
Life of Oliver Splixson

A man got reincarnated in a world full of magic and powers. The only things he remember after the process of reincarnation are his training and the love for his wife. Will he find his wife in this new world and be with her again? As they say in "In this life and the next, I'll be yours." ---------------------------------------- Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Chapter release days. (3 Per Week)

EddyVirgil · Fantasía
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5 Chs


Inside the Splixson household, Lisa was laying tiredly on the bed and next to her was a newborn. Henry was standing near the bed with Oliver in his hands, and next to him was a lady in her thirties.

Looking at Lisa the lady said "She won't be able to give birth to another child, birthing your daughter has already taken a toll on her body. So be mindful."

"Sure, Lina. You sure you can't stay for a day or two." Henry asked, as Oliver was looking at the newborn baby near Lisa.

"I can't stay for long Henry. Tell her that she's fine now and to take care of my niece. I'll be coming here often now." Lina said with a smile.

"Sure. But your sister won't be in a good mood if you leave now." Henry said.

"That's why you're here brother-in-law. Make sure that she stays happy." Lina said, then looking at Oliver she asked Henry "Are you sure about taking him in as your son?"

"What's the matter?" Henry asked, confused.

"It's just that if you had adopted him before her birth, you would have loved him like your own son. But now.... " Lina trailed off.

Smiling at Lina, Henry said "Lisa told me the same thing after the adoption certificate was in our hands. She was skeptical about whether she would be able to love him as our own child. We couldn't come to a conclusion then. But after a week spending time with Oliver and taking care of him, Lisa realised that it doesn't matter how he got into our lives, he's our son."

"Very much like the sister I know." Lina said with a warm smile.

Looking at her Henry asked "Do you have a problem with seeing Oliver as your nephew?"

Shaking her head, Lina said "No. I love kids. It's just that mom and dad won't be seeing him in favourable lights and I advise you to be on toes near them when they come here. They would understand the situation, but I don't think that they would be able to readily accept Oliver." Sighing, she asked Henry "What about your family? Did you tell them?"

"We did visit them after we adopted Oliver. They were esthetic, and didn't mind that he was an adopted child. They welcomed him with open arms." Henry replied.

"Your family is a lot different from mine huh?" Lina said with a sad smile. As Henry was about to comfort her, Oliver, who had been observing both Henry and Lina, extended his hand towards Lina while making the bable "Hawe-wee."

Seeing this Henry asked "Do you want your aunt?"

"Yah-wee." Oliver made another noise, while still stretching his hand towards Lina.

"Okay." Then looking at Lina, Henry said "Hold him for a bit."

Lina extended her hands and took Oliver from Henry. As soon as Oliver was close to her body, he placed his head on her shoulder and hummed.

Lina didn't understand what was happening and asked Henry "What's happening?"

Looking at confused Lina, Henry said "He's consoling you. He has done it with me and Lisa too. I think that his gift might be related to emotions."

"You're saying that he's an empath?" Lina asked wide eyed.

"Could be. We won't know until he's four." Henry said with a smile.

"True." Lina agreed as she carefully rocked Oliver.

After Oliver fell asleep, Lina checked on Lisa and the baby then left to take care of her duties as a doctor.

Henry sat down on the chair with a book about being a father next to the bed where Lisa and their daughter were sleeping with Oliver sleeping in his crib.

An hour later, Lisa woke up and looked around. She saw her husband sleeping on the chair with a book in his hand. Looking to his side she saw Oliver soundly sleeping inside the crib, and lastly she saw her newborn baby girl right beside her. Seeing the three precious ones in her life, Lisa smiled fondly and prayed in a soft voice so that she wouldn't wake up any of them "Oh Lord, bless to be a family that will be together in everything and let us enjoy our life in harmony."

After a short prayer she called for her husband "Henry, wake up."

Hearing his name, Henry opened his eyes and looking at Lisa with a sweet smile he asked "What can I do for you my lady?"

Giggling at his words, Lisa said "Bring Oliver to me and a glass of water for me."

"Sure." Saying so, Henry picked up Oliver from the crib and placed him near their daughter and went to the table nearby to get a glass of water.

After drinking the water, Lisa said "I named Oliver. Why don't you do the honours in naming our daughter."

"Really?" Henry asked excitedly.

"You can. But you can't name her after your ex-girlfriend." Lisa warned Henry.

Scratching the back of his head he said "Even if you didn't ask me to, I wasn't going to name our daughter Jessica." Then smiling at his daughter and cradling her in his hand, he named her "Her name will be Althea. Althea Splixson."

"That's a good name." Then looking at Oliver she said "I'm sure Oliver will be a good big brother to Althea." Lisa said with a smile as she placed her hand on Oliver's cheek.

"That he will." Henry agreed with her, as he already started to see Oliver and Althea running around the house with Oliver making sure Althea was alright and all.

As soon as she placed her hand on his cheek, Oliver stirred awake and his emerald green eyes looked into her brown eyes with a twinkle and spoke the first words "Mama."

Hearing his first words, Lisa's eyes went wide in surprise and Henry, who was cradling Althea in his hand, looked at Oliver with the same expression as his wife's.

Looking at Oliver, Lisa said "Say that again."

"Mama-Mama '' Oliver repeated two times and Lisa's eyes started to tear up due to happiness.

Cradling Oliver in her hand's, Lisa said to Henry "Did you hear his first words?"

"Yeah, I did. He said something that is not dada." Henry replied with a mock grief look, which earned giggling from both mother and son.

Shaking his head, Henry said "Well, I'm sure Althea's first word will be dada."

Lisa only rolled her eyes at that comment and kissed on Oliver's forehead and said "Mama loves you very much, Olly."

In return a fit of giggles were heard from Oliver.

Chapter Release Schedule:-

Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

3 Chapters per week.

EddyVirgilcreators' thoughts