
Legendary Multiversal Cafe

Tenshi is a kind and gentle boy who had an accident which lead to his death. Faced with a new life, he only wishes to live happily without regrets. Turns out he received a system as compensation for his unjust death. The Multiversal Cafe System! This isn't the same type of story as my last two fics... If you're looking for something like that, then I'm sorry you'll be disappointed. This will be very relaxing and heartwarming... sometimes emotional and happy, sometimes a bit sad and bittersweet. I'll try my best to make it cause you to react with genuine and raw emotions. So! If you want to read something that will warm your cold heart and feel like a nice coffee in the middle of winter by a fire, then you should like it! Tenshi is very kind and gentle, he avoids conflict and isn't usually violent! So please don't freak out if he doesn't kill everyone he comes across.

AgentMonke · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
147 Chs

Arriving at Sabaody!

The next day

Kakashi was sitting on the Terrasse, looking at the sea and sipping coffee. Apparently the ship was sailing today!

He looked over at people walking around the deck.

The ship was actually very large, huge even. It was long and wide, all made of wood, Kakashi quite liked it. Though the cafe itself felt a little small, but Tenshi told him that he would be making the Cafe portion bigger overnight.

He wanted to find a couple more things first, after that, he would expand the cafe.

People were coming and going as though it was a Bazaar.

Tenshi didn't really know how to feel about this, but as long as they were happy…

However, one person was very upset about this!

Aino gathered everyone on the deck and said loudly "All you bums, listen up! This is Tenshi's cafe! Do you think it's your personal trading square!?" the people's lips twitched, they were just making use of the opportunity to trade with people from another universe.

Aino snorted at them and said "From now on, I will be establishing a Trade Union for this Deck. You want a space for the day, you'll have to rent it! Also! If you don't buy anything from the Cafe, you are prohibited from setting up shop on the deck! In addition, your rental time will span 3 hours before expiring unless you purchase something else from the Cafe!"

She snapped her fingers and Zambai stepped out, grinning "That's right! The Franky Family Bodyguard Squad will be watching very carefully!" Aino puffed out smoke and nodded before firming up the rules and regulations of the Trading Union on the deck.

Afterwards, she walked back into the cafe and curled her finger to Tenshi, saying "We go 70/30 on Rental fees. 70 for you." Tenshi pursed his lips and nodded, "Alright." Aino snorted, "I need an exchange from Beli to Ryo, I'll give up another 5% for this service."

Tenshi's lips twitched and he replied "So kind today?" Aino frowned, "Listen, Sissy! I'm a business woman, but we're friends. Not to mention, you are clearly a special person, enabling me to do business across universes. If I don't give you some benefits, even if you don't care, I'll feel awkward."

Tenshi rolled his eyes and retorted "You're worried I'll kick you out, right?" Aino's lips twitched and Tenshi smiled gently, "You don't have to be, you'll always be welcome here, Aino-san." Aino paused before turning around, "Just cus you said so, doesn't mean I'm happy about it! Asshole!" as she wiped her eyes.

Tenshi smiled gently before freezing as Aino turned around, laughing "Alright! I changed my mind! 60/40 split! Hahahaha! Thanks, sissy!" before humming happily to herself, walking away.

Tenshi laughed to himself, shaking his head as he cleaned up with a smile.

A few days later

The Ship docked at Sabaody.

Tenshi looked out at the island and held Mocha as he said "Haku, hold the fort." Haku sighed to himself and nodded as he made coffees. Tenshi spread his wings and flew into the island.

He landed on the mainstreet, looking at all the shops.

There were some clothes shops, restaurants, hotels, tourist merch…

A bunch of junk.

He came here for a reason…

To kidnap Camie!

That cutie would be a great Waitress!

Tenshi smiled to himself, ignoring the shouts and gasps.

He turned his head to see some funny guys staring at him. He waved, handing out Business cards, saying "Hello! I'm Tenshi, my ship is at the dock in Grove 32. It's a Cafe, please come and buy a coffee. You won't be disappointed." he turned and smiled at a woman, "We also have pastries." before turning to a man smoking a cigar, "There's a smoking area, Espressos are only 500 Beli. Perfect for Mobsters."

He turned up and smiled, nodding "There's also a stage for music." he continued walking, handing out Business cards to the Supernova.

Bege muttered "Espresso…" there was a voice in his body, "Boss! We haven't had a decent Coffee since home!" Bege muttered, "Might need to check it out, boys."

Jewelry Bonney asked quickly, "What kind of Pastries?" Tenshi smiled, "Doughnuts, cake, Tiramisu, biscuits…" Bonney ran off quickly.

Tenshi nodded and continued walking, advertising the Cafe by himself.

He was shouted at "Grab him, I want him!" Tenshi turned and nodded, "Ah, Saint, sir! Have you ever tried coffee?" he handed out a card before continuing on his way. The CP agent held the card, dumbfounded.

The Celestial Dragon shouted angrily "Grab him, you damn dog!" The CP agent moved but Tenshi turned his head, his eyes glowing as a huge white half body appeared around him.

It was all skeleton with huge white wings and long hair.

Tenshi smiled, "Make sure to visit, okay?" everyone looked up in horror as the Susanoo covered Tenshi with its bone wings before dissipating. Tenshi continued on, glancing at the Celestial Dragon, putting him in a daze as he jumped to all fours, barking like a dog, scampering around.

The Supernova felt their scalps tingle as they quickly left the area.

Everyone ran away quickly, not even daring to witness this historic event.

They were sure whoever saw it would be killed!

Feathers shot out and froze the chains shackling the slaves before flying back.

The slaves quickly ran away as fast as they could while the CP agents were in a hurry to snap the Celestial out of it.

The Celestial barked and lifted his leg, pissing all over himself.

Tenshi flew over the buildings and laughed.

He perched on a building, looking down, quite liking the feeling of doing what he wanted. At least he didn't have to hide here!

He looked at Urouge, who smiled and waved at him kindly. Tenshi smiled at him kindly, waving. Urouge continued on his way, Tenshi felt warm, so kind. Like meeting family or something. Even though they were different races, they all had wings.

It was nice.

Tenshi visited some shops, finding some dials. He bought a bunch of Eternal poses that he didn't have yet, even walking into a map shop and buying all sorts of maps.

He walked along the streets and pulled a rope attached to a bubble with everything he bought.

He walked to Grove 1, looking at the Human Auction House.

He walked inside the building, seeing everyone here.

Tenshi walked to the back, looking at Law, Kidd, Luffy and the rest.

He arrived just in time.

Luffy stepped up on the stairs and fired a fist, smashing Charlos in the teeth, sending him spiraling through the seats. Tenshi sighed sincerely, "Awesome." Law was startled and looked behind him, saying "What the hell! How did this guy get here!?"

The Straw Hats looked over and smiled, "Tenshi!" Tenshi smiled gently, "Hello everyone." Charlos' father stood up and Tenshi looked at him, muttering "This guy… I'm pretty sure he's a dog, right?" the man froze and jumped around on all fours, barking and panting as Tenshi laughed.

Everyone felt their scalps go numb.

Only Luffy chuckled before turning to Hachi worriedly.

A woman was terrified, "W-What did you do to my father?!" Tenshi looked at her and smiled, "I liberated his true self, do you want to experience it too?" the woman shook her head and Tenshi sighed, "What a shame, you already have!" the woman meowed and got on all fours, stretching like a cat, meowing as she rolled around.

Tenshi smiled gently, "Disgusting. These things aren't even human, they look better like this." although Tenshi was very kind, even he couldn't tolerate these inhuman bastards. You know, Charlos in the future tried to catch Shirahoshi 3 times!

The third time he turned into a spring human by Leo and Sai.

Tenshi thought of that manga panel and chuckled, the funniest part was Charlos' father said the classic line from Tenshi's favorite movie.

'Look how they massacred my boy!'

Though, Tenshi wasn't sure if that was the Translation or GOda. Either way it was really funny.

As a person who knew the future, he quite literally didn't see any Celestial Dragon as human. Tenshi didn't think anyone did. They were strange animal human lookalikes… Like pathetic Skinwalkers.

It was fun to bully them, satisfying to watch them be bullied, and funny to see them get hurt.

Well, anyway, Tenshi didn't care about them. He didn't have to wait long for Rayleigh to make his grand entrance!

Rayleigh chuckled as he looked at the do- Celestial Dragons before tearing Camie's collar off.

Tenshi nodded and a giant Susanoo appeared. It grabbed Camie and Tenshi turned, leaving the auction house by smashing a hole in it with his Susanoo.

He hummed to himself as he casually kidnapped Camie.

Everyone else froze and Luffy shouted "Tenshi! Wait! What are you doing??" Tenshi looked at them in confusion, replying "Kidnapping a new Employee, why?" Camie was stunned before saying apologetically, "I have a job, sir. Sorry…" Tenshi was stunned, "I don't care!" Camie was shocked, before looking troubled, she couldn't have TWO jobs! How could that work?

Nami muttered, "Wasn't Karin kidnapped? Must've happened like this…" Tenshi shook his head, "Well, anyway! See you guys later." as he walked out of the Auction house, humming to himself, before remembering "Oh yeah! My ship is at Grove 32! Come for a coffee later!" as he waved at them, holding Mocha's paw and waving it as well.

Luffy smiled, "Alright, see you later!" Nami punched his head and complained "Luffy! He kidnapped Camie!" Luffy rubbed his head and replied in confusion "So? He's a nice guy." Hachi almost died on the spot! That was HIS waitress! His talent was poached by a rival business!

Rayleigh cleaned his glasses and laughed at the scene.