
Life in DxD After Becoming a Legend

After an unusual demise not tied to fate, our protagonist doesn't meet their end due to destiny, but rather because of an error by an entity known as ROB. As an apology, ROB reincarnates the protagonist to the last place they were seen before their death. Awakening in the world of DxD, a dreamland for men filled with rampant fan service, our protagonist realizes the dark underbelly of this supernatural modern world. Behind the veil of entertainment lies a realm where premature death isn't uncommon when certain entities go on rampages. Aware of the imminent danger, the protagonist seeks power to survive in this perilous world. However, the rules governing each universe differ, and ROB can only provide three useful things, albeit not the instant cheat advantages the protagonist hoped for. Endowed with the granted powers, the protagonist is transported to another world, inhabiting the body of Petra living in the same year amidst a great war. Now embodied in Petra's soul, our protagonist struggles to survive in this harsh world. But it's not merely survival they seek; it's also about transforming an ordinary existence into a colorful adventure, ultimately becoming a legend.

Poponioko · Cómic
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72 Chs

Devil Civil War Begins II

The battle in the Valefor territory continued, and both opponents appeared increasingly fatigued. Damaidos, despite sustaining many wounds, still displayed a high fighting spirit.

"Hehehe~... Only this far, the power rumored to rival the ancient Leviathan!? Heh! It seems merely hearsay," he said, wiping the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

Serafall, though weary, continued to stare at her opponent with unwavering confidence. "Say what you will, Damaidos... But this battle has reached its end," she replied firmly, adjusting her posture as they floated in the air.

However, Damaidos's expression upon hearing Serafall's words elicited laughter.

"Hahahaha~... Do you think this is over? Kekekeke, but not for me!" Quickly, he produced a healing potion from his pocket and drank it in front of the surprised Serafall. "Kakakaka~! Look, Serafall, who's cornered now."

Serafall felt uneasy, realizing that her magical energy was nearly depleted and her body felt increasingly weary. Despite this, she tried to maintain her confidence and find a way to overcome the situation.

Damaidos then unleashed his most powerful magic, raising both hands and forming a large magic circle that enveloped the sky, creating a terrifying aura.

"Hah! Feel my power, Serafall... With the strongest magic I've trained specifically to face the Vengeance Magus once again!" he proudly exclaimed, preparing his deadliest magic attack.

Serafall's eyes widened as she saw the large magic circle covering the entire Valefor territory, feeling deep concern as she wasn't sure if she could withstand the magic attack that was about to be unleashed upon her.

Great Demon Magic - Satan Blast!

"Disappear along with this territory, Serafall," muttered Damaidos with heavy breath before he slammed his hand towards Serafall, unleashing a very powerful magic attack from the sky, as if a huge pillar descended from the heavens directly onto the grassy field below.

Lady Sitri quickly chanted her magic mantra, creating layers of defense circles to repel the pillar of light descending from the sky. However, her decision was futile as the magic she just created shattered before reaching the pillar, forcing her to accept the incoming attack.

Damaidos, confident in his victory, became even more arrogant, imagining himself defeating the Vengeance Magus considered the strongest human and magus at present.

However, suddenly, he heard cracking sounds breaking the silence. When he looked at his magic circle, he saw that it began to crack like glass about to shatter. He became confused, wondering why it was happening and who was responsible.

All those questions were answered as someone approached and began chanting magic mantras with a low yet firm voice.

Ice Demon Magic - Temperature Zero!

Quickly, the air around Damaidos and Serafall began to freeze, creating a growing circle of ice. The temperature dropped drastically, even reaching zero, freezing everything around them, including Damaidos's attack, which froze along with the magic circle he created, shattering into pieces of ice that fell.

Lord Asmodeus was surprised to see what was happening, his eyes scanning the battlefield once again and finally finding a silver-haired woman shining under the light of the falling ice shards.

The woman wore a black shirt with gold caramel accents on the edges, forming horizontal lines at the bottom. There were two young gold ornaments that descended from her shoulders to the bottom of the shirt. The shirt was slightly open above her stomach, revealing her midriff. Around her neck and on one shoulder, there was a long cyan scarf made of lightweight material that reached her hips. Her pants were blue with white stripes at the top. In her right hand, she held a white magic wand, about 13 cm long, appearing to be made of pure ice with a sparkling snowflake motif at its base.

Her magical energy appeared calm, not exploding like Damaidos's energy. It was more like a calm yet deadly cold muse. When she looked back at Lord Asmodeus, her eyes were bright red.

"Grrr… Damn Lucifuge!!" Damaidos growled in anger upon seeing Grayfia there.

"Grayfia-tan!!" Meanwhile, Serafall cheered happily, feeling relieved to see Grayfia's presence.

Then, Lady Lucifuge opened her mouth after piquing people's curiosity with her presence in the midst of the battlefield. "Damaidos... As representatives of Lucifuge, we declare war against the Satan Faction!"

Grayfia's voice sounded firm amidst the battle roar, creating a brief silence between the two warring parties. Her eyes shone with strong determination, emitting a frightening aura even though she stood between two powerful demons.

Both demons on the battlefield were greatly surprised by Grayfia's bold statement. Even Serafall didn't expect the situation to change so dramatically, to the point where she covered her mouth with both hands.

Damaidos stared at Grayfia with a mixture of shock and anger. "You dare, Grayfia! Do you want to wage war against the strongest faction in the Demon Hierarchy?"

But Grayfia didn't back down at all. "We of Lucifuge will no longer tolerate the actions of the Satan Faction that disrupt the peace and justice in the Demon World. We are ready to face the consequences!"

Grayfia's firmness made Damaidos grind his teeth. He knew that statement couldn't be ignored, regardless of the objections that might arise from the Satan Faction. A new conflict had just erupted between two powerful factions, and its consequences would be felt throughout the Demon World.

Damaidos's shoulders trembled upon hearing that bold reply. "So be it! Both of you, I'll ensure you disappear right here!" He yelled angrily.

Suddenly, Serafall found an alliance amidst her battle against Damaidos, who was increasingly eager to continue the fight.


Petra carefully watched the magic projection screen, following every detail of the battle unfolding in the Valefor field. Although she felt relieved to have sent Grayfia to help, Damaidos's growing strength made her feel the need to remain vigilant.

"Hmm... Fortunately, I instructed Grayfia to go there immediately. I didn't expect Damaidos to have improved so rapidly. Well, although there are unexpected variables, it doesn't mean there's no way to overcome them," Petra said, sipping his warm tea.

The Magus had provided Grayfia with assurance in the form of her own creation, the magic wand Snegurochka Snowy. This magic wand was Petra's creation that perfectly combined ice elements, suitable for those with natural talent in ice elements. Not only did it facilitate mantra activation, but Snegurochka Snowy also had great potential that could be utilized by Grayfia.

However, to unleash the true potential of the magic wand, Grayfia had to resonate with Snegurochka, which was the wand's avatar. This was similar to the ultimate technique of the Sacred Gear, known as Balance Breaker, a creation of the God Bible.

Petra gazed at her magic projection screen seriously, ready to act if the situation on the battlefield worsened or if there were any other urgent needs.

"Well, let's see how this battle develops further, especially since other factions are also watching this." Petra nodded in agreement with herself, realizing the importance of observing the progress of the battle. He observed his reflection in the surface of the tea cup, as if seeking answers within that reflection.

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >

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There are 15 continuation chapters available for this story.

And continuation of several other stories.

From the Author "Sometimes, simple happiness lies in the middle of a wide prairie😁"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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