
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

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The three networks.

After the creation of the magic engineers, the world underwent a transformation by leaps and bounds and this benefited the great powers because during this all had a change to the digital.

Several computer systems and digital transactions arrived. Now it was no longer necessary to have all your cash as coins or spiritual stones, but all transactions were just numbers on one screen.

And if you want to have something physical you would have to go to the bank removing it from its vaults but this system has several flaws that favor the powerful to repress the weak.

Before Alexander in his previous life had long bank accounts but ended up offending a powerful family and this to take revenge froze all their assets in the bank.

This enraged Alexander who went and killed all the people in the branch of the bank offending them as well. After that, the banks and Alexander were like water and oil.

Every time Alexander saw a branch of that bank he always stole the vault and destroys the infrastructure of the bank.

This made Alexander be vetoed from all banks of the continent system without exception and became a wanted criminal by the banks and the continent's highest justice entity the continental police.

The continental police was the highest above the mortal Kingdoms of Grade 1 and if the offended it was better for you to go to the holy land. Alexander spent several decades being hunted by them until he faked his death.

Yes, Alexander only escaped them by faking his death!

After those days Alexander never used bank accounts again and I swear that one day he would destroy the banks.

So he opted for the only tools in which he could do business clandestinely. The crypto coins.

In the Net, there are three levels that were called: Sky, Earth, Deep.

In the Sky Network were all the legal and honest businesses. There were guilds, banks, E commerce. Messaging.

On the Earth Network, one could find fraudulent businesses of dubious origin. They were cheaper than in the Net sky, but they could be swindles or stolen.

And after this was the Deep Net. This net was defined as "If you have the money, you can get it" and when you talked about everything it was everything!

Methods of cultivation, Human Organs, Blood of a baby, A sex slave. Everything.

In the Sky Network, only spiritual stones and Gold were accepted as payment coins.

But on the Earth Net and the deep, they accepted unofficial payments such as Crypto coins. After this, I only needed to go to a page of exchange in the Sky Network or pay with crypto coins.

The wall of the Wise was a clandestine site located in the deep web, where much confidential information of many powers was trafficked.

In this site, you could even find xxx videos of important figures from the center of the continent but nobody knew if they were true and worth a fortune. So Alexander never bought them and pretended they didn't exist.

In addition to this, there were a large number of cultivation techniques and sword methods that were exclusive to powers of great renown. These techniques were supposed to be secret but somehow they were recorded by a stranger and uploaded to the deep net. But no one knew if they were true. Because to know if they are true one would have to compare them with the original version.

There were also pirate and cheaper versions of the investigations issued by the guilds. There was also secret information about all the major powers on the continent.

In short, All kinds of information.

Only here there was one rule. "It doesn't matter if it's free or paid once it's published it's impossible to remove."

No one knew who owned this portal, and all Deep Web sites were impossible to track.

Alexander had the idea of publishing this book in the guilds but later recalled many rumors that the high command of the guild erased the investigations that they did not like and even stole the credits of some investigations.

He knew they were rumors but as the saying goes: "If the river sounds... It's because the truth comes out".

On the wall of the wise, there were no users but you uploaded what you wanted to sell and put the number of purse or wallet to which you had to deposit the crypto coins.

Alexander made a total of 9 publications.

"How to make your Space Storage space - 3 cubic meters"

Requirements: Array master of a star.

Price: 1000 ninth grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 5 cubic meters"

Requirements: Two-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 eighth grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 10 cubic meters"

Requirements: Three-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 seventh grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 20 cubic meters"

Requirements: Four-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 sixth grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 50 cubic meters"

Requirements: Five-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 fifth grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 100 cubic meters"

Requirements: Six-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 fourth grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 200 cubic meters"

Requirements: Seven-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 third grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 500 cubic meters"

Requirements: Eight-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 second grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

"How to make your space storage space - 1000 cubic meters"

Requirements: Nine-star Array Master.

Price: 1000 first grade spirit stones (Equivalent in Martial coin)

After doing this Alexander leaned back on his chair and thought to himself: "Jejejeje it seems that the era of the big banks is about to end".

If everyone had a Space Storage space, this would change a lot of things, wouldn't it?

Now Alexander just had to wait to become filthy rich.

The only bad thing is that he would be rich in Crypto coins and not spiritual stones.