
Chapter 3: Fired

Lily's POV

I was exhausted by working continously for that rich family which had just entered our hotel . The parents had no control over their children. The children were just running all over the place, knocking different doors and giggling. If I would have been their mum, I would have given them a tight slap.

Yes, I work in a hotel DYNAMITE as a butler. I need to take care of the room takers. These time I have been handed a well to do rich family of four. Mr. and Mrs. Keynes have come here with their two notorious elements, Jackie and Bella. Mr. and Mrs. Keynes are new to the place so they'll live in this hotel for a few days, do a tour of the town, and then choose their house to live in. Till then I have to constantly struggle with those two spoiled brats until the couple returns. Right now I am just relaxing on the sofa when I saw the two babies fighting with each other.

"Give me back my pebble, I have collected it from the shore," poor Bella cried as Jackie seized a pebble from her hand. "No, I got it now. So it's mine." "Sister Lily help me, he's not giving me back my pebble," she pushed against my dress.

"Jackie return it." I commanded as if he would listen. He ran outwards with full speed. I too ran behind, followed by little Bella. The boy entered the chief's dining area and crawled under the table, scattering all its contents. The bowls had fallen on the floor and crashed to bits. Food was spilled here and there,but Jackie continued to run. He ran towards the pool area, I didn't knew what to do so I ran behind him.

"Hey, You boy come back, or wait...", I was running behind him and suddenly as I came near the pool Jackie pushed me and Bella from behind. We were into the water, I screamed for help, Bella was too small she could die of drowning. There was no one around and Jackie stood there laughing at us. But slowly slowly my eyes got shut.

When my eyes opened, I was lying in the medical room. Bella was by my side. Jackie got tensed when we became silent and asked for some staff to help us out. People were sent who rescued us on time. Feeling much better, I moved out of the room. I could hear Bella's mother weep, she was continously crying and saying that I am responsible for the state of her daughter. I hadn't done anything, infact I was the victim and Jackie was framing me.

I entered the hall and shouted at the top of my voice, "Dont lie Jackie, don't you remember how you troubled Bella and me. You made us fall in the pool. Can't you remember... Huh?" I pulled his ears tight, the boy jumped off and began to cry. "See you can't trouble us anymore, because of you I would have lost my baby girl, you're such an irresponsible girl. I don't know how you entered this hotel, such a bloody whore! I'll get you thrown out of this building. Be ready to face the consequences." After saying all this Mrs. Keynes grabbed me by my arm, and began to drag me with her.

Ten minutes later I was out of the hotel. Yes, I had been thrown out of the hotel. I don't have any money with me, I don't know where to go. How would I face my sister and ma at home. How will we survive. I had no idea. After my father's death, I had been working here and earning a livelihood. But today I felt homeless, I had no place to go, I couldn't go home and tell ma and Rosy that I'm fired.

I was sitting on a cold bench. My knees were freezing. I had worn a small skirt and I was not having warm clothes on. Suddenly, I saw an old man walking down the lane. It could be known that he was in need of something. Maybe I should ask him, what if I get a job as his caretaker. Maybe he is too old, and maybe he is a widower, he needs someone to take care of him.

I approached him and bowed, "Hello sir, do you need something," in the same way I used to greet the hotel visitors. The old man gave me a close look from top to bottom. I asked him to sit on the bench. He got at a little ease. I asked him his whereabouts, was he lost? To my surprise I came to know that he was looking for a caretaker for his grandson, as soon he would shift to London with his wife. He would give his grandson some visits, later on but not that much. So he was in need of someone who could take care of his grandson's schedule and all. I asked him if he could be appoint me. I told him about all my history and geography. He carefully examined my each and every document.

"You can come tomorrow morning at this address," the old man said. "Thanks a lot sir, but if you could tell me your name....", I hesitated...

"My name is Alfred Cahn, my grandson's name is Laurie. You must be knowing about LOOMS company, I am it's CEO." Saying this he left.

Yeah, I got a job, finally.... And in such a big house, of course LOOMS is a very popular brand here. People trust their bedsheets and linens. Now I could go home at ease.

Hope you liked the chapter. Don't forget to tell your reviews.