
Chapter 122 – Getting Sidetracked

Gravis and Skye had been flying for about four days, with the occasional break, until they started closing in on the southern Lightning Guild of the Middle-Continent. The closer they got, the more serious Gravis got. He knew that this would not be pretty. In the Lightning Guild's eyes, Gravis was a traitor that had killed tens of their disciples, and they would probably make this matter problematic.

Gravis made Skye land when they could see the Lightning Guild on the horizon. How did Gravis know that what he had seen, was the Lightning Guild? That was mainly because of the oppressing, thick layer of black clouds that continually shot lightning onto a vast congregation of black buildings.

Gravis took a deep breath due to his shock. The Proxy-Lightning Guild and this Lightning Guild were like night and day. The Proxy-Lightning Guild had been spartan and simple like a village. There were only grey houses and the essential buildings to keep the guild running.