
Life in Shinobi World (Naruto Fan-Fic)

Reincarnated In Naruto World as Neji's Younger brother with ope ope no mi and Ashura's Chakra. ------------------------------- If you have an issue with my writing skills then I can only say sorry because I don't have enough time to do a recheck but if I find any mistake or someone notifies me about it then I will correct it. But if your eyes hurt and you find it not of your liking or whatever then please do me a favour and stop reading this, no one is forcing you to read this book. Please do note this book is not only for you but also for me to pass my free time. I just want to create a good FF for myself. I am not a professional writer just passing time and it is also my first time. Any suggestions are welcomed as long as you don't curse at me. [ The above part about my views is kind of copy-paste from another author because it matches quite a lot with my views and I wasn't able to find proper words about it.] -------------------------- DISCLAIMER: [English isn't my first language] [I don't own Naruto and One piece as they are created by Kishimoto and oda respectively] [This is my first Fanfiction so it may contain several mistakes so feel free to notify me I will correct them accordingly]

sword_demon · Cómic
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32 Chs

A morning full of Emotions

At Hyuga Clan meeting Hall

"Let's make caged bird seal on him and banish him from the clan because he is a disgrace to the clan without Byakugan and we will not let him carry Hyuga name anymore," said, the first clan elder

"Yeah, that will be the right choice and another already has caged bird and he is also talented and his Byakugan also shows some promise. He will give more benefit to Hyuga like Hizashi. He would be of great use to us, unlike his cursed brother." said the second elder.

"Yeah Yeah," said all elders in unison

"Silence, I will not use caged bird seal on that boy as it is used to preserve Byakugan from enemy hands and he doesn't have Byakugan. And this was also the last request made by Hizashi to me which was agreed by me so I will not dishonour this after his death "

"Che! But we will not supply him any funds from the clan for his life before Hizashi was with him so he was able to feed him but now he is gone and we'll not lend any money and food on waste like him. It will like spending money for nothing as we will not gain anything from him in future" said some random elder

"Ok, that I can do. So it has been decided that younger will be banished from the clan and elder will be trained by branch family."

"..." no one objected but they were not satisfied with this conclusion.

"Fuji, call the brothers here Immediately" ordered the clan leader to one of his clansman ninja.

After that, they all decided to their work while waiting for the duo.

{Before some time at the hospital}


'No, Father please be alive'

After thinking about it I told ni san to hurry and reach Clan hall as soon as possible. He was confused but decided to follow me.

While travelling I calmed myself down and decided to think calmly about it.

'So its the day 1 after remembering about everything and here I am about to lose my Father. Sign my great second life. Well maybe I am being too paranoid it has been only two days after incident how tense can the situation be. But Father not being home in Morning is unusual unless he is on a mission ...Sign God! I know you want some enjoyment but man this too much making my life like some sad life story's protagonist' I cursed God internally.

After some time we reached outside of Clan Hall but were stopped by a guard from entering.

" The clan leader has called us, Neji ni san told him. He then nodded and told us to wait while he went inside to inform Clan Head.

Just after a minute he came and informed us to follow him inside. We followed him and went inside. After we reached he bowed to Clan head and elders and again went outside. We bowed to them and just stood there silently.

After some time Clan head broke the silence by saying " Ahem! I am sorry to inform you that your father has sacrificed himself not only to protect me but the whole village from going through war. You should be honoured to be born as his sons."

By listening to him, both of us were devastated. Neji ni san was completely broken crying continuously without making noise And I was also the same even though I was not accepting the outcome before but subconsciously I knew that Father is going to die.

"How did this happen" asked Neji ni san with tears coming out of his eyes continuously making them red.

He(clan leader) then explained the whole incident to us and waited for us to digest the information but Elders were getting impatient.

"Hiashi! don't need to waste any more time on them we have other things to do." said an elder with an annoyed expression.

"So we decided to hold a funeral for him tomorrow morning." He informed

"And also to inform you that Raiden will be banished from the clan after the funeral so you can pack your things today. And Neji you will live in your own house and also you will be given clan Jutsu by other branch house members. That will be all."

I was shocked by his revelation

' I was already sad as fuck now he had to spark anger in me too.wtf Did I hear him wrong? Right? Who in hell would say it at this time. I was expecting to banished after some time but not today. It was like saying that you should be honoured being the son of your father but sadly he is dead so you are banished from the clan. wtf'

'In anime also I didn't understand Hiashi was good or not. At some point, he apologises to Neji for his father's death but he was also the one who used caged bird on both father and son if they tried to do anything against him or Hinata to torment them instead of solving problem different way. But currently, he is acting like a complete dick.'

[AN: That's only my point of view]

" why? why brother is banished from the clan after father's death? was my father mattered nothing to you to banish his son just after his death? why?" Neji ni san asked while shouting.

"Insolence," said one elder while performing hand sign to activating the seal.

"Aaaa...aaaah! Aa...aaaah!Aaaaaaaa..." cried Neji ni san in pain. I tried to help him but could I have done so I just sat beside him glaring at the elder.

"Enough," commanded the clan leader and stopping the elder from doing more.

I tried to support Ni san to relieve him of the after-effects.

"It was his destiny as a branch family member to protect and die for the main family and that will also be your destiny until your last breath. And as your brother, he is trash to be born in Hyuga without byakugan and your father took care of his living expenses but he is no more and clan will not waste its resources on waste like him so he is banished. And also you are in no obligation to question the main branch family." said the elder with an annoyed expression

"..." Ni san just stared at him for some time and then went into deep his thought. I was getting more and more annoyed as time was passing.

" So Raiden you will not be able to use your last name any more and if you are found to be using it then there would serious consequences. That will be all, You both are dismissed."

After that, I supported ni san to our house. We went to our respective rooms as we both needed our time.

After some time I calmed down and just sat on my bed while thinking

'Aww, man!! what great first day after remembering everything. And I didn't expect that I will miss my old life after my first day.'

(of remembering as it's not his first day as he is both Sarthak and Raiden... Well It's complicated)

'Fathers(of both life ) and Mother I miss you.'

[AN: Did anyone get xianxia vibes here ?]

Thanks for Reading

Another chapter full of drama but I tried to make it less as much possible.

And Happy Valentine's day to you all and I don't have any partner so I will write chapters non stop lol

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

sword_demoncreators' thoughts