
Chapter 1293 – Same Way


At that moment, Gravis managed to hit the Ancestor's extended leg with his Form Law from a range. Since Gravis' physical weapon didn't hit the Ancestor, the leg didn't get severed.

However, the Ancestor was only six levels above Gravis, not seven.

Even Cindy had received a cut on her body when Gravis hit her, and the Ancestor's body wasn't as powerful as hers when compared to Gravis' Realm.

The Form Law managed to destroy the skin and muscles of the Ancestor's legs, but it didn't get any further after cutting through half the bone.

The Ancestor had already expected something like that, and he immediately concentrated his Law of Life to focus on the wound on his leg. For now, he ignored his tail. It would take too long to regrow it, and it would take too much Life Energy.


That's when Mortis transformed back into his physical body. Luckily, the two of them had enough Energy inside their bodies so that they didn't fall a level.