

A 9000 years tree, became a handsome young man after a blood sacrifice. He was the most powerful man in the whole destiny, if he was killed in a human form, his powers would transfer to the killer. "little Jasmine, don't afraid. I'll back you up." "But, you're the one who needs back up." "I'm the power of power." "Then why did you be a tree for whole 9000 years?" "....."

Neenaa · Fantasía
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6 Chs


In a desolate place, where emptiness stretched to the horizon, stood a solitary tree. It was an eccentric anomaly, the only sign of life in this barren expanse. This tree possessed a captivating aura, an enigmatic magnetism that drew the gaze of any and all who stumbled upon it. Unfortunately, no one was there to turn to look at this majestic tree.

The tree itself was a grand spectacle. Its trunk, thick and gnarled, twisted like a contortionist frozen in time. Its branches reached out in all directions, defying gravity, as if reaching for something beyond the grasp of mortal comprehension.

But it was the roots that truly mesmerized. They spread like intricate tendrils, snaking through the earth in a labyrinthine pattern. They were intertwined with the very fabric of the land, an intricate web connecting every inch of this desolate place.

It was as if the tree held the secrets of this forgotten realm beneath its twisted bark, its roots serving as conduits for ancient knowledge that remained hidden to all but the keenest observer. To witness this eccentric tree was to stand at the crossroads of mystery and wonder, a silent witness to a world both magical and forgotten.

Around the solitary tree, there existed a vast expanse void of any other trees or water sources. The terrain, broken and barren, was devoid of any signs of life, a desolate wasteland devoid of humidity. However, amidst this arid desolation, the lone tree thrived in unimaginable magnificence, standing tall and proud.

Its vibrant foliage displayed hues of green so vivid, as though nature had painted them with its own brushes. The tree seemed to emanate an aura of serenity and tranquility, providing a refreshing haven in an otherwise harsh environment. Its branches gracefully reached towards the heavens, casting a beautiful shade under which weary souls could find solace. Within the desolation, this tree remained a symbol of resilience, reminding all who witnessed it that life can flourish even in the most unforgiving conditions.

The crimson red flowers bloomed in their entirety, adorning the entire tree with their vibrant hues. With every passing breeze, delicately droped patels cascaded gently downwards, forming a beautiful carpet beneath the tree. Despite the relentless heat of the scorching sun, the petals remained remarkably fresh and vibrant, their colors seemingly untouched by the harsh conditions.

After a while, a few figures emerged from seemingly nowhere. They were shrouded in mystery as they solemnly dragged a young girl behind them. The girl appeared to be around 12 years old, her delicate frame barely able to keep up with the pace. Her eyes betrayed a mix of fear and confusion as she glanced around, searching for a familiar face or any signs of safety. It was clear from the weariness in her posture that she had endured a great ordeal, her clothes dirtied and disheveled.

They dragged her with brutal force, showing no signs of mercy or compassion. Her body twisted and contorted, helpless against their overpowering strength. With every step, she fought against her captors, desperate to escape the impending fate that awaited her.

Finally, they reached their destination - a solitary tree standing tall in the desolate landscape. With callous indifference, they threw her to the ground, a mere plaything in their cruel hands. The impact sent shockwaves of pain rippling through her body, her breath stolen from her lungs.

"Finish her quickly.", a man in the group said to others.

"Lord, is it safe here?", another one asked him.

"I have carefully selected this place. No one will come here.", the lord said.

"Hey little girl, don't blame us for this." He turned to look at the little girl.

"Boss, this is the first time someone paid a high price, and that is for a little girl.", another man said and laughed.

"Haaa, little girl? Have you forgotten who is this little girl? She is the only princess of the current kingdom. How can she cost a little?", the lord said and laughed .

In a chilling act of violence, he swiftly retrieved a sharp dagger from his side, its gleaming blade reflecting his dark intentions. Without a moment's hesitation, he plunged it into the girl's delicate abdomen, an action that unfolded with a horrifying swiftness. The atmosphere was suddenly filled with her trembling cries, echoing with the intensity of unimaginable pain. Her body convulsed, the shivers uncontrollable as the shock of the sinister encounter left her utterly defenseless.

She fell unconscious in her own pool of blood, her body trembling with pain and weakness. The sheer brutality of the attack had left her gasping for air, unable to comprehend the ruthless violence that had just unfolded. As she lay there, the crimson liquid continued to seep through the ground, staining the earth and the roots of the tree with its visceral presence. The once peaceful surroundings were now transformed into a haunting scene, with the blood acting as a macabre marker of the cruelty inflicted upon her. Time seemed to stand still as darkness closed in, consuming her consciousness.