
Life and a Journey

Jason Sky thrown to the world of DxD with his to golden finger pushing him to be the best. he will make friends and enemies along the way.Fall In love and go adventure the multiverse should he master his magic his fate is in he's hands I a merely a writer who will right his story for beginning to the end. this will be my first story sorry if I make mistakes in doing so I want to make a story of someone that's not chain by fate or plot. this is a story of freedom what most of us Desire in life and I will write it with that in mind. he will travel the multiverse gain wives not a Pokémon harem type of fic ill make it around 30 or 50 around there. how you injoy.

Raylen2222_Hunt · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

4.His first battle against the second boss

To be honest with you I have last track of time in my dimension and the outside world.

But who cares why do I have to subject myself to the plot of this world.

Waking from my slumber doing what I do training my Swordmanship and spearmanship to professional level and my Magic to fully understand its limitations.

Not knowing Ophis was watching me at the sides.


[Ophis pov:]

Since I was born in this world I was the strongest being I love my silence no noise to bother but when I left the dimensional gab a new resident appear she was loud and to noise so we fought and fought but I couldn't win we were at the same level which baffled me to no end I new I couldn't win so I left and look for strong individuals to help me fight Baka-Red i became the leader of the

{Khaos Brigade} that a Fallen angel created they made the leader but I knew they had other agendas to my goal but I didn't bother since I was stronger than them.

But one-day while I was looking for more people to help me fight Baka-Red I felt a distortion in space so i look for it two days after that I found him.

He had silver like hair and blue eyes his body was well build like one of those annoying Norse gods but less hairy sitting thinking so I sat next to him that's when I felt a wave of energy coming from him I felt happy?.....I don't know but I felt home just being next to him.

Next thing I knew I joined him at his home I watch him grow stronger each day before he asked how strong he was I said around Low Ultimate class but now he's approaching Middle Ultimate class.

I never had the desire to grow stronger but watching him made me think if I grow stronger I can defeat Baka-Red and get my silence but....why do l feel empty?..... leaving him I don't know why.....like if I leave I will lose something I would cherish.

Hmmmmm...maybe I'll stay and find out this feeling but first

"Fight me"i said to him.


While I was training my spearmanship I heard Ophis say fight her/he man ill stick with she from now on.

I turn around and look at her I am so confused right now why she said that but I asked her

"Why? You can kill me you know that dont you" i asked i don't want to die to early but I thought about it for a second.

'Hmm if I fight her ill surely die buy if I asked her to fight me in equal ground by lowering her power output maybe I can have a training buddy' I thought which isn't bad from what I remember she's not great at fighting she mostly used powerful beam attacks and overpowering them with her Magic since she has infinite power. But how wrong I was since she live longer than any man or be precise me.

"How about you lower your power output to my level so we don't destroy to much and this can be like training for the both of us" asked her while looking at the emotionless face of hers I really need to get her to express her feels.

While I thought about that I saw her nod.

Well okay me fighting her is like those raid boss I used to participate in ahh good time well any.

I stood at the other side of my created arena and she stood right in front of me....

We just started at each other waiting....

So I made the first move I ran towards her holding my spear stick using Magic to reinforce its strength I was going to Thrust right at her chest but she disappeared before I couldnt hit her then i had to dodge to the right.

Feeling the impact even if I dodge she's strong she left a crater where I stood before.

My {Danger Sense} was helping me fight her dodging and blocking her power strikes aim at my chest leg and arms.

I saw her small fist aiming at my face I block it and parry by striking at her left leg and jumping back using my stick as a catapult to launch myself back and throwing the stick with all my strength at her. It almost hit her but she disappeared again so I hastily created a knew stick spear to and look around 30 seconds later i felt Mana gathering atop me I looked up and saw her firing concentrated beam of Magic at me so I hastily dodge to right and roll doing all I can to not get kill.

Reinforcing my spear stick with Magic so it doesn't break I keep dodging and blocking her attacks aim to kill I did this for 4 minutes straight not stopping waiting for an opening that's when my Instinct told me to dodge so I did saw her fist hit the arena ground I roll and I stood up hastily seeing a chance I sprinted towards her aiming at her head I was so close next thing I knew I was on the ground and her on top me with her fist hitting my face and black....


My eyes flutter open remembering my spar/fight with Ophis man her punch hurts and my muscles are burning from fatigue all that dodging,blocking and parry made me understood even if I was at the Ultimate class being I was still not strong why you may ask.

Well Ophis obviously even if she lower her power to my level i don't have battle experience to be at the level. That includes thought she only fires beams of Magic at me I didn't expect her to know how to fight with her tiny body but this why I don't trust plot why would a being like her even if she's emotionless doesn't mean she lacks battle experience after all she does fight Great Red to get her silence back.

Getting up from the reck arena fixing it with my {Creation Magic} and going back home to get a shower and maybe some food and water.

I saw Ophis reading the books I remember like Twilight the first book I ever read.

Yeah I didn't know how that happen but she started to read them but I don't bother.

Sitting at the couch and eating my prepare sandwiches handing some to Ophis.

"Ophis would you like to train with me everyday, and do our spar?" I said her

She look at me for a couple of seconds while stuffing her mouth with food but nods.

"Thank you"i said to her as she goes back to reading her book I was thinking having her was actually the best thing that happen to me a companion because I sure don't want to be alone her.

That would suck ass now I just need to get stronger and maybe develop more skills and Magic along the way and let me tell you I may have developed some feeling for Ophis in this couple of day in my Dimension why would I she was the first person I ever talk to here when I arrive plus it's totally legal why you may ask Age my friend she if older than me or anyone else....I felt punch on my biceps looking I saw Ophis looking at me

"Your thinking something rude aren't you?!" she asked me I sweated at that how did she know I hastily reply

"what no I was thinking about something to do for next time that's all hehe" I reply while laughing awkwardly she just looks at me then nods haha.....troublesome man how did she know maybe it's those 6 sense women have ahh the mystery of life ill watch out what I think about next time to next to her can't have a Dragon God mad.

Today was fruitful I got to understand not everything is written in a story is true like Ophis she may have been seen as emotionless and not experienced in battle but that's far from the truth not everything if written if true and I will keep that in my mind son characters Herr may have different backgrounds or past so I need to make sure I don't make rash decisions.

Enough of that time to sleep wearing my pajamas and getting to bed and having Ophis sleep atop me i drift of to dream land thinking about what to do next.


[I will be updating Jason Sky status every maybe 4 chapters can't have it fill in the story but yeah I hope you enjoy the story see ya]