
Chapter 41: Pass the torch

Finally, I arrived at the front of the lunch line. I exhaled in relief and took a tray. A slice of lasagna, a carton of apple juice and I was on my way. I turned towards the drinks section and realized that the people in front of me parted ways. They stepped aside, watching me, as if expecting me to actually walk through that. No, no, no. This is not the Hunger Games and I am not a tribute. I looked ahead at the path they'd paved. It headed straight to Luke Dawson. He was standing in the center of the cafeteria, talking to Austin. He laughed at something Austin said and ran a hand through his hair, unaware of the eyes that were on him. That's when Austin mentioned me and Luke turned around, scanning the lunch line until his eyes landed on me. He smiled and that warm smile reminded me of normality.

This is the Luke I know. Not the basketball player some people idolize.