

About a life where teenage make lots of fun and mistake, and they try to solve there all problem in adulthood ............

_ASTS_ · Fantasía
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5 Chs



After two year.....

(The year's of 2001).....

When eunjo and zoume 5 year's old they start to go to prelimentary school. They are living in the same city but they admitted in to different school...

Eunjo is an active boy. He can do more then one work at a time. So all the teacher love him vary much. He also enjoy his school. Eunjo's parents admitted him in to piano class because eunjo love to play piano...

One day eunjo is learning piano and he notice that someone is looking at him and enjoying piano his piano tunes. After finish his class he come out and see she is his little sister suje. She will admit this school after 1 year. When her home is nearby at the school so she come here to see his brother.

When eunjo see her sister he asked her is she come along...? Whete is her mother..? Suje said that she come along here and her mother is doing shopping nearby. After that eunjo said to suje " this is vary bad, you can't come along here it's dangerous. Ok i wait here my mother will come now i will send you to your mother ". Then eunjo's mother come after a few time. Then eunjo and his mother start to finding suje's mother. They found her mother nearby at the coffee shop with her some friend. They are drinking coffee and talking about themselves. But suje's mother didn't notice that suje is going far from her. After that when eunjo and his mother come then suje's mother notice suje....

Eunjo's mother said to suje's mother that " now a day's so many bad people are wandering every where so keep your child safe from them "....

Suje's mother apologised to them and thanked them. Then suje's mother said " when there have your boy i will send my daughter to this school, so that they can study together. And i will be unworried..... Eunjo's mother said " that's will be good idea. Ok now we have to leave bye.....


Zoume admitted this school where his cousin brother...- (Menak) -..... is studying. Menak is 3 years older then zoume. Zoume and Menak go to school together. Menak always take care of his little sister. Minak's father... - (Younje) -.... and his mother.... - (Moon) -.... love zoume so much....

Zoume's family is stable now. Her parents earn enough money. Now they have repaid their debts.

Zoume's family is now in a good position. Zoume is learning ice dancing. She look cool when she dance over the ice. Menak enjoy her dance. Menak is learning ice hockey because he love it. Menak is good in ice hockey.....



Today menak, zoume and some children are playing. Suddenly rain is falling heavily. Menak is telling to zoume " don't get wet in the rain. You will fall in sick ". But zoume is not listening to menak. She is playing with rain and dancing...

After playing they come back home and clean themself. Zoume is feeling weak and she is sneezing.....

At the night zoume is feeling very unwell and she got fever. Zoume's father and mother is not home today. They are trapped because of rain. So they are staying this night at the restaurant. But zoume is so sick today. Menak's mother is taking care of her. Menak is also worried for her.

Menak's mother and menak take care of her today's whole night.....

In the morning zoume's mother come home and see menak is sleeping beside of zoume. Then menak's mother is telling everything to zoume's mother what they done the previous day. Then zoume's mother is telling to menak's mother " how lucky zoume is..! because she have a caring big brother who always take care of her ". Do you know moon i am unworried now because i know when your son is together with my daughter she will be ok in everytime. Moon is feeling proud for her son. At this moment menak wake up and ms.lemu thanks him and said " menak my boy you are such a good boy, you always help zoume and save her from danger. Thank you my boy for always staying with zoume. I know you will always protect her ". Then zoume's mother go to zoume and she keep her hand on zoume's forehead. " Oh fever is now control. Why you don't listen anyone? Oh my poor baby! why you are so naughty..... ".

After some day they go to field for play. Always they go to new field which one is made by government and they made it recently. So it's really good for play and everyday so many people and children come here for play. But today menak and zoume go to their old field for play. This field is stand beside the garden. It's a sugar-cane garden. It's view is so nice and not many people come here everyday so it's a quite place. Today they come here for play and as today's weather is good so they are enjoying this view. They play all the afternoon and now it's evening time and going to be dark they are going back to their home. They are walking and suddenly they notice some one is screaming so loudly. And there have another people also who is forcing someone. As it's evening and as a garden they can't see clear. So they come closer and see someone is trying to kidnap a little child. At this moment what they will do they can't think. Zoume is also a little child and if they make any mistake then they will take zoume also. There have no people also at the nearby. So they go back and they hide under a bush which is stand beside the road. Suddenly they notice some people is coming from road and then zoume and menak start screaming loudly. As loud as they can. Kidnappers can listen their screaming and they feel scared and they start searching who is screaming. As it's dark now they can't see clear and they failed to find them but they are searching everywhere. As zoume and menak is screaming so loud and they are beside the road so people easily notice them and they are coming this way. Kidnappers also notice someone is coming here so they can't stand here because if they see them then they will done for everything. So they are going back and people also come here. Now zoume and menak come out and go to this child. They find this is a boy and he live in the same area he is their neighbour. This boy is.... (leju)... and he is also zoume and menak's friend. People is asking him what's happen there but as the boy is so scared so he can't tell anything. Zoume and menak tell the people what was happen. People give them advice that... "don't stay outside alone and also go back to home before dark as a little child..... ".

After that they come back home with leju. When they come back they find leju's mother is calling him and searching him. Then zoume, menak and leju go to leju's mother and send leju to his mother. Leju's mother notice leju is scared and looking dull. She asked to leju why he is looking dull and what's happen to him...? After sometime leju is telling the truth to his mother. Leju tell her.." after finish his playing he is coming back to home but at this moment someone call hum and asked his name also asked where his mother is...?" After that he go to them and they was trying to kidnap him amd also they force him. Then he start screaming at this moment zoume and menak also passing this road and they notice his scream and they help him to come out. After listening that leju's mother tell everyone.... " always be careful about everything. If anyone who is unknown call you or want to give you anything like candy or another things don't take it. Also don't go to them if they call you. If you are alone then come back home before dark..... " After that she thanks to zoume and menak also bless them. For them she find her boy. After sending leju to his mother they are coming back to their home....

When they come to home then menak's mother is asking them why they are late today. Zoume's mother isn't home as she do work with his husband so they come home at late. Everyday they come early but today they do late. Menak and zoume know well if they say any word then she will do tension. So they are quite and apologise to her. Then menak's mother tell them.... " as a little child you should come home early. Now a day's so many bad people wait for little child and if they find they kidnap them..." She also tell them.. " you should come home early from tomorrow ". Zoume and menak know it very well so every day they come back home early. They late today because of today's incident. They go for fresh. Menak is thinking about today's incident. He is thinking about zoume. Leju and zoume is same year's. Zoume is a little child also. Menak have to be more careful about zoume....

After some time menak's mother call them for eat their dinner. As they are so hungry so they go for taking their food. After finish their food they will sleep as they are tired. Menak is thinking again about today's incident and he is telling to him-self they will not go there in future they will go to new field and if they go to the old field then they will come back early. To think about it he fall in sleep.....

After this day they never go back to their old field....


After one year....

(The year's of 2002)...

Suje admitted into a school where eunjo is studying now. Now suje and eunjo go to school together. Suje also start learning piano because she also love piano's tune. After finish there class eunjo and suje learn piano together. Eunjo really enjoy his piano's tune.....

Today eunjo have a competition about piano playing. So he is practicing hard. There have 8 competitors and everyone is good in piano playing. Suje also come for today's competition as a viewers.....

Now competition is start and they are calling candidate by their name.....

First candidate is munu they call munu....

[1] Munu

It's munu's turn. He is playing piano....

Next one is leju, they call leju...

[2] Leju

Now it's leju's turn. Leju is playing piano....

Everyone is listening quietly....

Now they call nana....

[3] Nana

Nana is playing piano...

They call barun.....

[4] Barun

Barun is playing piano...

They call now fuja... Fuja is eunjo's friend. He is also good in piano as like as eunjo, and he is eunjo's good friend also.

[5] Fuja

Now fuja is playing piano... Everyone is enjoying his playing.

Next one is eunjo. They call eunjo.

Eunjo is coming and suje is supporting him. She love eunjo's playing from the beginning....

[6] Eunjo

Eunjo is playing piano. Suje is enjoying it. Eunjo finishing his playing and coming back. Everyone is clapping....

Now they call layla. Layla is another friend of eunjo. She is also good in piano...

[7] Layla

Layla is playing piano.....

The last contest is fumu. Fumu is also eungo's friend. He is also good in piano.

[8] Fumu

Now fumu is playing piano....

It's time to find the winner. The second position is given to fuja... Now it's time to find the first winner. They call eunjo.....

Oah.... eunjo is the first winner. Everyone is clapping for his success. Eunjo is very happy today. Suje also happy today because of eunjo's success. Eunjo is taking his prize. He got gold medel.....

Now all the eunjo's friend, suje and eunjo is enjoying their day by throwing a party which is organized by eunjo's parents.....

As a active boy eunjo he always thirst for know something new. As he is learning piano and he is doing well in this sector so he is thinking about learn new things. Now he interest about basketball playing. So he inter basketball club. As he is good in piano so now he pass his time with playing basketball. He also play piano. He give his some time to playing piano and pass his large time to playing basketball. He is so talented boy so he can learn what he want to learn. One day his mother is talking with him about his life. His mother also support him because she know her son very well. So she is telling him...." i know you very well. You can do anything that you want to do. But always remember one things always help another people if they need your help. Don't be selfish. If you help another people then you will be success in your life....". As eunjo don't like to talk more with other and he like to stay quite but when he see someone need his help he always help him and he like to do help also.....

Today suje and eunjo is going to their club for practicing basketball and piano. Eunjo pass his most time with playing basketball and suje is also learning piano so they go together. When they are going to club they notice some boy is disturbing some girls. They all are looking like same year's as eunjo have. Suje is feeling bad for all the girl so she tell her brother do something for them. As it is a play ground so everyone come here play and everyone have this rights to play here. So eunjo go there and talking with them. They make a bet they will play basketball and if eunjo win then all the boy will leave this ground for today and they won't disturb this girl again. All the girls and suje also tell eunjo bet with them and give them loss so that they can't disturb girl's again. As eunjo also have basketball on his hand so he agree with them and he say them...." as he is alone he will play alone with one player and they will play for 3 point. Which player will make 3 first this player will be win for this day.... " Now suje and others girls and boys go outside from the ground. Eunjo and the captain of opposite team is stand in the ground. Now they start playing. Eunjo take the ball and chasing the opposite player. He is going to make a point and he make 1 point. Now they start playing again. Now the opposite player take tha ball and chasing very well. He is going for make a gole and he make 1 point. Eunjo can't stop him. Now they again start playing. Now again opposite player got the ball and eunjo is trying to block him. Opposite player is going for make another point but now eunjo block him and he can't make point. Again they start and this time opposite player make another point and this time eunjo can't stop him. Eunjo have to play careful now. If opposite player make another poin then eunjo will lose now. They again start playing and now eunjo is very careful. Suje is so much curious also. The opposite players are insulting eunjo. But eunjo believe him-self and he is thinking from core. He is so much careful now and he will make a win today. Now eunjo got the ball and make another point. Now he have 2 point. He need one more point for win. Now they both are playing carefully. Suje and opposite team is so much curious for today. Eunjo got the ball and make another point again and the opposite player couldn't stop him. But when he make last point he fall down and he got pain on his leg. Today's winnet is eunjo so this ground is girls now. When this boys start leaving this place eunjo stop them and tell them they can also play but they can't disturb others. This play ground is for everyone. So this boys and girls except eunjo's suggestion and playing together...

Eunjo and suje is going to their club for practice. Suje go to his piano class and eunjo go to basketball class. Today eunjo is not doing well and his teacher notice it and asked eunjo if he have any problem. He also asked eunjo why he can't practice well. Eunjo tell him he fall down and he is thinking he twisted his ankle. Eunjo's teacher see his ankle and tell him take a day off and rest well. If he take rest he will be alright. Eunjo can't come back to home because suje is also here and practicing piano. So eunjo is waiting for her. After some time suje come back and asked eunjo why he didn't join today's piano class. But eunjo say nothing and said to suje let's go to home now. Suje notice eunjo is feeling uncomfortable and he can't walk well. She again asked eunjo what's happen to him but ahain eunjo is quite and walking along. Suje then guess he got pain on his ankle when he fall down. They are coming back to home together....

Eunjo send suje home first andhe also come home. Eunjo's mother notice eunjo have any problem she asked him also. But as a boy like eunjo he is quite. And he said he is alright. He go to his room and taking rest. After some time eunjo's mother come to his room and find him he is in a fever. She want to know why he have fever but eunjo is sleeping. Eunjo's mother notice eunjo got pain on his leg and immediately she call the doctor and she is giving him ice-bag on his forehead. After some time doctor come home and take him some medicine. As eunjo have high fever so his mother is taking care of him. In the morning he wake-up and find his mother besides of him. Now his mother asked him what he did and why he got fever....? Eunjo tell the truth to his mother and his mother is feeling proud for his son but she is sad also.....

Today suje and his friend come home for watching the condition of eunjo. Eunjo is feeling good because they come home.

After some day he fully recover and ready to go to school. He is happy today he can play now and study in his school. His basketball teacher is happy also after watching him....