
My First Life [1]

Hey..., do you wanna know my life story? no?... well you kinda have to. here's how it goes

The day's 28 October 2003, 00.18 PM, it was the time when i was born... i'm born on a hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia, My Mother was really exhausted after giving birth to me and with her last breath she named me Vulop Xestia, don't worry it's just her last breath before she sleeps...

In the next few years when i reached 3 years old, 28 October 2006 to be precise my parents gave me a sister, they name her Vallerie Xestia, she's the cutest!!! gotta put that exclamation mark to further prove my point! she's the most cheerful and energetic girl that i've ever seen in those 4 years, i loved her alot and doted on her alot. Oh, and our birthday matched too!!!

After my sister was born, i lived my life pretty peacefully until i was 14 years old, it was just an endless cycle of wake up, eat, brush my teeth, take a bath, go to school, sometimes go to course, go home, play games and play with my sister, eat, watch tv, sleep, repeat. Most of my days is fulfilled by those series of actions. Life kinda gets dull right at that point, i was hoping for some action or romance or something in my senior high school life, getting a girlfriend is a preferable option, if i could get one though.

'Damnit, tomorrow is the first day of school, after two months of break, i didn't feel like going to school anymore, well at least the first three days is MPLS [1], well, at least i still got 1 day left...'

The next day, July 18 2018, i used my usual school routine, and got to school a little early before the time to go to class so i can talk with my Junior High School Friends, i got 2 best friends that went to the same school with me, their name are Brian and Darren, we've been friends since grade 5 of elementary school so it's a pretty long friendship.

After i arrived at the school, i was asked to wait in the hall to have a flag ceremony before i got grouped for MPLS. Before the flag ceremony started i met up with my 2 friends and have a chat for a while, while waiting for the flag ceremony to start. The flag ceremony started 40 minutes after i arrived... i gotta say there are so many late people in my grade. It lasted for 35 minutes which made my legs ached from standing still too much.

After the flag ceremony ended, the teachers introduced themself to the students, and then started calling our names to group us, i was placed into the group "Aries" with 9 other students, the group consists of none of my close friends, 3 people that i have ever talked with, 4 people i knew and 2 new students from other schools. My other 2 friends ends up in "Taurus" and "Cancer".

Each group got a mentor from the grade above to guide us while doing the MPLS activities and to ease the mood up and release the awkwardness from making new friends. I was not too bothered about it until our group mentor showed up... she was a gorgeous girl, at least from my perspective..., with her small body size and round face, small eyes while wearing a circular shaped glassed that matched up perfectly with her face, and her alluring lips, while her hair was styled as a ponytail....she looked really cute, i'll feel bad but i gotta push off my sister from number 1 on my cuteness chart to number 2 and put her into my Numero Uno!!!

With all of that combined, i just want to ran up to her lift her up, go to a bed or sofa, put her on my lap and hug her from behind, then play with her cute cheeks once in a while and start pampering her ALOT!!! It was just my fantasy but i have the urge to break all of my moral laws and do that to her....

From my reaction just by seeing her once, it has got to be love at first sight, i straight up made a goal to get her as my girlfriend, i've ever had a crush at some girls before her but never this much, this amount love at first sight is just absurd!

After her arrival she greets us with her angelic voice and then guides us to our group's place and asked everybody to sit down in a circular shape, i of course chose to sat beside her. She then introduced herself as Agnes, Ooh what a beautiful name MY GOD!!!

She asked us to introduced ourself, the usual, names, hooby, our previous school and all that, starting from her left which is me, i got startled since i was staring at her while she turns her head to my direction. That was a very awkward moment for me so i just blurred up my name while stuttering, then my hobby and my previous school. She must think i'm shy or something because she chuckled lightly after i did that. Then continued by the person beside me and so on till everyone's done. She then proceed by telling us what we will be doing for the next 3 days.

To summarize the MPLS in 3 words, Agnes, Is, An, Angel!

That was 4 words but i think it's because my love for her is messing with my brain damnit!!!

in those 3 days i barely pay attention to what we're all doing and just sneak a glance at Agnes here and there, talk to here once in a while, sometimes i subconsciously added a flirting tone when i'm talking to her, me trying to get close to her was so obvious that everybody in my group knows that i'm interested in Agnes, well except Agnes herself [Probably] since she's not with us all the time, she got work to do as a mentor, duh. My obviousness led up to me being friends with my group so it all worked out in the end.

At the last day, right at the last session for our MPLS, she gave us each a letter and a gift to thank us for cooperating in those 3 days even though i barely did anything on the 3 days... After she gave us our gifts, the teacher coordinating the MPLS asked all of us to line up to take a photo together, and take a photo for each group, after all that is done, they told us to work hard in our classes and don't slack off, and the usual inspirational stuffs and we began to leave the hall.

I've made up my mind to confess to her after almost everybody had left since i don't know when i will have the chance to do that again. I for once will be brave and took the risk to be humiliated by a senior! Nothing can change my mind, i will definitely confess to her today!

I look for her, she was talking with her friends so i waited for her to be alone, after 20 minutes of waiting i saw her leaving her friends and walked out of the hall alone, i took this chance and ran up to her with confidence in my heart!

[1] MPLS is an acronym, its an activity that is usually 3-5 days long [in my country] that is used to make new students of the school adapt with their new school environment and make friends.

*A Letter / Message for my friends, if you are not "Bryant" or "Jason" don't read this next part*


Dapet juga akhirnya, lama gk nyarinya lol, btw 3 chapter selanjutnya aneh jadi skip aj, kalo mw baca, You Have Been Warned


First chapter just used to tell MC's first life

there's second part coming

tomorrow i will probably release 2 chapters since its weekends

if not then 1 chapter tomorrow then 3 chapters on sunday

Vulopcreators' thoughts