
Legends of Re: Earth

The world is no longer the same. Centuries have passed and the old world of technology and mortal man is no more. Near unkillable Gods wearing human skin roam the Earth. Strange beasts slumber in even stranger places. Unncanny regions hold secrets of lost times and hidden worlds. ..... The Chosen, immortal beings born human wage their ageless war against the Elysians; mortal gods they banished as demons in fear for the Elysians are one of the few races capable of slaying a Chosen. Titans slumber beneath the Earth and beyond the skies granting blessings and curses to those who reveare and worship them. Some seek them out for their blessings, others hunt them for their curse. ...... The Convergence fused continents, forming a singular land mass. The supercontinent New Pengia is all that remains of the old world. The Fall divided the Earth into True North and True South, separated by the Anomalous Veil. Only the enigmatic Strangers, cursed by the Titan Oroboros, can navigate this boundary, guiding travelers through the Veil's secrets as they carry out their eternal duty - The Endless Hunt. ...... Outsiders seek to unravel the captivating allure of the vast and enigmatic Mysterious Black Dome beyond the veil, shrouding an astonishing 20% of the Earth's surface. Concealed within lie untold secrets, veiled from mortal and divine comprehension alike, waiting to be discovered. Delve into the unknown and unlock the mysteries that await within. ...... The Formless rule the seas. Their ever-changing shapes and fluid bodies are incomprehensible to the senses of a human yet they are kind and benevolent. Seeking only to carry out their own Eternal Duty for an even Stranger beast lurks in the deep where they reside. ...... Even beyond the confines of the Earth others of alien nature lurk in the cosmic depths. ...... In these strange lands, nothing is as it should be. Welcome to the Legends of Re: Earth. Welcome to L.O.R.E ...... This is a compilation of short stories and snippets that take place in the world of L.O.R.E., an original book project I am currently working on. Hope you enjoy reading about the stories and legends from this strange world. Join my Patreon or Discord for more info if you find yourself interested to know more in the links below. I'll be posting concept art and entries about the world every now and then. patreon.com/DASOR I'll also be posting on RoyalRoad and Scribblhub.

Othniel_Seth · Ciudad
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5 Chs

Part 1: [Day of Departure]

Date: 632 AF February 12th 

The dawn breaks over the city of Ventura, casting its golden hues upon the towering spires and winding streets that make up this bustling metropolis. As I stand at the threshold of my humble abode, preparing to embark on a journey that will shape the very fabric of my existence, I cannot help but feel a sense of awe and trepidation wash over me.

Ventura, the city of steam and rune, is alive with activity even at this early hour. Scholars hurry through the streets, their minds abuzz with the pursuit of knowledge, while Pathfinders clad in their distinctive attire exchange hearty greetings and tales of past adventures. Tinkers tinker away at their creations, the rhythmic clang of metal against metal echoing through the air like a symphony of innovation accompanied by the steady hum of runes being applied to their works.

Today marks the beginning of a journey that will define the course of my life. As I pen down these words, the bustling streets of Ventura, the city of steam and rune, are but a distant memory, fading into the horizon behind me. It feels surreal to leave behind the comforts of home, to step away from the familiar faces of fellow Pathfinders and the tinkering of the city's artisans.

For as long as I can remember, Ventura has been my home. From the moment I first set foot within its walls as a wide-eyed youth, I was captivated by the wonders that lay hidden beneath its surface. The intricate rune designs that adorn every building, the hiss of steam, and the burning glow of runes that power our machines – these are the sights and sounds that have shaped my understanding of the world.

It's culture and its intriguing ways compelled me. 

The rune arts and their applications and the stream-machine machinations of the Tinkers guild. The adventurous tales of the Pathfinders Guild, and the lost history of the world uncovered by the Scholars Guild drew me into this city and stole my heart before I could resist.

However, none called out to me more than the Pathfinders Guild. The nature of their work set my mind ablaze. Stories of their travels filled my head with dreams of the world beyond the Veil.

It took me a few years of training and preparation but I have finally made it. I am a Pathfinder of the Bronze Class, an honourary member of the Pathfinders guild. This very journal that i use to pen my thoughts proves my profession. Now only adventure awaits me. How I long to see the Black Dome and the forest of Ruin with its floating islands that defy the laws of gravity. 

But today, I stand on the precipice of something greater, something beyond the confines of Ventura and the boundaries of my imagination. Today, I embark on a journey to the Last Great City of Tiamaht, a place shrouded in mystery and legend. Chosen as a Pathfinder for this expedition, I feel a mix of excitement and apprehension course through my veins.

From a young age, I was drawn to the mysteries that lurked within its labyrinthine streets, the whispers of ancient knowledge that seemed to echo in every corner. As a Pathfinder, it was my duty and privilege to delve into these mysteries, to chart unexplored territories, and uncover the secrets of the world.

Maybe after my travels to Tiamaht, I will go to the Grey Empire to see the Grey Ones or to the Blue Endge and witness the Formless. So many possibilities fill my thoughts fueling my desire to explore. 

The air is charged with anticipation as I make my way through the bustling streets of Ventura, my fellow Pathfinders by my side. Each step brings me closer to the edge of the city, closer to the unknown that awaits beyond its borders. As I glance back at the familiar sights and sounds of home, I feel a pang of nostalgia tug at my heartstrings.

But there is no turning back now. The call of adventure beckons, and I am powerless to resist its siren song. With a deep breath, I take my first step onto the road that will lead me to Tiamaht, my heart pounding with excitement and uncertainty.

The journey ahead is fraught with peril, of which I have no doubt. But as a Pathfinder, it is my duty and my privilege to face whatever challenges come my way with courage and determination. For it is in the face of adversity that true heroes are born, and I am determined to prove myself worthy of the title.

As the city of Ventura fades into the distance behind me, I feel a sense of freedom wash over me like a wave crashing against the shore. Ahead lies a world of endless possibilities, a world waiting to be explored and conquered, perhaps I may even venture beyond the veil. And though the road may be long and arduous, I face it with a sense of purpose and resolve that burns bright within me.

With each step forward, I leave behind the familiar and embrace the unknown, ready to chart a course through uncharted territories and uncover the truths that await me in the Last Great City of Tiamaht. The road ahead may be long and fraught with peril, but I face it with a sense of determination and purpose that burns bright within me.

For I am Rodney Edwarte, Bronze Class Pathfinder extraordinaire, and this is only the beginning of my greatest adventure yet.

Until next time,

Rodney Edwarte


Excerpt from: "Ventura: Chronicles of a Divine Dynasty by Andrew Viveran" 

" Ventura, the jewel of the Boarder Lands, stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the divine Venture family. Nestled amidst rolling hills and lush forests, this city has long been revered as the heart of magical innovation and prosperity despite being the closest in proximity to the Anomalous Veil. 

The origins of Ventura trace back to ancient times, shrouded in the mists of myth and legend. According to ancient texts, it was the Venture family who descended from the heavens, gifted with extraordinary powers by the gods themselves. Blessed with the ability to wield ancient runes, they could bend the very fabric of reality to their will, ushering in an era of unparalleled advancement and enlightenment.

Under the benevolent rule of the Venture dynasty, Ventura flourished. The city became a beacon of knowledge and progress, attracting scholars, artisans, and adventurers from far and wide. With their mastery of runic magic, the Ventures unlocked the secrets of mechanization, creating marvels of engineering that defied imagination.

One of the most renowned achievements of the Venture family was the creation of the Clockwork Colossus, a towering automaton imbued with the power of a thousand runes. Standing guard at the entrance to the city, the Colossus symbolized the indomitable spirit and ingenuity of the people of Ventura.

But prosperity often breeds envy and greed, and Ventura was not immune to the machinations of power-hungry rivals. Throughout its history, the city faced numerous threats from dark forces seeking to usurp the divine authority of the Venture family. Yet, time and again, the Ventures stood firm, wielding their ancient runes to repel the forces of darkness and safeguard their beloved city.

As the centuries passed, Ventura continued to evolve, blending magic and technology in harmonious unity. The city's skyline became adorned with towering spires and gleaming citadels, testaments to the boundless creativity and innovation of its inhabitants.

Today, Ventura stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the Venture family, a dynasty of chosen ones revered as gods among mortals. Theirs is a story of triumph over adversity, of courage in the face of darkness, and of the enduring power of magic and imagination. As long as the ancient runes continue to flow through the veins of the city, Ventura will remain a shining beacon of hope and inspiration for generations to come. "


Excerpt from: "The Enigma of the Black Dome: Unraveling the Mystery of the Veiled Land by Alex Ventura"

"The Black Dome, an enigmatic anomaly shrouded in mystery and darkness, has long captivated the imagination of scholars and adventurers alike. Stretching across twenty percent of the Earth's surface, this vast expanse of obsidian obscurity has remained untouched and unexplored for over six centuries, defying all attempts at comprehension or penetration.

The origins of the Black Dome are lost to the annals of time, obscured by the veil of secrecy that surrounds it. According to ancient texts and mythological lore, the Dome is said to have materialized suddenly, engulfing vast swathes of land and sea in its impenetrable shadow. Some whisper of a cataclysmic event, a rift in the fabric of reality that birthed this otherworldly phenomenon, while others attribute its creation to the whims of capricious gods or ancient sorcery.

Whatever its genesis may be, the Black Dome has remained an impenetrable barrier to all who have dared to venture near its perimeter. Countless expeditions have been launched over the centuries, each ending in failure or disappearance as explorers succumbed to the eerie allure of the Dome's dark embrace. Tales abound of ships and aircraft vanishing without a trace upon crossing its threshold, leaving behind only whispered legends and cautionary warnings to would-be adventurers.

Despite the veil of secrecy that surrounds it, the Black Dome continues to exert a profound influence on the world beyond its borders. Strange phenomena and unexplained occurrences are often attributed to its presence, from inexplicable weather patterns to sightings of mysterious creatures said to inhabit its shadowy depths. Scholars and mystics alike have speculated endlessly about the nature of the Dome and the secrets it may hold, but thus far, all attempts at uncovering the truth have been met with failure or frustration.

As the centuries have passed, now 600 years since its discovery, the Black Dome has become a symbol of both fascination and fear, a silent sentinel guarding its secrets with unwavering resolve. Yet, despite its impenetrable facade, the allure of the unknown continues to beckon to those brave enough to heed its call. And so, the mystery of the Black Dome remains as tantalizing and inscrutable as ever, a testament to the enduring power of the unexplored and the unknowable."


- End of Chapter 1 -