
Leveling System?! What in the World is that?!

Games. Everybody loves games. My sister, my parents, my grandparents-- Heck! Even my ancestors at some point enjoyed playing games. So what am I waiting for? Why am I not playing games right now? Why? Because of this year's EVERY HOTTEST AND GREATEST GAME DEVELOPERS OF ALL TIMES HAVE COME TOGETHER AND IS MAKING A MASTERPIECE OF A GAME!! FOR REAL?! YEAH!! I AM WAITING FOR THE DEVS TO RELEASE THIS ONE OF A KIND GAME THEY ARE MAKING!!! WHEN IS THE RELEASE??! MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOLKS, IT WILL BE RELEASED IN 6 MONTHS TIME!!! WOWWW!!!! I AM SO EXCITED TO PLAY THIS GAME!!! I CAN'T WAIT TO BRAG AND PLAY THIS GAME WITH MY FRIENDS!!! *** Sitting in the couch, a man in his thirties watched a video replay on his tv. He is living in this dark humid room for 15 years already. The man is a bit malnourished with thin arms and legs. His face pale and large eyebags carries his lifeless eyes. "I am waiting for 15 years goddammit! When will they release the fricking game?!!" The man punched weakly the armrest in his couch. "I sacrificed everything for this game! My time! My money! My life! When will the game be released?!" Punching the armrest multiple times, the man laments at the reality of the world. Covering his weeping face, he begged with all of his heart and emotions alone. "Please release the game, I am going crazy. Please release the game, I might kill someone. Please release the game, I might die at this rate." Sitting in a couch, a man in his thirties watched a video replay and cried all alone. He is living in this room for 15 years already, waiting for his own salvation be brought to him. He weeped silently in his couch, in his dark humid room, and prayed with all of his heart. And with faith and belief in his heart, His prayers did get answered. *** Three days time after his episode, the man lines up towards his nearby game store. Inside his mind, he is very excited and hyped about this game that he waited for who knows how long. [Finally! Finally!! The game is released! Hahaha! Yes!! The most awaited masterpiece of a game developed by the greatest game developers is near within my reach!] With his already weak legs, maintaining balance while trembling with excitement is a task usually very difficult for him. But with the glorious masterpiece of a game in sight, he endured. He waited hours and endured hunger along with the hot steaming breaths of people around him. He endured. Finally, with the end goal in sight, he stepped inside the nearby gamestore. He weakly and slowly walked towards the reception desk. Because of the influx of people, only one person is allowed to enter the store. Reaching the desk, he gripped tightly his trembling arms. With a stuttering voice, he said, "C-can I have o-one console please?"

poisonknot · Juegos
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Looking at a Rabbit Hole

Feeling guilty for hiding things to my mom, I felt that I should just reveal little a bit of what I am doing.

"Fine fine, for the past months I've been busy going outside is due to matters related to school and work. Okay?"


"I do not want to say any specific details because I know you'll go there but I promise I am not doing any harm to myself or to our family. Also, I'm saying it again, I do work for a living."

"Again with that answer. Humph. What work is it? That 3d modeling? Humph! If I am still in my twenties or thirties, I can go be your model and ramp up the stage and beat those wusses!"

"Nooo. Not that..."

"Then what? Every time I look into your room you're just playing games on your computer. You are best off doing your father's job rather than stay cooped up inside your room. What's so good about that what you are doing. Humph!"




"See you're being silent. If you just take over Pappy's job, we can just rest in this house worrying about our future grandkids. Huhuhu... *sounds of fake cries*"

"But isn't there a saying 'Unwillingness cannot produce desired results'? Just because nothing is going in what you want you'll nag us to do it. Also, don't mind my love life! I don't have that kind of time!"

'Shut it Ma!!! Even I want to **ck!! I also want to let go of my v-card and **ck non-stop with whoever I ended up ***king!!!! My junior always met my hand and he's getting tired!!!'

"That again! How many times do I have to tell you that I am your parent?!"

Here we go again...

Letting words pass from one ear to another, I focused on the reason why I rushed here in the first place as I look towards the tv.

*sounds of music from a commercial*


*sounds from DZCH Morning News intro*

"Now, as everybody knows the hottest gaming topic of the month, in a joint project of our generous Monarchs they announced that they will develop the very first Deep Virtual Reality Mass Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game or DVRMMORPG. After introducing this project 7 years back, will today be the gateway to entering the new generation of RPG games?! I myself am excited for this to happen! As an avid gamer myself back when I'm in my teens, RPG games are the best game for fantasy genres to let me immerse in escapism. Will the team behind making this follow that unspoken rule? Or will they develop a world that suits the taste of our Monarchs? For more information, Archie please explain us."

"Thank you, James, now to give context to some of you, the traditional way of playing RPG games is to wear a helmet and the helmet emits light from inside that depicts the game you are playing. And much more way back, in the Murkh Era, it is said that RPG games are only played with low spec computers and cellphones. Imagine just how low the immersion we can have from playing with the technology in that era. Anyways, with that in mind, let us welcome the spokesperson for today's interview, Sir Elijah Abakumov."

"Thank you."

"So Sir Abakumov, before we get into today's latest hottest topic. How are you today?"

"Well, I am here preventing my excitement to show to our audience. I am excited as of today because I am here in front of the camera broadcasting a huge event haha."

"Ohh? Hahaha. Well, looks like our guest for today is also excited for today's interview. By the way, we really appreciate you Sir Abakumov for coming here today despite your busy schedule. It's an honor for us to work with you."

"Ahahaha. It's nothing. I am also happy to be here working with you guys."

"Whew~ Look at our guest for today. It is Sir Abakumov, mark your targets, single ladies. Here's a sneak peek of our wonderful and handsome Sir Abakumov."

"Ahahaha. You flatter me too much."

"Then going into today's topic. What should we be noting for the game everybody is waiting for the last seven years?"

"Yes. So first off is that I am excited to announce the name of the game that was stayed 'DVRMMORPG' even after the development was announced. After many debates, our Monarchs decided that the name for this revolutionary game is..."

"Aw please don't tease us, Sir. What is it?"

"With the meaning of the 'very top galaxies in the universe', the name we came up for many years is called 'AcroUnilyxis'."

"Wow. What can I say, it's a novel word."

"Befitting of our large world measuring with a size of 43'495.984 miles (70'000 kilometers) which is much more huge than the largest planet in our Solar System, Jupiter. We proudly say that there is much more content packed in here than all of our world's history could come up with."

"Right right. It is so huge that if we placed the number of the highest total population of our world since ancient times. It would still not be considered overpopulated. But looking at just how many people will be able to play the game. It is so huge that it may take years to travel all around the world, heck maybe even decades."

"Ahh... For that, as we have taken years of planning. We also thought of that problem. In this new game that we are presenting, we proudly say that a player can have access to live magic. It is that magic as many fantasy readers thought of, yes. We designed a system that represents magic into the world the players will spawn into and let them experience the magical world inside this game."

"Ohhh! Can you tell us Sir Abakumov how our players will be able to experience this magic inside the game? Will players be able to wield it like said in the stories? "Flowing like water in the air" or like "I-I can feel something inside me? I-is this my magical power? It's overflowing?!" Is it? Is it?!"

"Huhuhu. You sure are imaginative Mr. Archie."

"Ah?! I'm sorry for the display."

"No no no. I'm just saying that since you look so excited when talking about magic."

"Ahahaha. The truth is I fantasize about wielding magic when I first read about fantasy books in my teens even now. It's a well-known story among my colleagues but, it looks like it's well known throughout the world starting today. I'm really sorry"

"Isn't that fine? Sticking to your hobbies at your age. It's commendable to have a hobby outside of work in this era of ours nowadays. At least one of your suitors will take an interest in what you are also interested in. You might discuss magic or even fight magic with her when you both play the game."

"Ahahaha. Is that a payback for earlier? I admit that I was a bit rash in what I said... Ahahaha. Love advise with strings attached, ahahaha. Thanks for your wise words, Sir Abakumov. It's truly hard nowadays."

"Yeah... Well, just laugh, eat, drink, or just indulge in hobbies like what you are doing. Time will tell when will be our turn."

"Yeah... Woahhh!~ What a tangent there!"

*looks at the side for the time left*

"Going back to what I asked, Sir Abakumov..."

"Yeah. I did say that there is a system made for live magic, we will be, naturally, including teleportation devices in-game as it is a staple in fantasy genres. While it is up for the players themselves to learn what I'll be saying next, I'll be giving hints about things that were widely known in fantasy genre RPG games."

"Ohhh! Please do so, Sir."

"Well, like in old games there is a hero that is tasked to defeat an evil dragon, demon lord, or any powerful beings threatening the balance of the world. He seeks the sword that is said to be able to defeat the powerful enemy. Along the way, he seeks new friends and powerful allies to aid in his quest while also getting stronger. They may face trials and tribulations along the way but they will eventually pass anything that stands in their way. Finally reaching their enemy, they fought all their hardest, and with the final strike from the hero wielding the holy sword, the world was saved. That's it."

"That's it?"

"That's it."



"Ah.....haha... Well moving on. Aside from speaking about what was inside the game. In terms of the device used to play the game, how will it be set up?"

"The device used to set up the game consists of a helmet used to send electric stimulations to the brain that is attached to a reclining chair that serves as a seat and a built-in quantum computer generator under the seat that creates and connects the human mind to a singular electronic space."

"Ohhh... Hearing it makes it expensive. From the description thus far, it's as if I'm buying a new set of complete quacom with an expensive reclining chair."

"It is as you say."


"While I said that it's as you said earlier, the only expensive thing in the set is the helmet itself that sends electric stimulations to the brain. While quantum physics was solved way way back past our era, it is still a bit expensive applying it with specific functions like using it in making a game. The modern quantum computer was built with minimized functions, only tasked at supplying additional power to the helmet and, as I said earlier, connecting the human mind to a singular electronic space, making it much more smaller than the norm. Meaning the quacom built under the reclining chair and the chair itself is much cheaper than the helmet and the older quacom versions released in the market."

"Makes sense. While we're now at it, is it possible to ask about the process the helmet is making when a player logs in the game? Of course, any specific and confidential information is off-limits."