
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantasía
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254 Chs

Future plans.

Upon hearing that Alexander began to laugh wildly, as expected of Frey, "Jajaja, right, correct, correct, The James clan seeks marriage with my brother and because of this caused the royal family cut off communication with us, didn't they Audrey?"

"how did you know?" According to her, there were only two people who knew.

"Hahaha, do you think I didn't notice when my mother stopped writing letters to her sister, after she didn't answer three times", So she showed a cold look and said: "My mother asked for help and nobody answered, so when they want our help we will ignore them. Also, they want to marry their daughter to my brother in spite of everything their family has done to my mother, I think they need good retribution to pay for their sins, the same goes for the Webber family".

At this time the people he hated the most were the Webber family and the Royal family (Snow Kingdom), destroying the future of his mother, made her suffer, now betrayal and abandoned her.

These families need to be destroyed, but to destroy them they would first have to get rid of the James clan. Otherwise, it would be impossible to do so, because that was the territory of their clan!

Right now the strength of his people was insignificant than that of the James clan, so he could not destroy them soon, he could only wait in silence for a few years. But also he would have to make arrangements first. Only then will these years of waiting not to be wasted.

Suddenly Frey said, "But Prince, why didn't they marry the princess to someone surnamed James, wouldn't that be more beneficial to the clan?"

Alexander shook his head and said: "Mr. Frey we do not know all the information but to make that movement only means one thing, the talent of my brother is with the highest potential in this region," said Alexander with contempt without disguise.

One must know that in this world there are countless factions, regions, countries, provinces, counties, cities, and villages.

As an example here, in this desolate area, there were countless small countries, but the reality was that those countries were like villages, if a genius from a village came to the big city he would realize that he was one of many, nothing special. There might even be a more talented individual.

Many of the countries in desolate areas sent their children to sects in mortal countries, these were the greatest geniuses of their countries but within a sect they would be one of many ordinary fishes, they could even be expelled in a couple of years for not meeting the expectations of the sects, returning home with their heads down.

This commonly happened to countless people every day, but to people who only saw a limited countryside, those people were geniuses. The same thing happened to people who saw their brother as a genius when by far will reach the elemental realm and he will stay there rest of his life.

Even if his brother has talent there was something he lacked and that was an excellent cultivation technique. In the life of a cultivator, there were three pillars, One was talent, Two are resources and third are cultivation technique, You could lack the first two but not the third and that was because with proper cultivation technique determined the speed of cultivation!

A medium mortal cultivation technique allowed a 10 times faster qi suction speed than a low-level one, not to mention the differences between a spirit level technique and a mortal one. They were too frightening. Each level could not be compared to the previous one, either in qi purity or in suction velocity.

Alexander had estimated that at best the nearby sects should have a couple of medium-level mortal techniques. Those techniques in Alexander's sight were worse than garbage because even if he practiced them his achievements would be limited, the true cultivation techniques begin with the spirit techniques. There was only one problem with high-level cultivation techniques and that was that it needed for resources was much higher than that of an average person, something that the average person could not afford.

In his previous life he began with a mortal technique of low level but in his last days, he had obtained a technique spirit of the superior level!

But this did not happen overnight, he had to move around the continent and offend many powers, killed many people if he had stayed in his hometown would only be a person of the ordinary, in his previous life achieved something that his talent alone would not allow him to achieve.

Although the changing technique was difficult and arduous, a better technique allowed more significant achievements in life.

So his brother "Genius" could only earn his contempt, he felt sorry for all those who considered him as a genius. Those people were very ignorant of what it meant to be a genius. In his previous life, he met geniuses who at his brother's age were already in the Elemental realm. The only difference was that they had a much more promising background than the miserable Sea Palace.

Listening to the contempt in Alexander's voice, Frey could not shake his head, as far as he knew, The third prince was already in Body refining level 5 even though he was only 5 years old for the younger generation of the Alba kingdom this was monstrous. So he did not see badly his words of contempt.

Then Audrey said, "Young master, what shall we do about it?"

Alexander just shrugged his shoulders and said: "Nothing, I don't care who my cousin marries, anyway I don't know her and I don't have feelings for her".

Alexander's words kept everyone in the room quiet, but what he said was the truth, there was no reason to do anything.

But Audrey said, "Young master, this is a serious matter. If your brother marries the princess, he will surely ascend to the throne!"

Hearing that, Alexander showed expression full of contempt and said: "Audrey, have I told you that I want the throne of this kingdom?"

Seeing this Audrey was confused: "But you are a royal family if you do not ascend the throne, your brother is most likely to exile or kills you," She was not foolish and knew what happened to the losers of the royal family.

Alexander could only laugh at the top of his lungs: "Hahaha, kill me?, Exile me?, Audrey I think that's the stupidest thing you've ever said, You think that a garbage like my brother can kill me, hahahahahahahaha", In his previous life, not even a martial king level one could kill him, in fact, no one of his enemies killed him, he only died of old age, otherwise he would still be alive and well. So the joke that a miserable prince of a desolate land could kill him caused him to laugh as if he were listening to the best joke in the world.

Alexander calmed down a little and looked at Audrey and said: "Audrey, it seems you underestimate me, it took me almost three months to reach the body refining level 5, Seriously you think that in ten years my strength will be less than my brother's...".

This made Audrey take a breath of cold air, what Alexander said was true. In ten years the strength of his young master may be much higher than that of the second prince. After all, his young master was the reincarnation of a monster thousands of years old.

Thus Alexander's face changed, and he showed a cold look, only that unlike the previous one he had a trace of killing intent: "If that garbage dares to give me an order I will break his legs, but learn I will kill him, Just as simple, it doesn't matter if you are a king or an heir prince if your strength is less than mine you better not behave arrogantly in front of me, much less give me orders like exile".

Hearing that not only did Audrey shudder, but Frey and Helena who listened in silence also shuddered. That killing intent told them that he would seriously kill his brother if he didn't behave.

Alexander also added: "Audrey, Frey, you have to understand why this land is called desolate, It's simply because there's nothing good here. Even in a small town in a mortal country grade 5, it's much better than the best city in a desolate land. In those countries you can say it's a different world, In the future, I'll leave the kingdom to explore the continent, if you want to accompany me you are free to do so, the decision to stay or come with me is yours alone. "

Hearing this, Audrey and Frey fell in deep thoughts. They had lived all their lives in their kingdoms and had never left them, In fact, they had never thought about it but Alexander told them that "It's a different world", naturally Audrey would go where Anna was in this life she would never leave her. And Frey was very passionate about his homeland, wanting to die in it. So this was not an easy decision.

Knowing they couldn't provide him with an answer soon Alexander decided to change the subject and said: "For now we can't do much so in these years we will remain silent and improve our strength, I will not leave tomorrow so you have time to think about it, for now we have to concentrate on the present" He gave a momentarily pause and said: "Audrey, I want you to disguise yourself and go to a restaurant that starts with "Delicious", Those are the bases of the Deadpool, In a few days I refine few pills Elemental opening and you can put the bounty order".

They don't think it's time for the Mc to grow up! Haha!

Edited by Leafking900

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