
Life of Oliver Splixson

A man got reincarnated in a world full of magic and powers. The only things he remember after the process of reincarnation are his training and the love for his wife. Will he find his wife in this new world and be with her again? As they say in "In this life and the next, I'll be yours." ---------------------------------------- Thursday, Friday, Saturday - Chapter release days. (3 Per Week)

EddyVirgil · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Inside the two story house, two children were running around playing. The one in lead is a boy with white hair, green eyes and dark skin followed by a girl with black hair and blue eyes. Both the children look to be of the same age and the boy is a couple of inches taller than the girl.

As they passed by the kitchen, a woman's voice was heard from inside "Olly! Thea! Slow down your speed."

"Okay Mama!" Olly, the boy said and showed do and Thea the girl followed suit.

Then they went to the only bedroom on the ground floor. As soon as Olly entered the room, he exclaimed "I win!!"

"Not fair! You fast!" Thea said with a pout.

Olly just looked at her and smiled as he said "Let's read a book."

Saying so, Olly picked the book that was on the table near the bed. Taking the book and climbing the bed, Olly said "Sit Thea, I will read."

Thea did as Olly asked her to do and climbed on the bed and sat next to Olly.

Placing the book on his lap, Olly read the title of the book "The Process of Awakening."

Hearing the title, Thea made a ugly face and said "We always read this. Let's change."

"No. Mama told us to read it fully." Denying her request, Olly started to read the book from where they left off.

"The awakeneds are the people who have gotten the gifts at the age of four. All the awakeneds will have one gift that is in the category of Psychic, Physical, or Magical. Among them there are two classifications known as 'Stjarna' and 'Skǫrungr Stjarna'. Stjarna are awakeneds that have two gifts, one gift will be a mystery and Skǫrungr Stjarna are awakeneds that have two mystery gifts, which are rare among the awakeneds.

Now, how awakening happens. They awaken their gifts when they turn four years old. There will be a blue screen that can only be seen by the awakened and the Stjarna Reader created by the Bellions Academy For The Gifted.

The awakening process is painless, the only difference that will be present will be if the gift is related to physical changes, like wings, horns, claws etc." After reading up to here, Olly said "Let's stop here."

"Okay!" Agreeing with Olly, Thea jumped down from the bed and ran outside the room while shouting "Mama! Foooood!"

Olly just smiled at his sister as she ran. Placing the book back where he got it from, Olly also left the room and went towards where his mother would be.

Reaching the kitchen, Olly saw his mother placing one plate in front of his sister Thea and another plate in front of an empty seat.

Climbing on to the seat and sitting down, Olly asked "Will aunt Lina come today as she promised?"

Nodding her head, Lisa said "Yes she'll be here in the evening. And yes, we will go to the workshop."

At that, both of them smiled gleefully and started to eat the meal prepared for them by Lisa.

As the kids were in their final stretch to finish the meal, a series of knocking was heard from the front door.

Lisa went ahead and opened the door and a black haired blue eyed lady in her thirties hugged Lisa as soon as the door was opened and said "It's good to see you sis."

Hugging her back, Lisa said "Good to see you too Lina."

"Ahem. Your father and mother are also here." An old man with grey hair and blue eyes said who was standing besides an old woman with grey hair and brown eyes.

Looking at the old couple, Lisa said with a smile, "It's good to see you to father, mother."

Nodding at her, the three of them entered the house and the old man shouted "Where's my little granddaughter!"

Lisa squinted her eyes at her father and Lina's face looked like she chewed something sore as she thought 'I thought that in a couple of years, father will warm up to Oliver. But I can't see anything at all, and now I have no hope either. Luckily, he doesn't try to alienate Althea from Oliver.'

As soon as the old man's voice was heard, Althea jumped down from her seat and ran into the visiting hall while shouting "Grandpa Hank! Grandma Rose!"

Oliver looked at the running figure of his sister with a warm smile, while thinking 'I'm not his real grandson, so I can't resent him for showing favour to Thea, and I can't be jealous of my sister can I.'

Shaking his head to get rid of unnecessary thoughts, Oliver slowly finished his meals and got down from his seat. As he entered the visiting hall, he saw Hank giving Thea a couple of gifts and he also saw his mother and aunt looking at him with a face full of apology. Smiling at them and waving, Oliver went to the study room of his father to look for a new book to read for his sister. He knows that his grandparents don't like him very much, and he thinks that it is because his mother is a different person. Shaking his head Oliver entered the room.

Looking at the bottom portion of the shelf he saw a couple of books that piqued his interest. Taking one book with the title "Different Kinds of Gifts".

Opening the book, he started to read it in his mind. He was unable to read it in one go and had to repeat several times to correctly pronounce a word.

After reading a full page, Oliver understood that the gifts of awakeneds are classified into four categories. There are psychic, physical, magical, and mysteries. Also these classifications are not done by the people, no the classifications are already assigned in the screen that appears for the awakeneds.

Nodding his head in understanding, Oliver thought 'Papa has a physical gift and mystery gift known as Transmute which made him one of the best blacksmiths in the city as per his words. Mama has a magical gift and mystery gift known as fusion, thanks to her gifts mama is a good alchemist. Aunt Lina has a magical gift and a mystery known as restoration, because of that she's the doctor in this city.' Thinking till there, Oliver pondered 'It is said that only ten percent will be awakeneds and in them only .5 percent will be Skǫrungr Stjarna. So how did papa meet mama and aunt?'

Just as he thought that, a blue screen appeared in front of him. Seeing that his eyes went wide in surprise, because his birthday is three months later.

With joy and confusion, Oliver looked at the blue screen in front of him.


Name: Oliver Splixson

Sex: Male


1- Metamorph (Mystery)

2- Multiplier (Mystery)

3- Metal Body (Physical)

4- Personal Dimension (Magical)

5- Size Manipulation (Mystery)

Special Privilege: User can hide their power's. The only one who can see the hidden information will be @#₹&¢€£.


Seeing all the five powers, Oliver was astonished, not only that he got some memories of someone explaining the usage of his last three powers.

After seeing through the memories again, Oliver thought to himself 'That explains the cool moves I have been dreaming, and also this emotion that is in me.'

Then looking back to the screen, Oliver thought 'I want to hide Metamorph, Personal Dimension and Size Alteration. I don't want to be a Skǫrungr Stjarna, it's a hassle.'

After his information was secure, Oliver went out of the study room and saw that his mother and sister were the only ones present in the visiting hall.

Smiling at them he walked towards them, when he was near them, he felt something but he couldn't put his finger on it. When he reached a couple of feet away from his mother and sister he felt it clearly. From his mother, he felt a mixture of sadness, anger and joy, from his sister he felt pure innocent joy.

Sensing this, Oliver thought to himself 'How can I sense their emotions? I don't have the psychic powers for that. Does that mean I'm a natural empath or one of my powers has empathy as a sub power?'

These thoughts were broken due to the question from his mother "What are you thinking, Olly?"

Smiling at his mother and sister, he touched the pencil in his sister's hand and willed it to multiply, but nothing happened. At that he was confused. Because he was sure that his power can multiply things.

Seeing Oliver touching the pencil in her hand Althea looked at Oliver and asked "Do you need this Olly?"

"No." Shaking his head, trying his luck he willed himself to multiply. And a second later, he was divided in two vertically and another Oliver appeared next to him.

Seeing this Lisa's eyes went wide in surprise and Althea looking at two Oliver's said in astonishment as she jumped up and down with joy "Thea have two Olly to play with!!!"

As she head her daughter shouting, Lisa picked up Oliver and placed him on her lap and asked "Did you awaken your gift Olly?"

"Yes, mama. And I got two gifts, one is Metal Body and the other is Multiply." Oliver said while facing Lisa and from the corner of his eye's he saw his father coming into the house for lunch.

Looking at the joyfully jumping Althea and Lisa who have placed Oliver on her lap, Henry showed a confused face.

Seeing his face, Lisa giggled and said "Oliver awakened his gifts. One is physical gift similar to yours, Metal Body and the other is a mystery, Multiply."

Hearing that Henry beamed with happiness as he picked up his daughter and hugged the mother and son duo sitting on the couch. Then looking at Oliver, Henry said "Congratulations son, for becoming a Stjarna. Just like us."

Chapter Release Schedule:-

Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

3 Chapters per week.

EddyVirgilcreators' thoughts