
Try them on

Lin opened the box. Her eyes glittering at the surprise. A set of black pearl earrings laid neatly inside. Lin could tell right away they were expensive based on the size of the pearls alone.

What could prompt Li Jun to offer her such gifts?

Perhaps, he was sorry?

No, that couldn't be. If, anything, Li Jun was the one determined to break up her relationship. 

She looked up at him, eyes widening. 

Li Jun smiled at her. "So, what do you think?"

"It's beautiful Mr. Lim." She admitted. 

"Go on and try them. I want to see them on you." He stepped back a step or two so he may get a better look at her.


"Of course now. Were you wanting for a special occasion?" He turned his back and strode over to his bed, sitting down on the mattress.

"No, I just thought it's all too sudden."

He exhaled and agreed. "Yeah," though he meant something else completely. 

Li Jun leaned on his elbow. The shift in his position caused part of his robe to fall, flashing more of his muscular chest, and his many tattoos. 

Lin felt the sudden panic. Her eyes bounced around the walls, to the ceiling, window, floor, everywhere else but him. She noticed the playfulness in his voice; the way he's casually speaking to her.

There's definitely something off with him.

She thought of him seductive and sexy, but she wasn't so sure. She didn't want to mistake his affection for something else. 

She hurriedly tried the earring on, wincing at the sensation of metal penetrating her ears. She hasn't worn any jewelries in a while. Though her relief found her face when she finished, she assumed the holes healed and closed after a while.

She smiled softly, shoulders rising feeling the awkwardness of being the center of his attention.

Her gaze caught his. The heavy eye contact made her squirm and red. Li Jun was already admiring her.

"So, do you like it?" She moaned quietly.

Li Jun took all of her for a few seconds before saying, "I do, they look good on you."

A ghostly smile pressed on her lips. "Thank you."

"Keep them. They're yours." He said.
