
Elemental Mana Spheres...Dragon Attribute?!

Looking at the little blue snake cuddling him, Mazell was truly confused. If this wasn't an Elemental Mana Sphere then what was it? Mazell then turned to Old Purple for an explanation.

Old Purple: "I honestly have no idea what this is. But one thing's for sure, it came from the Magic's Mystic Source. Which makes it a beast with connections to the origins of magic itself."

Blue Snake: "Ri....Ri!"

While Mazell and Old Purple were talking the Blue Snake started trembling.

Seeing the Blue Snake trembling Mazell couldn't help but wonder: "What's wrong with it? Is it sick or something?"

Before Old Purple could even say anything blinding bright blue light suddenly exploded from the Blue Snake: "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" BOOM!

Mazell was startled: "What the heck?!"

When the blue light vanished and Mazell opened his eyes what he saw was five basketball sized orbs floating around the little blue snake.

Mazell suddenly had a thought: "Are those...."

Old Purple: "Elemental Mana Spheres! Those are definitely Elemental Mana Spheres!"

Mazell: "What?! Are you saying that this little snake can produce Elemental Mana Spheres?"

Old Purple: "Well.... He did come from the Magic's Mystic Source. So for him to have such an ability I'm not really surprised."

Blue Snake: "Ri....Ri!"

Mazell then asked: "So now I have five Elemental Mana Spheres inside my Soul Space.... Does this signify that I now possess five different types of magic?"

Old Purple: "That indeed should be the case.... How about you go check what elemental manas you possess?"

At this moment the Blue Snake curled around Mazell and started cuddling him once again: "Ri....Ri!"

Mazell approached one of the orbs and slowly put his hand on it. The orb suddenly shined in sky blue light and Mazell started picturing waves of water within his mind.

Old Purple: "Water Elemental Mana! This signifies that you can now use Water Element Magic.... The purity level of this water elemental mana is extremely high. With this purity level alone your water magic should be at least three times more powerful than normal water element magic."

Suddenly the sky blue colored orb let out a terrifyingly loud roar while as a sky blue colored dragon shadow appeared behind it: "Roooooooar!!!!"

Mazell was once again startled: "What the heck?!"

Old Purple: "Absurd!... Not only does it have a high purity level but it also has the dragon attribute in legend! With this dragon attribute the power of your water magic is further amplified by five times! Coupled with it's purity level that's EIGHT TIMES AMPLIFICATION!"

Mazell didn't really care about what Old Purple was talking about and instead moved on to the second elemental mana sphere. The moment Mazell put his hand on it Shiiiiiing!!! Unlike the first orb that shined with sky blue light the second orb shined with dark blue light while pictures of a thunderstorm appeared in Mazell's mind.

Old Purple: "Thunder Elemental Mana.... And it's purity level is equal to the Water Elemental Mana Sphere's."

And once again Roooooar!!! A roaring dragon shadow appeared behind the Elemental Mana Sphere but this time the color of the dragon shadow was dark blue instead of sky blue.

Old Purple: "IMPOSSIBLE!!!.... It's already absurd enough for a person to possess an Elemental Mana Sphere with dragon attribute to appear. How could a single person with two at once possibly exist?!.... Don't tell me the other three are also...."

Sure enough when Mazell touched the third orb lime green light shined while pictures of a vast forest appeared in his mind. Then a lime green colored dragon shadow roared from behind it. Roooooar!!!

Old Purple: "Extremely Pure Nature Elemental Mana! And a third elemental mana sphere with dragon attribute!"

When Mazell put his hand on the fourth orb something different occured. This time no light shined and what Mazell could picture in his mind was a group shadows that were shaped like reptiles. As for the dragon shadow it still appeared but this time it didn't have a color and was instead completely transparent. Roooooar!!!

Old Purple: "A rare type of elemental mana! To be more precise it's Dragon Specific Summon Elemental Mana."

Rare Type Elemental Mana! During ninety percent of the time Mages who undergo Magic Awakenings would awaken sixteen specific types of elemental manas. These sixteen are <Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light, Shadow, Lightning, Ice, Metal, Nature, Poison, Sand, Combat, Healing, Support, Illusion.> However during rare occasions mages are lucky enough to awaken a type of elemental mana that is different from the sixteen. Examples of rare elemental mana types are <Necromancy, Sound, Summon, Control, Mind.> And many more still believed to be undiscovered or to be more precise unawakened.

The rare elemental mana type that Mazell had awakened is none-other than the Summon Elemental Mana. This would allow Mazell to summon powerful magical beasts into battle. However....

Old Purple: "Although Summon Elemental Mana should be able to allow you to summon many powerful beasts to fight for you, but the problem is.... Your Summon Elemental Mana is designated to only beasts that are classified as Dragon Species. Meaning your summoned beasts can only either be descendants of dragons or beasts who have awoken dragon bloodline. Such beasts are extremely difficult to find even in ancient times. Let alone now when dragons are on the verge of extinction. So I really don't know whether to consider this Summon Elemental Mana of yours as a gift or a curse."

When Mazell approached the fifth and final orb he felt something somewhat ominous about it. Like a wild and savage beast about to be unleashed. Mazell hesitated for a bit but then decided to put his hand on it. Boom!!!

The fifth orb suddenly exploded in dark blue light that enveloped Mazell's entire Soul Space. Within his mind Mazell could picture a large blue ethereal creature. It was so huge that compared to it Mazell was even less than the size of an ant. It was a dragon a large blue mystical dragon.

The Dragon spoke: "Human.... You now wield the Magic of Supremes.... Such a thing like this.... For a human to wield such power.... Is completely unfathomable even for a being such as I.... And yet here you are.... Human.... You must wield this power well.... Do not bring shame upon it.... For if you do.... Then the wrath of the Supremes will befall you!"

When Mazell awoke from his trance he saw the the fifth orb shining with even darker blue light than the one from the Thunder Elemental Mana Sphere. And behind it was.... That same large blue dragon that spoke in his mind.

Unlike the other dragon shadows this one was about five times larger than the previous ones. What's more this one wasn't wildly roaring like the other ones instead it was quite temperate. It was just floating there sharply gazing at Mazell as if sizing him up.

Old Purple: "I am no longer able to comprehend the inconceivable matter happening before me...."

Mazell then asked: "Hey Old Purple what Elemental Mana is this?"

Old Purple: "This is a type of elemental mana that was said to only exist in myth. Which is why instead of classifying it as a Rare Type it is more appropriate to classify it as a Myth Type Elemental Mana. But that is not what makes this shocking. What truly makes this shocking is the fact that it exists within you Young Candidate. Even in myth it has been stated that this type of elemental mana only existed in the bodies of Legendary Divine Magical Beasts. For it to exist within a human is something no less than inconceivable!"

Mazell not caring at all: "You still haven't answered my question. What Elemental Mana is it?"

Old Purple: "Dragon Elemental Mana! It is a type of Elemental Mana that was said to only be possessed by Ancient Divine Dragons themselves. This Dragon Elemental Mana has the same origins as the dragon attribute. Making it so that the amplification it gets from the dragon attribute is twice as much compared with other elemental manas. Due to this your Dragon Elemental Mana alone has ten times amplification. Coupled with the purity level that's thirteen....THIRTEEN TIMES AMPLIFICATION MY GOD!!!"

Mazell nodded but still not really caring. He was just curious as to what elemental mana it was. However he was also a bit worried by the words spoken to him by the dragon that appeared in his mind.


Out of nowhere aurora colored winds started gathering around the elemental mana spheres.

Mazell: "What's happening now?"

Old Purple: "This is something I had already expected. Especially with your level of talent Young Candidate. You see some mages are born with very special souls. These types of souls are capable of further amplifying your elemental manas, drastically increasing your control over elemental manas and spells, as well as increases your soul's ability to resist spiritual attacks to an extremely high degree. These type of souls are called Natural Born Mystic Souls. To put it bluntly you are a natural born mage Young Candidate."

Hearing this Mazell's expression was completely black. Although Old Purple meant it as a compliment it wasn't something that Mazell was happy about at all. At this moment Mazell had already started thinking of methods to avoid ever getting found out that he was a mage.

Although Old Purple said it casually in truth amongst all the mages in the world only one tenth have this Natural Born Mystic Soul.

Old Purple: "It's just that....Sigh! With your natural born mystic soul your elemental manas will once again be further amplified. And it looks like the amplification will go up to about five times....Sigh!.... I really don't know what to say anymore. Young Candidate are you sure you are human? Could it be that you are some entity born in the Magic's Mystic Source?"

In truth Mazell never knew about his true origins. He was an adopted child who was picked up in a burnt down temple. The only clue he had about his birth parents was the fact that they explicitly wanted him to be surname'd Nexus.

Now adding his Natural Born Mystic Soul Mazell's Water, Thunder and Nature elemental manas have now been amplified by a total of thirteen times. While as his Dragon Elemental Mana has been amplified to a total of eighteen times. As for his Summon Elemental Mana due to the fact that he still doesn't have a summoned beast it still cannot be judged as to how much it's been amplified.

Old Purple sighed in exhaustion. It was truly tiring being constantly shocked from Mazell's Magic Awakening: "Anyway now that you have your Elemental Mana Spheres. It's time to check if you've awakened any Magic Spirit Abilities."

The moment a person's soul has had contact with elemental mana there is a five percent chance that their souls might awaken a new ability that they may use besides drawing elemental mana to cast spells. These awakened abilities are called Magic Spirit Abilities! Unlike when using magic these abilities don't require elemental mana to use. Which means as long as they don't have certain limitations to them, then they can be used unlimitedly.

Mazell: "Alright then so how do I check?"

Old Purple: "Simple.... Close your eyes and try to feel a power.. No! More like a switch that you wish to turn on."

Mazell didn't really understand but still closed his eyes and tried to Feel anything different. Until... "Eh?"

He felt something. As Old Purple described.... it felt like a switch that he could turn on anytime he wanted. However...."Why does it feel like there's more than one switch?"

Suddenly a golden star shined within Mazell's soul space.

Old Purple: "Very good.... As expected he indeed possessed a Magic Spirit Ability."

However it wasn't over.... What came next completely shocked Old Purple once again.