
A change

Take a sit, I'll call the CEO the receptionist said, she dialed a number on the intercom, someone's here to see you sir, miss lola, ok sir. She dropped the phone, wait a minute he's coming out to see you she said smiling

lola sat on the sofa and she inhaled deeply, she was having her bath this morning when Mr Joshua called her, she never thought she would be called back after that day, the guy is really a weirdo. Few minutes later a man on suit came out, he was breath taking and attractive was an understatement, how come he is looking so handsome today she thought,

shall we he said as he walked pass her, she was dazzled at his behavior because he didn't look her in the eye, she followed him and they entered the lift, they were going down stairs, she looked around the transparent lift and saw people moving around, making calls, attending to customers, such fame she thought, looking at Bryan by her side, he was busy on his phone with one hand on his pocket, how could he even glance at her, afterall she's not his spec she thought, where are we going she questioned, without removing his eyes from his phone he responded, do as I say and ask no questions, like she has forgotten her limit she thought to herself, they walked straight to the car pack, he opened the front door for her and she went sat down, he turned around and got into the drivers seat.

They drove to an expensive restaurant, as they were about to go in, he held her by the hands and they walked in slowly, all eyes were on them, if anyone is to ask you questions please stay quiet he said tucking the hair that fell on her face to her ears, as they walked further a waiter directed them to a VIP seat, the place was separated from others.

sir place your order the waiter said placing a food menu on their table, he looked at it and turned it over to lola, what would you like to eat he said for the first time fixing his eyes on hers, she looked at the menu, desert will be better she said looking at Bryan, I'll take the same he said. Few seconds later their order was on the table, they started eating in silence, after some minutes Bryan spoke up, tell me more about you Miss lola,

I'm... I'm a model, I am 22 of age, I'm the only child of my parents...I'm not a trouble maker, I will just do my job and leave, she said with her eyes fixed on the desert, another silence followed, Bryan took the servett on the table and wiped his hands.

I'll brief you about what you're going to do for me, have you ever faced the media once?

As a model I've faced the Media many times.

But you've not gone for an interview before, she stayed quiet as she swallowed hard, he continued, as long as you do your job very well you will be well paid, I'll get a coach to teach you how to speak in public, she will teach you how to act like a celebrity and you're not going to stock me, you'll only do as I say and come when I need you, he paused and looked at his watch, I'll be taking you to my parents tomorrow, I'll text you on what to do and .... don't ever keep me waiting when we have a meeting, I'm I understood?

Ye...yes sir.

Don't call me sir call me Bryan he corrected, I think today's time is far spent he said and stood up, she stood up too and followed him,

you've not paid for the meal she whispered,

I've done that before now he answered as he lead the way.

Can I really do this she thought to herself, this whole pretence thing sucks she said inwardly, turning to her left when she got outside she could see a camera man taking pictures of them both getting into the car and Bryan seemed unconcerned like he never noticed.

when they sat on the car, lola was having a problem with her seat belt, let me help you out he said, as he bent closer to her, lola sucked in deep hair, is he for real she thought, thank you she said, welcome he said without glancing at her as he ignited the car engine and they drove off.