
Chapter 39: This far before

I've survived today. That's all I've done. Survived today – and somehow – I felt incredibly proud of that.

Finally, we could relax together at home. The TV was on in the background but we paid it no attention. Thai takeaway warmed my belly as I ate the last of its contents. Across from me, Luke finished his.

He had ordered us dinner before switching his phone off. We were both exhausted and his phone lay discarded on the table, next to the soy sauce.

"How much sleep did you get last night?" I asked him as we picked up the empty cartons.

I'd scored a couple hours of sleep before Luke carried me to school on his shoulder this morning. I wonder if he caught any.

"Thirty minutes in class," he answered.

He took our chopsticks and I showed him the recycling. I wondered how he'd managed to survive today on no sleep and with an athlete's schedule.