
Life of Ace Mikaelson (the originals fanfic

Reincarnated into the world of the supernatural after a boring life in his original world, our MC Ace is given some wishes and told to make things entertaining for both him and ROB. I own anything from the originals except for my OC and any OC characters I may create in the future.

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21 Chs

Chapter 20: The Original Family

Over the next few months me and the family pretty much lived what was considered normal lives for us, with Elijah and Klaus still fighting over tatia, Rebekah still wanting her fairytale endings, Kol on the other hand was behaving and keeping to himself learning as much magic as he could while asking either me or mother when he did not understand something. Finn was still the mothers boy always trying to gain her attention while Hnerik was just a ball of energy always running around the village.

As time passed it finally came to the fateful night, the full moon night where Klaus and Henrik will sneak out to go see the wolves go through their shift. That night all the villagers were led to the cave tunnels where my mother and ayana set up a protection barrier so that the wolves would not be able to enter, keeping the villagers safe from harm. While we were all entering, out of the corner of my eye i saw both Klaus and Henrik sneaking off into the woods.

Noticing this, i chose to let fate take its course and could only say sorry to Henrik as his death was necessary in order for everything after to happen as it should. At sun rise the next day we all heard someone coming towards us shouting when we were leaving the caves, looking towards the source of the shouts we all saw Klaus trying to run towards us carrying someone in his hands to which i assumed to be Henrik.


Soon after our mother ran out of the crowd of people towards Klaus to see what was happening but when she got to him and saw the body of Henrik in his hands, her heart broke at the sight of her dead child causing her to fall to her knees crying, asking why something like this happened. Mikael hearing the commotion soon made his way over but what he saw caused his blood to boil and resulted in him striking Klaus across the face sending hi to the floor.

"What did you do boy! What have you done to my son!"

He said while continuing to strike Klaus causing him to grunt in pain. "I'm sorry father, we just wanted to go see the wolves shift but Henrik stepped on a branch gaining their attention and one of them went straight for Henrik. He was too fast, i could not even see him until he was already on top of Henrik and before i could help it was too late, i'm sorry, i'm sorry, it's my fault."

Not caring for Klaus's apology, Mikael just continued to beat him until me and Elijah had to step forward and drag him away from Klaus which earned us both scowls of disappointment. Seeing as he could not beat Klaus anymore, Mikael turnd towards Henrik's body and picking it up and without any words said, took the body and left probably to give Henrik a viking funeral. Watching Mikael leave with Henrik's body, i could only say sorry once again for the sacrifice that Henrik has made and hope that wherever he is in the afterlife that he will be at peace.

After the incident and the funeral of our brother, Mikael was on a path for vengeance against the wolves and went to esther demanding that she perform a spell in order for him and the rest of us to have the power to fight them. With that everything followed the plot where Esther tweaked the immortality spell that questiya used and created the spell that would turn our family into the original vampires. A few days later at nightfall while me and my siblings were having dinner , half way through the meal we all started to feel a burning sensation in our throats and our bodies suddenly weakening. Suddenly Mikael walked into the room, knife in hand and started stabbing us one by one in the heart, eventually leaving all of us to lay there dead.

When i regained consciousness, the first thing that came into view was Mikael dragging one of the village girls into the room. Noticing that i had woken up, he brought the girl over to me and put her wrist with his knife causing her blood to flow out. "Drink boy!" was all he said as he basically forced her hand to my mouth. Giving in to my instincts, i took her hand and bit down over the wound as blood started to fill my mouth and the taste was unlike anything i have ever had before, i now understand why it is so easy for vampires to get lost in their bloodlust. 

After the blood got in to my system i felt a new found power awaken inside me, i felt the new strength my body contained and the change in my senses that were being heightened considerably. Coming out of my thoughts, i saw that my siblings were also waking up and taking turns feeding on the village girl, completing their changes into vampires.