
Limitless: The Evergreen System

The event known as "The Quake" changed the world forever. Rifts, inter-dimensional gateways, opened and let loose magic upon the Earth. Soon followed monsters, mutated animals and fantasy beasts! People imbued with magic, wielding powers akin to mythical heroes, rose up to fight back the stream of horrors, creating a new world order in the process. Many years later, a young man named Alberto Ferantelli will stumble upon an ancient and powerful artifact that could be tied to the origin of the Quake. Now connected to a cosmic force, Alberto has been given a System that allows him to "Level Up" and constantly become stronger! He has the power to become anything, choose any path. What will he do with all the power in the world? What will he become? The possibilities are Limitless!

IP2 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Apex (Part 2)

The great Chieftain was facing a small swirl in space and time, a Rift node! This is the result of a Rift that had closed but still fed off residual magic in the area. When there was no core to sustain it, a Rift would collapse after a few days, destroying whatever copied version of a distant reality it lead to. As Rifts didn't lead to actual alternate versions of Earth, but copies of them. Fleeting reflections captured in a prism. The creatures inside lived as they would normally and to other beings, like Berto they were very much alive. However, failure to escape their mirrored reality would mean their inevitable extinction after the rift was destroyed or simply ceased to be.

Seeing their panic and desperation, Berto couldn't help but feel sorry for them. But he could not stop.. would not stop! These beings would have turned his mother's shelter into their personal "meat storage" and terrorized everyone with their cruel pagan atrocities. No race deserved extinction, not even a reflection of one.. but he would bare this sin for the good of his own people. And with that he charged ahead, axe in hand and a roaring Quetzalcoatl by his side!

The Temple Guardians here were obviously protectors of the Chieftain. They were equipped with big leather shields, shaped like diamonds and big gnarly cleavers, spattered with blood and gore. The first one came at the Mariner directly, with movements slow and predictable for the budding warrior. What they had in strength and durability they certainly lacked in agility. He slid across the muddy terrain and once he got a better footing, hacked at its leg like a woodcutter trying to fell a scaly tree! The reptilian brute roared in agony as it felt the stone axehead embed itself in its thigh and scrape bone as the human yanked it out!

It reached to grab the small mammal, to crush it beneath his mighty clawed hand but the crafty devil kept jumping in its blind spot and taking shots at its leg, until the appendage stopped functioning properly. The brute buckled over and fell, face first into the mud as its Hunter subordinate finally mustered the courage to come and assist. Berto picked up the Guardian's leather shield and took a defensive stance. As the Hunter reeled back its spear to thrust it towards his enemy, Berto lunged forward blocking the attack before it was even executed. He kicked the Hunter a meter back and then twisted around, unleashing a Shield Bash in the face of the downed Temple Guardian, knocking him completely to the ground once more!

Mariah: Kick landed successfully, 7 damage dealt! Shield Bash landed successfully, 10 damage dealt!

The Hunter was now at 70% of its full health while the Guardian was at 40%. Nhori the Quetzalcoatl, as Berto called her now, was keeping busy with the second Guardian. The hulking Guana was a physical match for the ferocious beast but could not cope with being held at bay with ranged attacks. Little by little the winged jaguar was wearing down her opponent with barrages of glass feather daggers, while staying out of its melee reach. The Chieftain, during all this, did not stand idle as he concentrated all his Mana and effort into opening the rift. He would drink the blood of the Clan's enemies from a golden cup even if he were the only one amongst them to survive!

Berto finally ended the Hunter's life with an overhead chop, his stone axe sticking into the creature's snout, halfway through to its skull! He then ended up breaking the crude weapon upon striking the Guardian again as it stood up. The brute could barely stand on its busted leg but Berto was unarmed now. They stared each other down before rushing in for a mighty clash of strength. The Guardian brought down its cleaver with all it had while the Mariner countered with a rising Shield Bash! The weapons clashed and rock splintered bone as the cleaver tore into the shield's frame, before being knocked out of the Guana's hand! Unyielding, the hulking hulking Lizardman tried to grapple the youth with a desperate bear hug!

The Mariner grabbed a small object from his pack as he dashed backwards, avoiding the deadly embrace. The object was a small bundle of leaves tied together with strands of fiber. Berto through it at the Temple Guardian as he evaded his grapple. The flimsy thing became undone on impact, releasing a small puff of chalk-like powder. The brutish reptile inadvertently inhaled most of it and started coughing, sneezing and eventually gasping for air. Berto then rushed the incapacitated Lizardman, sending it to the ground with a final Shield Bash at the back of its knees. The Temple Guardian's nostrils were now bleeding and its eyes were so watery that it barely see.

Mariah: Lung Fire Bomb, successfully deployed! Temple Guardian is suffering under its effects, -30% awareness, -30% mobility. 11 points of damage inflicted.

The Mariner approached the struggling creature and relieve it of its large cleaver weapon. Berto, even with his increased strength needed both hands to handle the unwieldy instrument of war. But even like this, it was still good for an execution. As Berto finished off his opponent, the Koto Nhori was dragging its own hulking reptilian through the mud by the ankle. The jaguar had mauled its foot, rendering it useless. The brute kicked the cat with remaining good foot and freed himself albeit temporarily. The Quetzalcoatl jumped in the air aggravated and came down, wings first, in a stabbing motion! Its wings, first pierced the downed creature with dozens of blade-like feathers and then it spread them once more, rending apart the Guardian's flesh.

Mariah: 29/30 Green Scale Clan slain!

"I don't know if you've noticed but.. its just you now.." Berto stated to the Chieftain, who was so absorbed with its work on the Rift, it had barely registered the scrap that had just ended. The chief gave up on the futile endeavour and turned to face his clan's killer. The reptilian monstrosity was a head and a half taller than the tallest Guardian they had faced so far. Its scaly hide had a more blueish tint to it and he was more muscular than any other Guana. He wore a ceremonial armor that didn't seem very practical and bore a golden headdress of some kind. In one hand it held a large shield, similar to what the Guardians had but seemed much more complex in its make. On the other hand it had a large battle-axe equipped, as a weapon of choice.

[Zavzach Ryzz - The Blood Shaman Lv.11] its title read as it approached menacingly. It started speaking in its serpentine, abyssal tongue and Berto squinted at the monster, trying to understand anything, at least by its demeanor. However the chief's words were lost on the soft skinned non-believer. Zavzach roared into the sky and was enveloped in an aura of red Mana that also seemed like it contained small droplets of blood! The Chief could feel his power swelling as the death of all his clan members was now empowering him! Berto pondered for a second on what this ability was and how it worked before nodding and saying "Yeah.. No..".

The chieftain didn't even get to finish its battle cry properly as an object hit its open jaw with great velocity and shattered on impact! A puff of white powder filled its mouth and forced the once proud warrior on its knees gasping for air. "It's not that I'm not afraid of you.. I really am.." continued Berto as he retrieved his final Alchemical concoction, one he had been saving since the Temple of the Sun. "It's just that.. compared to Kotor Cul, you're not that special. I took down your entire clan and.. I don't feel like like fighting you.. I have nothing to prove here. You thought you could assault my world, my mama's school, torment this animal and we'd just let you escape? I'm sorry but.. the clan ends with you..".

Berto finally threw the last Acid Mist Grenade at the monster. It exploded with a colorful puff of blue and the chieftain was enveloped by a burning sensation. It coughed and belched as it crawled towards Berto. Its slow movement allowing more time for the mist to extract its deadly toll. As it clawed its way forward it was suddenly bombarded by a volley of dagger-like feathers! Over a dozen of them pierced its sturdy skin by an inch or so. Covered in wounds and melting skin the chieftain continued forward, grasping at whatever modicum of pride he had left. Another barrage of feathers came and now, Zavzach was a bloody pincushion of melting skin, running eyes and burning lungs. He never stood a chance, he knew that now but his glorious past would not allow him to yield. He had brought these savages together under his rule, caught the mighty Sun Hunter and built a Temple to honor the Sun god! He raised his head in defiance, looking upon his slayer, waiting for a warrior's death.

Berto, drawing his longblade, now broken in half, stabbed the creature under its jaw thrusting the shattered blade almost up to its brain. He twisted violently and it was over..

Mariah: Zavzach Ryzz has been slain! 30/30 Green Scale Clan slain! Mission accomplished! 1500xp gained from defeating Zavzach. 2 Mutation Points awarded for defeating Zavzach. 1000xp awarded for satisfying mission parameters. 3165/3500xp to level 11.

The young man, discarded his broken weapon and let out a sigh of relief. He had done it. The Rift was now opening itself through the power of the Evergreen and the promise made to him. He looked upon the defeated Chieftain and after some consideration, lay his body on its back and placed its axe in its closed hands. "I hope somewhere out there, you and your people are continuing to live.. Maybe even long enough for you to become better.." said the survivor and picked up the chieftain's shield which looked completely intact, even after the pair's assault on its wielder.

Mariah: Guana ceremonial Round Shield found! +10 Defence Rating, resistant to all non-magical damage.

Berto inspected the fine bone frame, leather wrapping, gold plates and ornaments of the intricately made item. He nodded in approval and equipped it before walking towards the gate. He didn't look back as his feelings welled up just hearing the sound of paws following him. "Well.. I guess this is goodbye?" he finally said addressing the majestic Quetzalcoatl that stood behind him. "I mean I wouldn't even know how to explain to anyone what you are or if its safe having you around". Nhori frowned at his display of emotion and sat down, curiously monitoring its partner.

Mariah: User Berto, I know you think leaving the Koto Nhori behind is what's best for it but you must not forget.. This world is but a reflection of another and it will soon cease to exist. Leaving her here, will not protect her..

"Well taking her with me wouldn't be any better.. they'll hunt her down.. The Champions would never understand. I've never heard of any monster tamer amongst them before!"

Mariah: You could hide her from them. There is always the transfiguration option. It has worked for you and we believe it is possible to transfer the effect to at least one magical being such as her, because of your connection.

Frustrated that he wasn't able to summon a sub-dimensional pocket to carry items and because he wanted to hide his identity, Berto had discovered a "trick" with the help of his administrator. When Berto transformed, from his mana infused body back to normal, he was able to also cast away all Mana infused items on him, including worn equipment and clothing. When he transformed again by saying "En Touto Nika" all the items returned to his body as they were before. It would be a great way to be able to go into "Action mode" as he called it and hide his identity when the time demanded.

Mariah: This procedure will come at the cost of ongoing Mana consumption. As long as the Quetzalcoatl remains transfigured, your Mana body will have less Mana upon transforming. We have calculated that cost to... 10 Mana points. A steep price indeed.

"So in short.. the next time I go into Action Berto mode, I will only have 6/16 magic points and will have to recharge.. If Nhori remains transfigured however my cap will be 6 because I'm constantly drained of the remaining 10 points by the Evergreen.."

Mariah: Correct..

"But.. what kind of transfiguration would this even be? I mean, when I relinquish my mana I just go back to being regular ass Alberto.. but Nhori is basically a jaguar!"

Mariah: And you are concerned she will revert to a "regular ass" jaguar..

"Again.. unnecessary sass.."

Mariah: The transfiguration is controlled by your conscious and subconscious mind. You are the one who wills the shape, the Evergreen will simply guide the process.

"Ok.. ok.. I think I got this. Let's try it out.. I can feel this place already collapsing around me so we need to get moving!" Berto said and approached the gateway to his dimension while also signaling to the big cat, which headed his call. The young man kneeled before it and placed his hands on its cheeks, petting it as he felt the powerful muscles that controlled its jaws flex. He took a deep breath and then exhaled, speaking the words "I am.. myself". As he did, a hundred or more, orbs of golden light flew out of his body and what remained was a normally clothed Alberto, with his untrained body, no gear or trinkets, holding a large spotted cat.

A correction had been made. Nhori is a Jaguar. This also aligns better with Aztec culture, which is also the theme of the Rift.

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