
Legends of Re: Earth

The world is no longer the same. Centuries have passed and the old world of technology and mortal man is no more. Near unkillable Gods wearing human skin roam the Earth. Strange beasts slumber in even stranger places. Unncanny regions hold secrets of lost times and hidden worlds. ..... The Chosen, immortal beings born human wage their ageless war against the Elysians; mortal gods they banished as demons in fear for the Elysians are one of the few races capable of slaying a Chosen. Titans slumber beneath the Earth and beyond the skies granting blessings and curses to those who reveare and worship them. Some seek them out for their blessings, others hunt them for their curse. ...... The Convergence fused continents, forming a singular land mass. The supercontinent New Pengia is all that remains of the old world. The Fall divided the Earth into True North and True South, separated by the Anomalous Veil. Only the enigmatic Strangers, cursed by the Titan Oroboros, can navigate this boundary, guiding travelers through the Veil's secrets as they carry out their eternal duty - The Endless Hunt. ...... Outsiders seek to unravel the captivating allure of the vast and enigmatic Mysterious Black Dome beyond the veil, shrouding an astonishing 20% of the Earth's surface. Concealed within lie untold secrets, veiled from mortal and divine comprehension alike, waiting to be discovered. Delve into the unknown and unlock the mysteries that await within. ...... The Formless rule the seas. Their ever-changing shapes and fluid bodies are incomprehensible to the senses of a human yet they are kind and benevolent. Seeking only to carry out their own Eternal Duty for an even Stranger beast lurks in the deep where they reside. ...... Even beyond the confines of the Earth others of alien nature lurk in the cosmic depths. ...... In these strange lands, nothing is as it should be. Welcome to the Legends of Re: Earth. Welcome to L.O.R.E ...... This is a compilation of short stories and snippets that take place in the world of L.O.R.E., an original book project I am currently working on. Hope you enjoy reading about the stories and legends from this strange world. Join my Patreon or Discord for more info if you find yourself interested to know more in the links below. I'll be posting concept art and entries about the world every now and then. patreon.com/DASOR I'll also be posting on RoyalRoad and Scribblhub.

Othniel_Seth · Urban
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Part 1: [Encounter with The Veil]

Date: 632 AF February 27th 

The road to Tiamaht stretches out before me, winding its way through rugged terrain and untamed wilderness. With each passing mile, I feel the weight of anticipation grow heavier in my chest, fueled by the knowledge that I am venturing into uncharted territory. And yet, amidst the excitement and uncertainty, there is a lingering sense of apprehension that gnaws at the edges of my consciousness.

As a Pathfinder, I have heard countless tales of the Veil – a shimmering barrier said to be the boundary between our world and realms unseen. Rumors speak of the Forgotten Ones, mysterious figures known to many as the Strangers, who wander the lands beyond the Veil. Ghost-like warriors who always travel in pairs, they are said to guide lost souls to safety, their motives shrouded in secrecy.

For as long as I can remember, regions like the Veil has held a strange fascination for me. It is these places that fuel my passion for discovery; many Pathfinders have documented tales of their own discoveries within the Clock Tower Colossus. 

I have spent countless sleepless nights within the Chamber of Chronicles reading about them. The journeys of the Chosen Alex of the Divine Ventura Family have always captured my interest. 

He documents the Mysterious Black Dome and its impenetrable walls; the Forest of Ruin and the Kordaxian tribe hidden within its floating Islands among other phenomena. The most intriguing are the World Pathways - moving doorways to other worlds scattered across the globe. 

All these mysteries beckon to me like a moth to a flame, drawing me ever closer with each passing moment. And so, when the opportunity presents itself to get a closer look at this enigmatic barrier, I find myself unable to resist its call.

My sister, Lily, watches me with a mixture of concern and curiosity as I make my way towards the shimmering barrier, her eyes wide with wonder. She is thirteen years old now, on the cusp of womanhood, yet still filled with the innocence and wonder of youth. I can sense her apprehension, her fear of what dangers may lie beyond the boundaries of our world. And yet, despite her misgivings, she stands by my side, her unwavering support a source of strength in the face of uncertainty.

This journey is as much hers as it is mine. I am tasked with completing a mission assigned by the Pathfinders Guild, while my sister aspires to join the Temple of Tiamaht within the last great city. 

Despite my attempts to dissuade her, she remains enamored with their way of life. Although I will deeply miss her when she is accepted among their ranks, I am certain that she will flourish under their guidance for what she seeks is a way into Tamarah, the secret forbidden homeland of the Priestesses of Tiamaht. It is renowned as a maternal nation of female warriors - Titanborne's who welcome female disciples from all backgrounds into their temple. 

I am sure she will be happy there. 

As we draw nearer to the Veil, I am struck by its beauty and the enormity of its size and scope. It stretches beyond the stratosphere, its shimmering surface dancing in the faint light of the setting sun. Below, it descends a thousand miles beneath the earth, a testament to the mysteries that lie hidden within its depths.

The air seems to crackle with energy as we approach, charged with an otherworldly presence that sends shivers down my spine. The sight of the Veil fills me with a sense of awe and wonder, mingled with a healthy dose of trepidation. 

What secrets does it hold, and what mysteries will I uncover in my quest for answers?

As we stand on the outer edges of the Veil, I cannot help but feel a sense of reverence for the power and majesty of this ancient barrier. It is a sight that few have beheld and lived to tell the tale.

Yet here I stand, on the threshold of discovery.

The Veil stands true to its legend—a monumental structure adorned with vibrant lights and an ethereal aura, reaching thousands of meters beyond the clouds and delving deep into the Earth's depths creating a tranche of abyssal size. Ancient maps recount open lands without borders, once divided only by wide stretches of water called oceans; where technological wonders thrived without the need for runes or steam to power them.

I dream of what such a world would look like as I gaze upon the veil. 

Legend has it that beneath the Veil lies the Trench, whispered to be the resting place of the great Titan Ouroboros. As I ponder this ancient tale, I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. The very thought of such a colossal entity sends a chill through my bones for the very act of devouring its own tail forever split the world in two. There's a haunting melody that is sung by the denizens of the Boarder Lands, a song of reverence for the mighty Titan. 

As I reflect on these stories, I find myself offering thanks to the Chosen Gods. It's a relief to know that this Titan was defeated by them in the times of old. The idea of such a being still roaming our world is beyond comprehension. As I close this entry, I'm left with a sense of awe and wonder, grateful for the peace we now enjoy. 

The journey ahead will be fraught with danger and uncertainty, of that I have no doubt. And yet, despite the risks, I am determined to press forward, driven by the insatiable curiosity that burns within me. 

For I am Rodney Edwarte, Bronze Class Pathfinder extraordinaire, and this is only the beginning of my greatest adventure yet.

Until next time,

Rodney Edwarte


Excerpt from: "Whispers of the Forgotten: Tales from the Veil by Alex Ventura

"The Song of the Titan of Non-Existence - Beast of the Great Divide

 Ouroboros The Illusory Rainbow Serpent

(Verse 1)

In shadows deep, where secrets lie,

There slumbers one with hungry eyes.

A serpent coils, its form concealed,

In dreams, it feeds, its hunger revealed.


Oh, the snake that devours its own tail,

Stealing memories beneath the veil.

In the depths where darkness prevails,

It hungers still, as the night exhales.

(Verse 2)

Beneath the moon's hypnotic glow,

It steals the past, the highs and lows.

Each stolen thought each whispered plea,

Sustains its endless, ravenous spree.


Oh, the snake that devours its own tail,

Stealing memories beneath the veil.

In the depths where darkness prevails,

It hungers still, as the night exhales.


A silent thief in the realm unseen,

Its hunger knows no bounds, no serene.

With scales of color, eyes aglow,

It hunts through memories to and fro.


Oh, the snake that devours its own tail,

Stealing memories beneath the veil.

In the depths where darkness prevails,

It hungers still, as the night exhales.


So beware the serpent in its sleep,

Lest your memories it shall keep.

For in the realm where shadows dwell,

The snake consumes, and all is fell."


Excerpt from: "The Chamber of Chronicles: A Testament to Pathfinder Legacy By Andromeda Viveran - Honored Celestial Bronze Pathfinder"

"Deep within the left wing of the towering Clock Tower Colossus lies the Chamber of Chronicles, a sacred sanctuary preserving the memories and legacies of the brave pathfinders who venture forth into the unknown. Within its hallowed halls, the essence of their journeys is immortalized through the artistry of special runes, ensuring that their stories endure for eternity.

Since time immemorial, the Pathfinder's Guild has bestowed upon its graduates a precious gift—a journal infused with the magic of ancient runes. These journals serve as more than mere records of travels; they are vessels of memory, carrying the essence of the Pathfinder's experiences and discoveries.

As new Pathfinder embark on their adventures, they diligently document their encounters, insights, and triumphs within the pages of their journals. But the true magic lies in the special runes inscribed upon the covers, imbued with the power to preserve the essence of the Pathfinder's journey for all time.

Upon their return from their travels or upon their passing, these journals find their way to the Chamber of Chronicles. Here, amidst the whispering echoes of history, each journal is carefully stored and cataloged, ensuring that the tales within are never forgotten.

But the Chamber is more than a mere repository of journals; it is a sacred space where the legacies of pathfinders past are honored and revered. Visitors from far and wide come to pay homage to the brave souls whose stories adorn the shelves of this venerable chamber.

For within the Chamber of Chronicles, the spirit of adventure lives on, and the legacy of the pathfinders continues to inspire generations to come. As long as the Clock Tower Colossus stands, so too shall the Chamber stand as a testament to the indomitable spirit of exploration and discovery."


Excerpt from: "The Convergence and the Endless Sea: Unraveling the Mystery of the Veiled Land by Alex Ventura"

"In the annals of history, there exists a pivotal event that forever altered the landscape of our world—the Convergence. It was a cataclysmic event of unfathomable magnitude, where all the continents of the Earth were drawn together, melding into a single, vast super-continent known as New Pangia.

The Convergence reshaped the very fabric of the planet, forging new alliances and rupturing old boundaries. As the continents collided and merged, mountains rose and valleys sank, giving birth to a new era of geological unity.

But amidst the chaos and upheaval, there emerged another phenomenon—the Endless Sea. Stretching infinitely in all directions, this vast expanse of water encircles New Pangia, separating it from the distant shores of other landmasses scattered across the globe.

Yet, the Endless Sea is not a realm devoid of life or significance. Far from it, for it is ruled by the enigmatic and inscrutable Formless—a race whose existence transcends mortal comprehension. Its physical form, if it can be called such, is a swirling mass of energy and consciousness, forever shifting and changing in ways that defy the limitations of human perception.

They rival even the Chosen themselves. It is rumored that they were once Chosen themselves or bear a blessing from a Titan that slumbers in the depths of the Endless Sea. Scribes and lost history speak of a Titan defeat by the old Chosen Gods before the convergence. Perhaps they are the descendants of the Chosen Gods of old. 

Certain clues point to this being true. At least it is the closest to the truth of the Formless that has been unveiled so far. 

The Formless is said to be the guardian and steward of the Endless Sea, their unfathomable will guiding the currents and tides that ebb and flow across its boundless expanse. Some whisper that they are the embodiment of the Endless Sea itself, while others believe them to be benevolent deities of unknowable power, watching over the seas and the creatures that dwell within them.

Whatever the truth may be, the Formless remains a mysterious and enigmatic presence, its influence felt throughout the Endless Sea and beyond. Sailors and explorers speak of strange phenomena and eerie encounters in the waters under its domain, tales of ghostly apparitions and whispered voices echoing across the waves.

And so, the Endless Sea stands as a testament to the boundless mysteries of our world, a vast and uncharted realm ruled by a being whose nature is as elusive as the depths it governs. As long as New Pangia endures, so too shall the Formless reign over the endless expanse of the sea, an eternal enigma waiting to be unraveled by those Pathfinders brave enough to venture into its depths."


-End of Chapter 2-