
Going On A Maybe

As Second Lieutenant Watson has finished updating the team on the status of the factory and the suspects, we are all geared up and ready to go. Lieutenant Edwards gives us the go ahead to take down the factory. I grab Lieutenant Edwards by the arm and say;

"Wait...what about the cameras? They will see us coming from a mile away. And with the amount of firepower they have in there, it will be a slaughterhouse"

Lieutenant Edwards gets angry, he rips his arm away from the grip I have on his arm and says;

"We have no choice but to go in, Watson said that they were scrambling to hide the stuff, maybe they are not watching the cameras"


I look at everyone with shock on my face and say;

"Maybe? We are storming into a factory, with more than five armed people in there...and we are going on a maybe?"

"We are playing the hand that was dealt to us Marks. You can stay here if you want, but we are taking down that factory"