expressions.

"I am sorry, i was messing around, I will make love with you Mel but when you will agree, unlike seducing you," he said in a deep voice.

There were a lot of women in his life before Matilda and he never resisted any, all of them were beautiful, sexy and hot even though he did this with a supermodel. He was unable to prevent his sexual urge always but today he was controlling his feral desire.

He took a deep breath and laid down, hugging her softly. She hugs him back.

"I love you Matilda, for what you are," he said in a whisper. He was in the first stage of sleeping.

She was staring at him.

"Did he resist his urge only for me?" she thought. She was staring at his handsome face. It was the first time she realized that this man loves her more than anyone else.


She opened her eyes, the man's odor was around, she felt a heavy hand around her waist, she turned a bit. His handsome face appeared, he was sleeping peacefully. She turned towards him and kissed him over his nose. She smiled and was staring at his soft lips. He looked so handsome. She softly touched his hair.

"I know you like my hair," he said without opening his eyes, making her startled.

"You are awake?" she asked.

"Who wants to sleep when you have such beauty beside you," he said. She blushed.

He hugs her softly, she could hear his heartbeat. He touched her neck, something shining and beautiful was in her neck. It was the same necklace she found the day she was attacked.

"You made it for me?" there was Matilda written over it.

"Is it not oblivious?" he asked while looking inside her eyes. She felt her heart racing fast.

"Matilda Huston, you are the most important person in my life, I will never leave your side" he said while looking inside her eyes. Her eyes filled with tears.

"Why are you crying Mel?" he asked in a deep voice. She never felt this much safer before.

"I am crying because I never felt this much safe and happy before" she confesses. He smiled.

"You are part of me," he said in a whisper. She smiles while he kisses her passionately.

"I can't get enough of you," he said in a whisper.


"I am going to look at how she is making her decision, but she can't do it," said a woman in anger.

"I already said handcuff her but you did not hear me out" he said angrily.

"I thought I could handle her but she ran off" she said while punching the table.

"We still have time, we still have a pawn" said the man.

They both laugh.


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Oh, oh another hurdle? What will happen now? Who are these people?

Find out in upcoming chapter, I really hope you have like this chapter

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