
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Cómic
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19 Chs


After my battle with Ophis me and her started to train I know she has vast knowledge so I ask her many questions to help me understand my {Space Magic},{Time Magic},{Gravity Magic} I spent two months training those aspects of my Magic to truly comprehend it which wasn't fruitless since I manage to combine them when sparing with her.

I train with her on my Swordmanship,Spearmanship, and Stuff wielding we spent another two months on that to while I was progress leaps and bound she to progress on fighting me she always win but I have manage to last long close to two days without stop on our spar it was the most fulfilling to achieve she said I am near Mid Satan class with all our training.

That's when I decided to take a break since Ophis is controlling time in my dimension 7 days in here now would be just a day outside which I'm glad cause my time so fuck up I forgot what's the real time outside and she said I had (Time Sickness) so I pause on that aspects of time manipulating and just rest my time.

Good knews is my crops are growing wonderfully I had taken to crafting wooden structure which I suck at to be honest I tried doing trees and all the easy thing I could think about but I won't give up

There was time Ophis actually giggle at my misfortune but it fill my heart with an achievement to make her happy to get outside her box.

Me and her had doing many thing this past 5 months in this dimension I achieve to get her out just for a bit once a day that's all I ask just being with her make my heart beat with happy and joy I wouldn't trade it with anyone so I'll get strong to protect her even if she doesn't need it.

Hah....I am actually falling in love with a loli that's what billions years older than me soon memories flash before me.....I

remember my past relationships Emma she was my sunshine I love her but suffering like I did it went down hill it all started when she punch me in my sleep that ended up triggering my past trauma I didn't even knew why she did it I grew distant from her fearing being abuse again I hated that feeling we argued I would get hit I took it like a chap but it really hurt I didn't even know why I just wanted her to be happy.....not everything comes true because fate is fickle to those that are weak.


What else have I been doing you ask well I started to do some enchanting and blacksmithing I only managed to enchant like a barriers on a necklace or rings that has enchantment on fireball,lighting bolts, or wind blades but it's progress in my part since I am knew to this thing.

As for blacksmithing I made some iron swords and shields to get the understanding on how to hammer the ingots or how hot the furnace should be I used my

{Creation Magic} to get the materials no need to go outside yet.

Sewing was my next hobby in my break spent time I manage to sew a shirt using wool and silk I gave gifted it to Ophis I can tell she like it since she wore it everyday and it progress our relationship me and her had been bathing together that's progress but she keeps asking about my little Jason Jr so I told her to read the books on sex since I wouldn't know how to explain to kid look alike. Felt Fbi was about to bust my house if I did knowing they have no such power.

Back to my hobbies Ophis has taken the hobby of reading every book I had and watering the farm using her Magic.

Oh yeah I used my {Creation Magic} to add forest around my home it covers like 3 acres of land and it brings a peaceful vibe to the place I started even doing Senjutsu feeling the nature energy around the place which is pure with no malice tainting from the outside world.

What else ahh yes I created a Skilled {Archmage essences} awhile ago training my Magic it help me understand Magic more to a fundamental point of view and I am progressing on that to.

I created a piano at the living room and started to play but I was a bit rusty but I took that hobby once more I play to get my emotions in check and to remember some good times of my old life.

So yeah 5 months spent training taking breaks and doing my hobby really got me back to top shape maybe I'll change my race soon but let's do that later on.

Now I'm just planning my next course of action maybe rescue Valerie tepes from the Tepes faction or to travel this knew world I find myself in maybe meets God's and goddesses learn Magic from them who knows so many things to do but I'll travel maybe get maybe self a reputation or something along those lines my dimension while always with me so yeah I can just go back home every night but I want to experience the wonders of this world that is Known DxD and fight some enemies.

I of course will bring Ophis with me I don't know why it hurts me not being with her.

Any should any of the other faction mess with me or her ill kill them no flowery words this world is where the strong survive while the weak die.

"Hey Ophis would you like to travel with me outside and maybe go on adventure?" I asked her beside me and she's still reading .

She looks me for a bit

"Umm okay" she reply and went back to reading while rest her head on my shoulders hey at least me and her can progress our relationship.

Can't wait till tomorrow for this awesome adventure.