
Limitless Hell Ascension

I’m a Nephilim, The very moment I heard those words I knew that my life would change, I could either become a protector who would sacrifice myself to save Humanity or Submit to the darkness to protect those I love. The only choice now is to accept what I’ve become !!!DISCONTINUED!!! WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED!

cain_arxchaic_8 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

I think we should be friends!

Stepping into the Large mansion I expected to be met with an interior that matched the outside, surprisingly, the interior was much more normal looking. The wall a forest green with brown and black accents and white furniture, any indication that the house was expensive only came from the large hall that Ariana and I were standing in.

"My dad is at the company right now so he won't be home for a while but I'm sure that Mom, Arya and Julia is here" Arya must be the younger sister, I read a little about their family a few months ago, she should be starting her first year of high school. I haven't heard of Julia though.

"I know Arya is your sister, but who is Julia?" She must not have expected me to know about Arya because her face had a look of surprise before turning into realization. She must've remembered that her family isn't exactly unknown.

"Julia's our maid, she's been with us for a little over 4 years, she's very nice" I've just realized but her way of speaking is almost childish.

"Hey Sis! Welcome back, how was your- wait, who is that?" A girl barely half the size of Ariana burst down the stairs, I assumed she wasn't expecting anyone considering she was wearing an oversized shirt and shorts, my guess is that this is Arya.

"Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Leo, a friend of Ariana's, I assume you must be Arya?" The girl who had just made her way down the stairs was much smaller than I originally assumed, barely reaching up to my chest.

"Uh yes, nice to meet you, My name is Arya!" Whether she didn't hear me or was just introducing herself formally, she looked flustered, probably noticing the different in size. I by no means was a small person, I was nearly 6'3 and had a relatively athletic body, not to mention a pretty decent looking face, of course, this is what I've been told.

"Awww, she thinks you're a cutie.." I knew Azel would say something about this situation but I wasn't expecting that, I decided not to say anything about it.

"Damn, tough crowd" While the situation was an awkward one, a remark from Azel wasn't necessary.

"So Ariana, now that I've gotten you home, I wanted to know if we can talk about our agreement?" Clearly remembering that not only we had a deal but that I couldn't stay for long.

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot, let's go to my room so we can talk" While we both left to go to Ariana's room I couldn't help but notice Arya's face completely flushed red, she must've thought of something but I couldn't think of what.

"She probably thinks y'all are gonna do something fun" obviously knowing exactly what Azel was implying I couldn't help but turning a bit red myself but I quickly calmed down.

"Well here's my room, Come in and I'll help you" entering Ariana's room I expected to see a girlish style, but it looked closer to my room than any thing, posters of video games scattered on the wall, a computer in the corner and a few other tiny decorations, the I my difference was the size of the room.

"Ok, so you wanted a way to get to all 5 sectors without having to pay a large fee or get followed by a enforcer, that seems simple enough" upon finishing her Speech she sat at the computer and after typing for sometime a rather fancy printer on the opposite side of the room went off. She retrieved the small card like item from the machine and held it up to me.

"This is a Black Card, it should allow you to travel between each sector for free and unfollowed for up to a year or until I renew it." That type of thing exists? I've never heard of a card being used to cross sectors without a permit from an Elite ranking city official.

"What do you mean renew?" Remembering she said renew in her words before I obviously was curious to what she meant.

She seemed to get embarrassed by my words and followed up with a response

"If you become my friend I'll renew the card for as long as you'd like." Seriously, that's it? While yes it would be great to have a black card that wouldn't expire, I felt that I also gain by getting a friend, my first for that matter.

"I'll accept, but how do you know I won't just use you for your authority?" She seemed to contemplate my words obviously thinking more into than she may have been before.

"Yeah, I knew that could happen but for some reason I feel like I can trust you, I don't think you're that kind of person" while yes I'm not that kind of person, it's odd for her to know that, considering she's only known me for 9 hours, I wonder..

"Hey Indra, does your Powers change the way people perceive me?" I had been thinking about this for a while since I've noticed more people than before looking at me or wanting to talk to me, Pretty much since I first met Azel and Indra.

"Yes, I'm surprised you noticed, based on a persons spiritual alignment, such as good of Bad, a perspective would be changed, for me people would trust you more or be more inclined to tell you stuff, and for Azel people could either fear you or be attracted to you, of course you will eventually be able to control both after you have got better control over both of our powers" while this was quite useful if made me feel as it the only reason she wanted to be my friend was because of Indra's presence.

"Ok, if you think so I'm willing to be your friend." Upon hearing my words Ariana immediately lit up with joy, similar to when a child is told they can get ice cream.

"REALLY, REALLY?, YAY THANK YOU-" while this was wholesome and all I felt like my Mental enhancement was about to run out, and I didn't want to find out what happens when it does.

"Ok I have to get home, my parents are probably looking for me.. oh yeah, give me your number so we can talk later" she, of course, as I expected, grabbed my phone and input her number into it, at a insanely fast speed none the less. She also handed me the card along side my phone.

"Ok, I'll call you later and we can talk" I just nodded my head and left as fast as i could, feeling the enhancement fading by the second. As I barely made it out the gate to the mansion I felt a incredible sharp pain in my head, almost like a thousand needles.

"Calm down Leo, it's just the side effect of the long duration on the enhancement" hearing indras words I could tell that he knew this would happen.

"Why didn't you tell me" the pain subsiding and being replaced by a slight headache.

"We were both curious to know how long you can uphold a mental enhancement, needless to say, we are surprised you can hold it for nearly half a day. Most Angel-Nepheli wouldn't have made it passed 2 hours without passing out" well, despite the fact that they clearly had a bet with each other about my will, I was relieved I knew the duration on my enhance ability.

"We have some things to talk about when we get home"