
Living In Harry Potter, A New Story

Going to harry potter has always been a dream for most and luckily Iann get's his chance I Will remove pic if the person wants me to, just leave a review telling me

KillingSoftly · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

12) Relax and Classes (3)....

[A/N: Read Authors note after]


After there DADA class where more kids were just thrown around the room which was actually a fun class, Iann and the others left at the moment they had study hall until dinner. Iann went to work on the homework they got while his friends went off to explore, he only shook his head this weekend he would be free, they wouldn't.

Smiling to himself he stopped by the kitchen getting a light snack before going into the common room, it was home and he couldn't help but sigh in contentment. The sun was setting so with all the windows there was a nice low glow about the room and the roaring fire place made it a great place to just sit and relax after a long day.

There was a group of older students already in the room doing their work, it would be perfect if there was a piano inside here. Other than working out and cooking he was talented in singing and his Piano skills, but he couldn't just make one appear or he would get looked at like he was crazy.

These were the times that he also wanted to be able to make a speaker or stereo work here so that he could play so Lofi Hip-Hop, he couldn't do it now or everyone would ask for one. That would just lead to them wanting to know how he made it and he could make up some nonsense without going back to the first point so he let that thought die.

He saw Dora and thought of an idea before smiling he went over whispering something in her ear before she grin and nodded, they both went to his room before coming back out. Everyone watched as Dora levitated a Piano inside putting it in the corner that had nothing else in it, everyone had a question mark face but they just set it up.

After thanking her he sat on the bench and thought of a song it didn't really matter what he did for his first one since he was only going to be doing this occasionally. Everyone watched him with interest as his fingers started gracefully going across the keys.

(Naked, Song by James Arthur)

Hey, you there

Can we take it to the next level, baby, do you dare?

Don't be scared

'Cause if you can say the words, I don't know why I should care

'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can

But all you ever do is mess it up

Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear

That getting half of you just ain't enough

I'm not going to wait until you're done

Pretending you don't need anyone

I'm standing here naked

I'm standing here naked

I'm not gonna try 'til you decide

Hearing him they all slowly stopped to listen, his voice was smooth but had a gritty feel to it as he slowly sung out the lyrics, eventually closing his eyes. Iann got lost in the song it was a favorite of his in the past and while there were millions to choose from he went with this just cause it was nagging him.

The person who sung it wouldn't be alive for years so he started with it, he mainly did it to get it out of his head just so he can stop wanting to hear it. The common room was already pin drop silent listening to him sing and get really into the song.

You're ready to swallow all your pride

I'm standing here naked

I'm standing here naked

Hey, get out

I've got nothin' left to give for you give me nothin' now

Read my mouth

If you ever want me back, then your walls need breakin' down

'Cause here I am, I'm givin' all I can

But all you ever do is mess it up

Yeah, I'm right here, I'm tryin' to make it clear

getting half of you just ain't enough

I'm not going to wait until you're done

Pretending you don't need anyone

By this time he was lost in it and almost everyone from his house was there listening most swaying or nodding to the melody, he had changed it a little to fit with and entire Piano piece. Towards the end he started singing softer and softer as he came to a close in the song.

It was silent until someone started clapping and then they all were, that broke him out of his stupor and he looked around smiling a little, Dora was next to him cheering the loudest. She had heard him before, but he hardly does it since he was spending most his time reading in his library or hanging playing games with his cousins so she didn't hear it a lot.

Iann stood up and did a mock bow saying he would play every now and then that they would have to wait until tomorrow for him to do it again. Some people tried to get him to keep going, one girl even offering to be his first kiss, but he laughed it off saying he would do more than one on the weekend when he didn't have homework.

The rest of that day was him finishing all his homework though it was a lot even if they weren't in class that long he expected more before the week was up, no way they were only doing one parchment. Sighing he leaned back into a chair smiling at Dora and Cedric who was laughing about the jokes they started at dinner earlier.

---Next Day

This morning was different though Iann did go running Cedric joined him after learning he did it, Lina and Sammy declined saying they needed beauty sleep. Laughing them off the did it alone, "So when are we going to start working on Occlumency?" Cedric asked panting a little as they headed back towards the common room.

"This weekend, I figured we will have more time then since it is something that will take awhile, since you only saw me and not how I did it I'm not worried so much." Iann said smiling at his friend who was dragging his feet.

"Oh alright well I'm ready whenever just let me know."

The two made it back before breakfast then showered before going to it, Cedric was glad he made a shower when he also realized there was only bath's in the place. Walking to breakfast they saw more people wearing casual clothes, they themselves had switched with Cedric wearing yellow while he wore black.

After breakfast the first class of the day was two hours Transfiguration before two hours Charms, following that was flying before they had History of Magic to end the day. The class wasn't near the others but Cedric and Iann were able to find it, Iann saw Professor McGonagall sitting on the table in her cat form but didn't mess with her.

Bullsh*t she would sit there and let someone mess with her she was a master in her field along with being a human being she would absolutely scratch someone's eyes out for touching her. He was not touching her even if someone paid him, then it would just be awkward the moment she changes back if she didn't do anything and left him pet her.

After awhile seeing as she was waiting for more people to come in he took out his books and read, this was going to be his biggest challenge yet and he knew it. Though most Fan-Fics said that with the help of their big brains and science that it would help, he again called Bullsh*t.

Science contradicts magic in the changing of different matters, while it would help it would also cloud someone's mind when they are changing something, since the science would slow them down. Unless you have studied for years it would help but little knowledge wouldn't help at all.

Iann was lost in thought so much that everyone was already starting to work on the match stick while he just glared at it. Looking at science and changing matter he thought about Solid, Liquids, and Gases none helped him with changing wood to silver it was more than just those.

If you wanted to really do this it was 10% intent, 10% imagination, and 80% magic, if you just used muggle thinking then you wouldn't actually get this done since you can't change wood to metal. Looking at it Iann whispered "[Magic Eyes]" he looked around the room watching the flow of magic before raising his hand.

"Yes Mr. Edwards?" Professor McGonagall said looking at him.

"Do you mind showing me again, I think I can get it but I'm stuck on something." He said with a shy smile from her stare, she raised a brow but did it and he followed her magic with his eyes.

He couldn't explain what he was seeing in scientific terms but he could if you just used your imagination, the magic was more of an illusion that actually changes to real matter. Glaring at his match stick he took his wand and tried to copy the flow of magic he saw coming from her but when he did it, it didn't work out so well.

Though he tried his hardest only the tip changed into a dull tip of metal, but when he was getting happy he lost concentration and it went back to normal. Growling a little he leaned back in his seat and thought it over it was going to take more than one lesson to get this done.

While it was his choice to come to this world he really did despise the magic system he should have made it a wish to make all magic easier or in a different form for everyone. There were other kids who had his same problem with only one or two who actually did it so there was that that made him happy, Cedric was in the same boat as him though.

After that hell of a class he was mentally exhausted, thankfully Charms were easier for him, he thought about Runes he was going to learn this weekend. He had already found some books that he didn't find in the library and gave them to Bill to study so that he could teach him those when the time came.

Bill was excited seeing the rare books and went off immediately to go study them with the promise to keep them a secret about who he had gotten them from. Now he just hoped that Flying class would hurry up he actually rode a broom before and it was super easy for him to get that class over with.

Like that the rest of the day passed just like he hoped Flying class was easy without problems and while he didn't sing again he did play the piano just to relax everyone even more. Now the rest of the week would be a breeze, oh though the History of Magic class did put him asleep that was something that was true that ghost was boring as hell.

Some might not agree with what I did in the Transfiguration class but I am showing that he isn't just following other fan fics or doing random things.....

With his word magic he could do it all but to actually get there with his wand he has to practice, and I can plainly call bs when it comes to the science part of Transfiguration

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts