

Marco, Whitebeard, and shank recovered quickly. For now, they decided to follow along with the play of Leo as they saw no harm in doing so. Shanks and Whitebeard quickly put back all the people from Shanks crew back into their ship started moving away while Macro started waking up the commandos and informing them whitebeard going away.

Leo already planted his nanotech inside the body of both Whitebeard and shanks while Itachi did the same with Marco while waking him up, started moved toward Luffy and ace which have just missed each other on Drum island with Luffy leaving and ace reaching there after him.

His shadow unit which was sent to Wano country reported back stating that skills of making a sword with will have been learned and around 50 swords have also been collected to serve as an example while making the sword. Leo instructed them to come back and wait for him within the island nation which was formed by him and report everything to Madara who then assigned people who were interested in blacksmith to try out the techniques and such using methods that were brought back by the shadow team.

Leo within a week reached the port of Nanohana in Alabasta with potter going at it at half speed of his.

Soon Leo and his comrades moved over to the drylands of sand. Many went on to explore the town while Leo and Itachi stayed on the ship in the meantime after 2 days Luffy along with his crew arrived at Alabasta to refurnish their supplies meanwhile Ace arrived on the same day as him.

Leo watched everything clearly as Luffy broke into the restaurant throwing both smoker and Ace away. Leo instructed all the people who were within the town to return as it was time to meet his foolish brothers.

Luffy after finding out about Smoker quickly ran away while ace came in between the two and protected Luffy.

Soon both Luffy and ace reunited and started going back to the Luffy's ship which had already departed.

Luffy using his rubber arms went back to the ship while ace using his one-person boat went back.

Zoro: Ace? Your brother was with you?

Usopp: Is it okay for you to leave him there?

Luffy: I guess he will be okay!! Ace is Strong!!

Chopper: He is strong?

Luffy: Yeah! He hadn't eaten Flame Flame fruit a long time ago, but I still never beat him in a single fight! He is really strong, Ace is!

Nami: There are flesh and blood person you could never beat?!

Ussop: I guess the big brother of a monster is an even bigger monster.

Luffy: That's right I lost all the time! But I'd win now if we tried!

Zoro: I assume that another groundless claim.

Ace jumped up from his small single-person ship and said: Who can win what now?

Luffy: Oh! Ace! this the crew I was talking about!

Before anyone else could say anything Leo appeared on side of both Luffy and ace and punch them and knocking Ace down to the lower deck directly while Luffy after getting punched flew in the air down the lower deck too. Leo standing in front of everyone. While Ace and Luffy recovered, Leo wearing the mask said to others who after recovering from their shock were preparing to fight: Don't worry I didn't kill them yet.

Ace and Luffy who was lying on the ground quickly got up and took their attacking position.

Seeing this Leo laugher loudly and said: Good good Now you want to beat your own older brother huh? I see that you have forgotten my fist of love already huh?

Ace and Luffy both got confused, with Ace concluding first and asked: Leo?

Leo laughed loudly: How have you been little brother? I visited Whitebeard I while ago you weren't their so I came looking for you here and what do I find my brothers fighting among themselves. Guess I will join on this brother vs brother fight too.

Luffy remembering the terrible memories of childhood were Leo would beat all three of them if he ever finds them fighting started screaming: Leo nii-chan I didn't do anything it was ace. I didn't do anything.

Ace also recovering from the shock asked: Leo is that you?! Did you meet pops?

Leo slowly removed his mask revealing a long black hair that went longer than his shoulders while forming a ponytail on the back. His face was completely clear with no scars or even tiny mishap eyes completely black in color and a small smile which made one feel loved on the face.

Before Leo could answer, Baroque Works with 5 ships came to attack Luffy's ship seeing this Leo in a low voice said: Itachi take care of it.

Itachi like a shadow appeared behind Leo and jumped off the ship and started running on water. Leaving everyone other than Leo on the ship with the mouth shaped O behind. Itachi reaching a close enough distance took a deep breath and used a Dragon's roar type of attack with a red beam that burned all the ships down in one go without leaving any evidence of any ship ever been there.

Leo slowly walked toward the edge of the Marry go when another ship comes out of water. Leo turned back and said: Come on my ship we have a lot to talk about.

Leo disappeared appeared on the huge ship which was thrice the size of Going Merry.

Luffy and others jumped on the ship too, the ship exceeded all expectations. 7 people were sitting on a table drinking tea while working on something which by their eye felt as drawing floating in the air. The entire floor was made out of gold which also contains a little garden in which someone was watering the plant. Ace and others watched curiously when Luffy suddenly got close to one of the people and try to touch the figure floating in the air but his hand just moved passed it.

One of the people working raised his head and saw Luffy when Leo shouted: Come out I have bought my brother to visit my ship, Come and greet them. Prepare someplace for them to sit too.

One by one around 30 people appeared surrounding Straw Hat and ace completely other than Itachi and one more member's rest were wearing casual clothes they looked at Luffy and others and disappeared again. A dining table appeared out of nowhere in front of them with11 chairs. Leo sat on one of the chairs with Itachi standing behind him and both Luffy and Ace seat on either side of him. Luffy and others took their sit but before anyone could talk food appeared out of nowhere on the table.

Leo started talking again: I met whitebeard before coming here to talk about your hunt, he too feels you should return now but ultimately that is your choice.

Ace seriously replied: I have to fulfill my duties as a commander to enforce the law.

Leo: Okay if that's what you want.

Leo turned to Luffy who was eating like crazy: Won't you introduce me to your crew?

Luffy with food in his mouth and a chicken leg piece in hand started pointing at Zoro and others and started mumbling.

Nami punched Luffy and started introducing herself but before she could say anything Leo started talking.

Leo smiled: "Cat Burglar" Nami formal member of the Arlong Pirates. Adopted by formal marine Bell-mere. A pleasure to meet you.

Without waiting for Nami to reply Leo looked at Chopper who started introducing himself: Tony Tony Chopper's newest member to join the crew, Student of Dr. Kureha Drum Island.

Leo went on: Roronoa Zoro the former bounty hunter turns pirate, Carries the sword of his childhood lover Kuina. Usopp, son of Yasopp of the Red hair pirate Childhood friend and lover Kaya. Vinsmoker Sanji, the formal prince of Germa Kingdom and now adopted son of Redleg Zeff. And lastly Nefertari Vivi princess of Alabasta and formal Baroque works agent.

All of them were surprised as to hope Leo knew about them and something so important about their past in such detail. But Leo didn't pay any attention to them and started talking to Luffy and ace. With Luffy telling Leo all about his adventures while ace constantly falling asleep while eating.

Luffy suddenly asked: Leo where have you been all these years? There have been no new about you.

Leo: Well I have been here and there which reminds me I met Shanks you're always going about. His arm is healed now.

Luffy surprised screamed and asked: Really?

Leo: Yup. He told me to tell you that he is still waiting for you to return the hat to him.

Luffy paused his dinner for a moment and started looking at his hat remembering his childhood memories.

Leo saw others such as Nami Zoro and others had long stopped eating and staring at Leo. Leo started laughing and asked: What happen why are you all so serious?

Sanji with all seriousness asked: How do you know about my past?

Leo simply smiled and completely ignored Sanji asked Luffy and ace: How is the food? I cooked it myself for you guys.

Before others could reply a cannonball landed next to Leo's ship rocking Going Mary. Seeing this one after other people appeared next to Leo who in a low voice after seeing a marine ship coming their way spoke: Potter go take care of this, destroy their ship.

Within seconds a huge tsunami arises out of the ocean throwing Smoker's ship who was coming to chase Luffy back into the beach.

Leo standing up spoke in a laughing voice: Come Luffy I will show you something.

Ace Luffy and rest were quietly watching Smoker ship being thrown away heard Leo and looked over.

Slowly Potter came out of the water rising freaking out everyone due to his size.

Seeing this Leo laughed even louder.

Luffy recovering first came forth and started playing with Potter. While chopper started talking to him using the beast language of his.

Leo smiling said out loud: Itachi why don't you take everyone around the ship show them various places.

Ace, as he was about to get up, was stopped by Leo. Seeing this Ace too stopped and seatback down. Nami and others seeing this realized Leo wanted to talk to Ace and Luffy alone went with Itachi.

Leo called Luffy back from playing with Potter and started talking: I know about Sabo's incident. He is not dead he has lost his memories and was seen in various places. He is still using the same name, Sabo.

Hearing this Luffy and Ace both turned serious too. Luffy with tears in his eyes asked: Nii-chan you aren't lying are you?

Before Leo could do anything, Ace punched Luffy and turned to Leo: Have you found him?

Leo: No but I want both of you to not tell anyone anything about Sabo, his life might get in danger. I will search in the meantime for him.

Luffy started crying loudly while Ace also got very serious. Soon Nami and others returned with weird expressions on their face and saw Luffy crying like a baby.

Leo seeing this smiled and spoke: Itachi bring some ice cream for everyone. Potter starts moving the ship to take Going Mary with us too.

Seeing both Ace in the serious face and Luffy crying the straw hat crew just seat in silence.

Seeing this tense situation, Leo started talking to Vivi: So crocodile is finally making a move for the kingdom huh? That's something.

Vivi: If you don't mind can you kindly explain how you know so much about every one of us?

Leo smiling said: Because you're related to Luffy

Sanji interpted: What does that mean?

Leo: In your upcoming adventures people will find out every little thing about you when you get famous. I paid interest because you will be traveling with my littler brother otherwise why would I care.

Zoro: If you're so connected and powerful why has no one ever heard about you?

Leo giving a big creepy smiled: Well believe it or not but those who see me either Die by my hands painfully or kill themself on there own. Do you want to see it?

Nami and other sensing dangers didn't reply. Luffy recovered from his crying while Ace just stood up from his seat and watched the sea.

Seeing this Leo shaking his head spoke in a loud voice: Little brother, I'm running a bit short on time. So I will be going for now.

Luffy hugged Leo while Ace just nodded. Leo one last time looked at the straw hat crew who had moved back to Going Mary and spoke in a low voice: Don't worry I don't eat people..... not yet.

Naruto world female partners?? Any suggestions?

Kazrucreators' thoughts