
Finally Going Home....What I'm Rich?!

Suddenly a second golden star shined, a third, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh, an eighth, a ninth and finally a tenth golden star shined.

Looking at the ten golden stars shining brightly Old Purple was both dumbfounded and speechless. After several seconds he shouted: "You gotta be kidding me!!!"

Mazell was suddenly awoken by Old Purple's shout: "What's wrong Old Purple? Did I not do it right?"

Old Purple sighed at the question and said: "No you did well... Anyway let's get out of your Soul Space before I die from shock in here."

Mazell simple nodded and didn't ask any further.

The ten golden stars signified that Mazell possessed ten magic spirit abilities. It was already extremely rare for a mage to possess a magic spirit ability let alone ten. In fact in the last ten billion years of Guillius Magika's history there had only ever been five mages that awakened two magic spirit abilities simultaneously during their Magic Awakening. Even the legendary first generation Gun Mage who was known as an unrivaled mage only managed to awaken three magic spirit abilities. However now Mazell had awoken ten simultaneously making Old Purple truly unable to comprehend his existence.

After Mazell and Old Purple disappeared from the soul space the little blue snake suddenly went inside Mazell's Summon Elemental Mana Sphere without Mazell himself even noticing. "Ri....Ri!"

When Mazell opened his eyes he felt as if his entire body was completely different from before. It was as if his entire body was overflowing with strength and power. Within his mind some new information he had never known before suddenly appeared. Realizing what these new informations were Mazell was somewhat startled: "These are....Spells?!"

Old Purple: "To be more precise they are Inherent Spells. All Elemental Mana Spheres come with their own inherent spells the moment you obtain them."

Finally understanding Mazell simply nodded then asked: "So what's next Old Purple?"

Old Purple: "....It is time to confirm whether or not you can obtain the Gun Mage's inheritance."

Mazell: "Ok so how do I confirm it?"


Suddenly a pair of pistols appeared floating in front of Mazell.

Seeing the pistols Mazell felt as if they were calling to his very soul.

Old Purple: "Take them! If they do not reject you then you are worthy of the inheritance."

Without hesitation Mazell grabbed the two pistols. And as he did he felt a strong heat coming from them. But this heat did not burn his hands at all. Instead he felt as if the heat was slowly warming his soul. Then a stream of aurora colored light came out of the two pistols and slowly made its way towards Mazell's head. Mazell did not struggle for he instinctively knew this aurora colored light would not harm him. As the aurora colored light entered his mind Mazell once again received new information regarding spells. However these spells weren't ordinary spells they were known as Gun Spells. Besides this he also received information regarding an extremely difficult type of magic called Nexus Magic.

Old Purple: "Congratulations for receiving the Gun Mage inheritance Young Candi.... No! Lord 16th Gun Mage!"

Mazell was slightly shocked: "How do you know I wasn't rejected?"

Old Purple: "Haha.... If you were rejected then you would've been sent flying by the pistols."

What a joke! The kid had Dragon Attribute, The Mythical Dragon Magic and even Ten freakin Magic Spirit Abilities. If he wasn't worthy then Old Purple truly didn't know who would be.

Hearing what Old Purple had said Mazell was relieved. Now that he had obtained the inheritance he could finally go home to his family. He didn't have to be stuck here anymore. The 30 years of hard work and suffering he went through did not go to waste.

Old Purple: "Alright!.... Before you leave and we part ways let me give you two gifts."


Suddenly two orbs of light appeared before Mazell.

One orb contained a small green ring.

While the other orb seemed to contain something that looked like a platinum emblem.

Old Purple: "Take the two items. Their my congratulatory gifts to you for becoming the new Gun Mage."

Mazell put away the pistols then took both the ring and the emblem from the orbs then looked towards Old Purple for an explanation as to what they were.

Old Purple: "The ring is a magic storage item it can store and or bring out things via your will. While as the platinum emblem is something I think you'd very much appreciate. Simply put it hides your magic aura. No one would be able to tell that your a mage. And I know for a fact that you don't really wanna let your identity as a mage to be revealed haha."

Hearing this Mazell started looking at the platinum emblem as if it was the world's greatest treasure while secretly swearing that no matter what he would never lose this platinum emblem.

Old Purple: "As for the ring it's meant for your pinky finger. The moment you put it on you'll understand how it works. Also don't put the platinum emblem into the ring otherwise it won't be able to hide your magic."

Mazell put the ring on his pinky finger and immediately understood that he could make it invisible. He immediately willed it to do so. Then Mazell looked towards floating little purple ball of light that was Old Purple with a slightly sad expression. He knew what was coming next it was time for them to say goodbye.

Old Purple: "Well the time for us to part has finally come...."

Mazell: "Wait Old Purple! There's something I've been meaning to ask."

Old Purple: "Oh? What is it?"

Mazell pointing at the other colored doors: "What's behind the other doors?"

During his thirty years of training here in the Gun Temple he had only ever entered the white door for training. As for the green, blue, red, silver, gold and violet doors he had absolutely no clue what's behind them. Which made him very curious.

Old Purple: "....."

Mazell: "Old Purple?.....Eh?!"

Suddenly without warning Mazell's body started to become transparent and was slowly disappearing.

Mazell: "W..What's going on?!"

Old Purple: "It's time for you to return home Young Candi....Lord 16th Gun Mage. As for what's behind the other doors I'll show you what's behind them the next time you come."

Hearing Old Purple's words Mazell felt as if he had just been struck by lightning. Did Old Purple just say he would be coming back? That can't be! Right?!

Mazell: "W...Wait! What do you mean by the next time I co..."

Before Mazell could even finish he had already left the Prime Amethyst and had gone back to the world of Guillius Magika. After Mazell left fifteen shadows suddenly appeared beside Old Purple.

Old Purple: "So what do you guys think of your new successor?"

15 Shadows: "......."

When Mazell opened his eyes he was back in his house's kitchen. The aroma of his father's cooking, the sack of potatoes he was suppose to be peeling before he got sucked into the amethyst and even his newly bought phone that he left on the side table. Everything was still the same from before he got trapped in the prime amethyst.

Mazell: "Old Purple was right. Time really did stop while I was inside."

Mazell went out of the kitchen and when he saw his father's large back he couldn't help but start shedding tears. 30 years! It's been thirty whole years since he last saw him. Mazell immediately ran towards Bernard and hugged him from behind: "Father!"

Surprised by Mazell's action Bernard asked: "What's wrong Son? Was there something in the kitchen?"

While silently holding back his tears Mazell said: "No....Nothing Dad. I just really wanted to hug you."

Bernard laughed: "Haha.... Is that so? Well I don't really know what happened. But know that I'll always be here for you Son. No matter what."

Shedding another tear Mazell replied: "Yeah I know. Thanks Dad."

For the rest of the day Mazell spent his whole day happily being together with his parents. Being separated from them for so long truly made him appreciate the time he could spend with them. As for Bernard and Marlin they were a bit bewildered by how Mazell was acting. It was as if he had suddenly matured without any reason at all. He acted as if he hadn't seen them for a long time.

That Night.....

Mazell: "Hah!.... Good to be home."

Mazell was lying on his bed enjoying it's softness after thirty long years. Feeling the warmth and love of his adoptive parents as well as the comfort of his own bed Mazell felt as if there was nothing more in life he could ever ask for.

Fiercely opening his eyes Mazell couldn't help but think back to what Old Purple had said before he returned: "I wonder what Old Purple meant when he said he'll tell me about the other doors the next time I come..... I..I hope he doesn't mean what I think he means."

Thinking about this Mazell couldn't help but shift his gaze to his left pinky finger.

Mazell: "Appear!"

Suddenly a dark green light shined from his left pinky finger. A second later the green magic storage ring gifted to him by Old Purple appeared on his finger. Now that he was a mage he could have his consciousness enter magic storage items like this.

When Mazell's consciousness entered the ring he was immediately dumbfounded. The space inside the ring was so large that a megalopolis sized city could probably fit inside of it. There were mountains of gold and silver coins inside as far as the eye can see. Besides that there seems to be dozens of magical items, magical beast corpses and even rare magical herbs. Seeing the vast amount of wealth in front of him Mazell couldn't help but exclaim: "I'm Rich?!!!"

After snapping out of his daze Mazell's consciousness began to continue exploring the inside of this storage ring. He was truly astounded as to how a small ring could actually store so many things. At the very end of the space Mazell spotted an altar. On the altar were seven crystals shining with aurora colored lights: "What are these?"

As Mazell's consciousness got closer to the altar one of the seven crystals that seemed to have become a red crystal suddenly approached him. As Mazell's consciousness was about to make contact with the red crystal.....Suddenly SHATTER!!!

The red crystal shattered: "AAAAAAAH!!!!" Mazell felt severe pain from his head. As if his brain was slowly being torn to shreds. A few minutes later Mazell lost consciousness.

The Next Morning....

Mazell woke up with an excruciating headache: "Ugh!....My head hurts! W..What happened last night?"

Suddenly a Melodious Female Voice rang throughout Mazell's mind: "Good Morning my puny and perverted master!"