
Chapter 392 – Crafting the Perfect Body

"You are finally able to craft the perfect body," the unfamiliar Lord said from the side.

The Lord could be described as some kind of weird octopus. His head was only a meter tall, but his tentacles had five times the length. Additionally, his whole body was covered in tough scales.

Of course, this unfamiliar looking Lord was Orthar.

His tentacles ended in long and sharp claws. Yet, instead of being round, his claws had the form of a four-pronged hook. Orthar was able to move them around, and if he put them together, they would take the form of a powerful spear. After penetrating a target with that spear, he could move the hooks around inside the target to injure it or keep himself glued to its body.

He could crawl along his enemy's body, piercing them with many small hooks along the way. His tentacles also had several more hooks that he could move around. This would allow him to open holes to dig into his enemy's body and kill them from the inside.