
Limitless Hell Ascension

I’m a Nephilim, The very moment I heard those words I knew that my life would change, I could either become a protector who would sacrifice myself to save Humanity or Submit to the darkness to protect those I love. The only choice now is to accept what I’ve become !!!DISCONTINUED!!! WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED!

cain_arxchaic_8 · Fantasía
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11 Chs

I’ll keep my promise..

As we arrived at our house I told both Indra and Azel to stay quiet so i didn't accidentally say something to my family. Coming into the house I was hoping no one would say anything to me but of course that's not how it's gonna go.

"Leo? Welcome home son, you've been gone nearly the entire day." The first person to say something was my dad, Arthur Elliot Latham, he worked under a company that dealt with affairs related to the tower, my mother, Mia Elizabeth Latham, works at a company that rehabilitates modified people, my sister, Aura Latham, being 13 obviously didn't have a job.

"Oh hey honey, foods almost done so come and eat, we are having Chicken Curry" my mom who spoke next.

Sitting down to eat I could smell the familiar aroma of my moms cooking, the heat pouring in from the living room heater, it was a calming experience considering the events that have happened within the past 24 hours.

"Where have you been all day?, we were worried, you did leave without saying anything" I'm pretty positive they don't know about Indra or Azel, let alone the existence of revenants, so I only told them half the truth.

"Oh I went downtown to look around for a game I wanted, and on the way there I ran into a girl, spent the day with her and then I came back home." While I'm leaving out numerous important details such as who, what, when, why and how. I'm certain they'll probably just ask if she's my friend or if we're dating.

"Did you use protection?" Taken aback I honestly wasn't expecting my dad to say anything like that, my mom, who smacked my dads shoulder as to say 'seriously' he just shrugged in response.

"Augh dad, seriously? I just met her today" glad that conversation is over because I already have trouble enough telling them normal stuff, I don't need the added stress from a joke told by dad.

"Well, who is she, what's her name, how old?" My mom obviously began questioning me like a psychopathic detective and I of course had to answer.

"Her name is Ariana Elcroft, she's in her early 20s and she's really nice, now goodbye I'm going to sleep!" I left as fast as I could before my moms questions evolved into 'when are you two gonna date? Does she think your cute, do you think she's cute?'

I'd rather not answer anything of that variety, besides I have more important stuff to talk about.

"Alright. Indra, Azel. You two can talk again" I'm sure after today they would either have questions for me or I for them, so I waited patiently for the first question they had

"Ok Leo , after seeing a Low tier revenant today, what do you think about them" Indra was the first to break the silence asking about the first event that happened today.

"It seemed simple enough, but what do you mean by low tier?" I was obviously questioning this since I was curious if they were ranked similarly to angels and demons.

"Revens are ranked from low to superior, or in better terms. F to S and up, the one you faced today was a F tier, we obviously weren't gonna send you after a D or above without proper training." So that was one of the weakest ones I could face, and I used all of the enhance ability on my mind and it was still that difficult.

"Ok if that was a low then what would that make you two in correlation to their ranks?" If that took all of the energy that I had to control that then they must be much more terrifying than I originally believed.

"If we were both at full power as well as at our prime, I would be at a low A rank and Azel would be at a high B. Of course now they we are both in the vessel of a nepheli our power scales differently." Great, I'm expected to hunt and get rid of these revens but there so much more powerful than we could handle.

"Also, Your power will be different from other nepheli, other nepheli with Angel or Devil have a really high base power but a low potential, you however have a lower base power but a extremely high potential, nearly Primordial if I'm correct" Primordials? So there's a chance they could exist as well.

"Ok, now that you know about Revens, your power and how this would work, are you willing to accept becoming a Nepheli?" While I'd like to remain as a normal person I feel like if I do that I would be killing hundreds maybe thousands of people, including my family.

"Yes, I'll do whatever it takes to make sure that my family and anyone else is safe"

"Ok kiddo, now that you've accepted the role you're entitled to some benefits and features!" Whatever Azel was yelling into my head about benefits and teachers or something It was loud.

"For one, We can now teach you all of the abilities we know, well, until you start forgetting that is. Two, once you reach a certain affinity with our powers you'll eventually be able to go to heaven or hell, alive, of course. Three, you will be able to attend the next primordial meeting between the 7 races, Revens won't be attending obviously" So abilities, going to hell or heaven and attending a party. Some great features I've been introduced to.

"We will have to improve your understanding of all of the energies you possess but I want to ask something of you, if me and Azel were to die, use whatever energy you have remaining from the both of us to destroy any trace of your Nepheli presence, you have to promise, Leo"

"Alright Indra, I promise"