
The night

The whole house was crowded and cheerful, it was the Howard's night, stars and celeb could be seen with their different designers wear chatting and drinking. At a corner stood Joshua, he was sipping a drink staring into the crowd, from a distance stood Sarah, standing innocently, she was ignored by some people she came across while some greeted her. which her sorrowful looking face she avoided any of the Howard's in the eye.

As the party went on Anita Howard's the first daughter of the family made a welcome speech to the guest, meanwhile lola who had come late was been stopped by the gate despite her invitation card, causing the paparazzi to start making a noise, what's going on here, a voice sounded from the inside, a young elegant woman with a peach colored gown on questioned the body guards.

Ma its this lady here, she says she's been invited by the Howard's but we can't grant her a pass because we don't know who she is... Let her pass a voice suddenly echoed,

Bryan do you know this lady, the lady on peach asked

She's my woman he said holding her hand and walking past his sister Nina.

sorry for the disgrace, our family are extra careful because we don't need the social media to pull up another drama, he apologized without staring, she just sighed and followed his lead, they didn't go straight to the hall, they took a lift up the gallery and took a sit. Lola who was feeling nervous was unnoticed by Bryan, guest came by to greet him and greet her too, she was not used to all of this attention, Bryan turned face the nervous lola, are you ok? Her face was all red, she was feeling nauseated, like he understood her clearly he helped her from her seat and took her to the toilet where she threw up.

Of all days Lola why would you be filled with anxiety today he asked with no emotion on his face, I'm I'm sorry....she sighed I'm not used to these, how do I face the public after this she said, Bryan stared at her for long that she felt uncomfortable with the look,

Do you have a boyfriend he asked,

No she suddenly answered, he walked closer to her, I know when you tell a lie and when you're saying the truth he said with one brow raised, Lola who was feeling uneasy moved a little from him and inhaled heavily still he didn't give her a chance as he moved closer till her back was touching the wall, won't you speak up he said with both hands on his pocket staring at Lola's unstable eye balls. Adrenaline flowed all over Lola's body, I've told you what you wanted to know she said,

and you want me to believe that, before he could say much his cell phone rang, without a word he hung up and moved aside, ill be giving a word to the crowd, sit back, watch and learn he said and gestured her to be at the front, when she got to her seat, he left her to the podium and started addressing the public, she was paying no attention to his speech as she saw a message on her phone

what were you doing.

I just went to the toilet

don't forget your place.

do your assignment clean.

she sighed at the last message, she's really in a mess. And I'll make an apology to Miss Sarah, the voice drew her from her thoughts, with full sincerity in my heart I'm begging you in the midst of the crowd, though we shared moments together, I'm not so heartless to drag you to the mud, and ill never ever paint you black on social media, in front of everyone here I'm pleading on behalf of me and my family, thanks for ruling off the court case that your families where pressing against me, indeed you're a person of great heart. He sighed, I've let down my pride to plead with you in public, whatever grudges you hold against me please forgive he said and smiled, there was dead silence in the hall, Sarah's eyes were moving from place to place, wishing the ground would swallow her.

We've said much today he spoke again, bit this occasion would not be complete if I don't showcase the light behind my back.... during my staggers and almost falling down, pointing up to the gallery he said, meet the love of my life, Lola Howard he said and light showed on lola who suddenly sucked in deep air, the whole crowd gasped in surprise,

so its true,

they are for real,

when did they start, the crowd started murmuring,

my world wouldn't have been complete without her, she showed me light in her path....the crowd started applauding, Lola had least expected this, she has officially been announced as the fiancée of Bryan

Did he call her Lola Howard

are they married

they really are a perfect match not that toxic Sarah, gossips were flying in the air and Bryan paused, Lola, I love you.


that was so cute

she's so lucky

Bryan is the most fortunate..... with his last statement he left the podium and went to sit next to lola, handshakes were coming, congratulations greetings were ringing.

Bryan looked at Lola who was faking a smile and grinned, their eyes met, and he could see the fury in her eyes, I can never be outsmarted he though.