

A 9000 years tree, became a handsome young man after a blood sacrifice. He was the most powerful man in the whole destiny, if he was killed in a human form, his powers would transfer to the killer. "little Jasmine, don't afraid. I'll back you up." "But, you're the one who needs back up." "I'm the power of power." "Then why did you be a tree for whole 9000 years?" "....."

Neenaa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


As she lay motionless, the men sprung into action, their weary hands grasping sharp tools as they began to dig a solemn grave hole. With each strike, the piercing thud echoed through the barren ground, breaking through the tough facade that concealed the earth's secrets.

As the first shovelful of soil was lifted, roots intertwined with the men's efforts, resisting their progress. Undeterred, they persevered, asserting their dominance over nature's resistance. The rhythmic symphony of metal blades dissecting layers of dirt told a tale of solemnity and determination. With every inch dug deeper, they grew closer to their goal.

Suddenly, as as a man in black clothes , turned around and looked he wae taken aback by a chilling sight. The lifeless body of a little girl, once sprawled on the ground, inexplicably vanished before their eyes. Gasps filled the air as he shouted to others.

"Lord! Lord! Look at there. She's gone."

"Where did she go?", another man aksed.

"Lord something is wrong in this place." Anather one chirped as he stared at the roots of the bizarre tree which was seemingly moved.

Others exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the bizarre turn of events.

Confusion and disbelief consumed their thoughts as they searched the surroundings for any remnants or traces. But not a single clue emerged. It was as if the young girl had simply been swallowed by the tree itself, vanishing without a trace.

Suddenly, as if possessed by a malevolent force, a root emerged from the barran earth with a sinister determination. Its gnarled fingers stretched out, reaching for for the one nearby, that happened to be within its grasping reach.

Like a predator lying in wait, it patiently sought its next victim, its thirst for capturing unwary creatures insatiable. And with an eerie swiftness, it captured one unsuspecting victim, ensnaring them within its ever-tightening grip. The terrified individual struggled and cried out for help, but their pleas fell on deaf ears as the root persistently held on, refusing to release its hold.

The ground seemed to tremble with an unknown power as it bore witness to this inexplicable occurrence, leaving those who witnessed it in a state of shock and disbelief. The root's emergence was a stark reminder of the capricious and unpredictable nature of the world we live in, a potent symbol of the danger that can materialize at any given moment.

Unfortunately, the ones who witnessed the scene have savored by the roots. After the great feast, the roots set itself on the ground once again. The environment once again turned tranquil and eerie.

As the time slowly trickled by, the sunlight gradually transformed itself into the ethereal glow of the moonlight. The fiery hues of the sun's departure gave way to the calm and serene ambiance painted by the silver moonbeams.

Suddenly the roots emerged again, unlike the bizarre dance from the day, it slowly emerged and the tree unrootted from the ground. The unrootted tree floated in the air. A crimson light appeared from the whole body of the tree as it spinned in air.

After a long time the light started to fade slowly, and tbe tree started to shrink on size. It was truely a splendor spectacle, unfortunately no one was there to admire the scenery.