
Living with Arrogant CEO

Matilda Huston is young girl with painful past, she moved to Canada few months back, she got job in world famous multinational company. She met Easton Fanaggaen who is arrogant rich CEO of Fanaggaen industries whose chains are spread through out the world, unknown to her Easton knows more than she know, he asks her to be his fake fiancée in order to run away from marriage his parents has framed for him. Later she come to knows about his secret that shakes her.

Michelle_Zeah_0764 · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter No 19 Dark Past

She was standing in front of the bridge. The water was running like time. She never has thought that her life would take this turn. She never thought that she was gonna fall in love despite her dark past. Thinking about her past she always feels shiver. All she could remember about her past was darkness, pain and loneliness.

15 years back

A little girl who had short hair was standing leaning over the wall terrified. She was so terrified that she was frozen. Her parents were screaming and shouting. Her maternal uncle, aunt and Grandma were there too. They all were fighting and screaming, she doesn't know what they were fighting for? She did not know that this fight would turn physical after a few minutes, she was scared.

She looked at her father who was completely unaware what really was happening to her due to this fight. It was in the corridor of the house where they were fighting, her uncle was screaming from inside of the room while her aunt and mother were fighting outside.

In a matter of seconds her uncle ran out of the room with a broom to hit her father while her father ran to beat him. This was the first physical abuse that a girl has seen at the age of five, a very first memory that haunted her for years, a first step to ruin her childhood.

Her aunt and Mother were screaming. She remembers their word "No", she ran towards the main door where she had gone to collide with her grandma and fell down over the floor, her grandma kicked her over the stomach and went towards the main door.

She slowly got up with her tiny body and ran towards the main door. The door was opened and she saw people gathering around outside to look at what really was going on in the house. She was too tiny to cross that crowd but she did manage to cross people. Now she was running on the road. It was a primitive area where she was living. She was running as fast as she could to finally reach their relatives' house and tell them what was going on in her house.

That day was the worst memory of her childhood. That memory made her different from any other child of her age. She started living alone. People started calling her freak. She used to sit alone through her school years. She was different. She never had been her daddy's prince neither slave or any other title a girl could get from her father, she was indeed a stranger to her household. She never has been close to her family because they always had verbally and physically abused her.

Her mum has told her once that she does not want someone like her calling her "Abnormal". Her father pressured his culture over her telling her to do what he wanted her to do, she was dying from inside. She lost her childhood at a very young age.

Her loneliness has forced her to create imaginary friends and share everything with her. At the age of 11 she started suffering from anxiety. Her parents do not know her, not at all.

She has been harassed in transport while she was traveling with her mother but her mother did not realize that and neither did she tell her because she was not that close to her mother.

Her past was ruined, a complete nothing. She never made a friend except then herself until she entered higher education level. She remembers what it was for her when she applied for admission in university on her own, her mother has never been happy for her. She refused to pay her educational expenses, so she cried for the first time when she showed emotions in front of her family.

She cried and asked her mother "What did I do to you? Why did you do this to me?" her mother instead teased her and broke her heart multiple times. She went into depression.

The anxiety turned into depression, she thought about suicide multiple times but every time she backs off. Life was her punishment. Being different was her torture. Seeing her condition, few people from family convinced her mother to let her take admission in university.

She went to the university. She trusted a lot of people at her time in the university thinking they might be her friend, they will accept her for what she is. She was a bird who was forced to live in a cage, she was a penguin in the race of horses.

She made friends but all of them deceived her until she found Ivan. Ivan made her feel alive, he slowly became the most important part of her life, a brother, a friend, a healer even though she had her own brother but she never felt this bonding to anyone so she started getting attached to Ivan.

Ivan became her best friend and she started sharing everything with him.

Ivan was totally different, but he has his very own reasons. He was broken too. He lost someone he loved most in his, thus, he understood her. She starts wondering how Ivan could understand everything even though she does not speak at all.

She met him late because she came to know him in the very last days of her university, but he became her best friend in a very short time. He was her only friend and family in Malaysia, She says he is a gift.

Life goes on, her mother's verbal abuses were continuously sharp against her. Through out her university life her mum has torture her for paying her expenses. Whenever the time of paying educational payment arrives, she eats up her soul by her words.

"You are useless, why am I paying at all? Who will return this to me? You useless dunderhead?" These were her mother's words.

One day she broke her headphones, she used to wear them while going out because of Eve teasing on the road, she wanted to ignore perverts out there. Her mother abused her very badly. She called her Grandma and asked her

"Will you pay for me? So why am I paying for her? I don't want to take her responsibility," she felt unwanted at that moment.

The four years of her university life were worse than hell for her. She even tried to get a scholarship but her parental background has always refused the request. Her parents belonged to the upper middle class.

All of her classmates ask her to come with them for lunch but she always refuses because she has no money. She felt very bad when they teased her for being poor.

After the degree she applied for Canada, she did not want to live with her toxic parents so she left. Her mother tries to stop her because she wanted to keep her control over her but she left without a word.She left that place where she has always faced discrimination for being a girl.

Present Time

She was staring at the bridge aimlessly when someone hugged her from behind. She recognized him from his unique perfume.

"Easton," she said and her heart flattered. He slightly kissed her neck. Her hair was blowing in the air.

"What happened? You seem a bit low?" he asked while turning her face towards him.

"No, I am fine," she said while looking away.

"No you know you can't hide anything from me," he said while looking inside her eyes.

Her phone started ringing again, she looked at the phone and then to Easton she slightly canceled the number.

"Who is it?" he asked expressionlessly.

"No one," she said without looking at him.

"Someone is teasing you?" he asked angrily. He took the phone from him.

"No it's not like that Easton, you are worrying over nothing," she said smiling and took the phone from him. He gives her a sigh. She took a deep breath and walked towards the car.

"Now come I am hungry, let's go for lunch" she said and got inside the car.

He took his phone and dialed a number.


"I am sending you a number I need to know about, tell me each and every detail of this number," he said and hung up the phone.

"I will know what you are hiding," he said in a whisper.


She was continuously declining the incoming call. Her heart was racing fast. Heart palpation was a symptom that her anxiety is back. She unconditionally put her hand over her chest and took a deep breath.

"This happens when they are around, do they?" she said in a whisper and then she was about to feel a panic attack when he entered the room. By her expressions in a matter of seconds, he understood what really was happening. He ran towards her.

"Mel? What happened? Why are you so pale" he asked worriedly.

"I, I am fine" she said, taking a deep breath.

"No you are not, I am taking you to the doctor" he said. She was taking heavy breaths.

"Easton I…" she was about to say something but he lifted her up taking him down the building through the elevator.


"I have examined her, she is fine physically, but I found some chemical changing in her blood, which means she is going through something, something is hurting her, here is the card, Maria Melson is the best psychologist who might help her about anxiety and depressive disorder, " said the doctor.

"I knew it, I tried to ask her but she refused" he said anxiously.

"Take her to Maria, she will treat her," he said.

He walked slowly towards her. She looked up as if a naughty child got caught red handed. He sat beside her on the waiting chair.

"What is it Mel? Tell me now I know that there is something that is eating you" he asked worriedly.

She looked at the painting on the wall.

"Can we go somewhere quiet?" she asked.

He looked at her and then he nodded.

After twenty minutes they were at the hill station.

"What is it Mel?" he asked while grabbing her shoulders softly.

She took a deep breath.

"My parents," she said.

"Your parents? I never have heard about them. All I know is that you are an orphan" he said, astonished.

"They are alive but dead to me" she said bitterly.

"What do they do to you Mel?" he asked anxiously.

She tells him everything, her painful journey to Canada. He was listening to her silently. In the end she went quiet.

He looked inside her eyes,

"That was your past Mel, I don't have to do anything to it, all I know is about Mel who is standing in front me, the girl I loved, the girl I will always love, there is no past only present and only future. I promise I will never let anyone hurt you Mel and that's the Promise" he said strongly, his blue eyes digging inside hers'.

Her eyes filled with tears. She unlocked her seat belt and set her head over his shoulder while he slowly hugged her. She spreads her arms around him. His black leather jacket was in her fist. She grabbed him so tightly that her knuckle turned white.

"No matter what Easton, I will never leave by your side," she said while looking up in his eyes.

He brought his face down on her and placed his lips over hers'. He was kissing her softly. She was feeling his soft lips over hers'. He was very gentle with her. She wanted him even more. She hugged him even tighter.

She got up and climbed upon him kissing him passionately.

"I love you Easton," she said in a whisper.

"I love you too," he said while grabbing her hair softly.

He was kissing every inch of her face softly. He softly put her down and they started making out in the car. The rain drops were falling upon the car's windows. She sets her head back on the back seat and he climbs up on her.

He was placing his soft kisses on her neck. She moans. He moves up and kisses her forehead.


Hey Readers, Thank you so much for giving such love to this book.

I am so happy, I was not expecting 7000 readers in 20 days. Thank you so much.

I am updating two chapters today

For sneak peak you guys can follow me on instagram @michelle_zeahofficial
