
Legacy: Lord Alba

There was one person who resigned himself to death, No matter what he would do I knew he would die. So he made an Array, One where he would be immortal, There he lived countless Eons, He made countless Investigations, But even so he could not save himself from death, During his voyage he made several Discoveries that revolutionized the real world and would break the balance in the universe, making it return to the Golden Age an era in which countless Geniuses were Born. A New World Was Created A world in which all the beings in the universe wanted to live. "Congratulations Ninth concubine, It's a Boy. The third prince is born" "If that's so, then I'll give you Alexander my son Alexander Alba." ***Novel formerly known as "The Third Prince."*** IF YOU LIKE THE NOVEL, DON'T FORGET! Add it to your library, you could be the first to read a new chapter! Editor: Asce1993, Leafking900 BEST WEEK IN THE POWER RANKING!! ----WEEK OF 14 January 2019, TOP 47---- Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/fattyiscute SPONSORS: Tom Major! (Find out how you can be one in the Auxiliary Chapters!) 7 chapters per week. Contact: fattyiscutewebnovel@gmail.com

Fatty_is_cute · Fantasía
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254 Chs

A new day

The next morning, Anna got out of her bed very early, Her mood could not be any better, because today was the day her store gonna be finally opened for business, she has been working very hard for a month and now it was time for all her efforts to pay off.

"Audrey, Today is our big day, Where are you?" asked Anna while busing herself getting ready to look presentable on the first day of her store, after all, She is the boss.

"Here I am Miss," Audrey replied as she placed some plates with food on the table, even though she and the young master has been working throughout the night, she did not feel tired and they have just returned to the palace an hour ago which did not give her much time to sleep, so she started cooking breakfast for everyone.

"Audrey, the day has finally arrived, Let's hope it goes well", Saying that Anna sat down and started eating, While eating she heard a voice, "Mother, why are you so happy today?" she turned her head to see where the voice came from and saw a five-year-old boy watching her. "Alexander, today our store opening day and we'll be very busy all day so you have to behave yourself today. Can you promise me?"

Alexander just nodded his head in her direction while taking a seat next to Anna. "That's how I like it," she approached his son and kissed him on the cheek. Then the three of them started eating.

After breakfast, the three of them went out to the commercial avenue where Anna's shop was located, Anna, seeing her store, got excited once again and went to the back of the store and entered through the service door.

Currently Anna's store is divided into four floors, the first floor was intended for the cheapest clothes for the commoners with the lowest prices, the second was for small nobles, Although it was more expensive than ordinary clothes, it still cannot be compared to something that a great noble will use, The third floor would have the finest and expensive clothes of the store Intended for the great nobles of the capital, and finally the fourth floor was the staff floor, where Anna's office was located. Alexander would also be staying in the next room right beside Anna's office starting today as they cannot leave him unattended in the palace, therefore he would accompany his mother to work.

While Anna was concluding some last few cases before the store's opening, Audrey went to leave Alexander in his room and said: "Young master, I have a doubt."

"What is it?" Alexander asked Audrey.

"Young master, Miss Anna's clothes are very resilient and they do not lose their color even if they were washes a thousand times. Is it not bad for business If people only buy clothes once in a lifetime? we will be broken if that happens! "

Alexander just gave a soft smile, "That's what you were worried about? Audrey those clothes are not meant for normal people, it's for cultivators! For many wearing an armor is like being put in a cage as they feel restricted in their body movements while wearing an armor, In other words, they do not like it, but it could not be helped as the common clothes could not even holdout when they practice, and they have to buy new clothes very often. Another point is that martial artists live longer than a normal person, maybe for a normal person a thousand washing's sound something could not be done in their lifetime, but for a martial artist, it's only a couple of years. These clothes have many advantages for them, so there's nothing to worry about. "

Audrey finally understood what her young master wanted to state. In the City, there are plenty of clothing stores but they all sell regular clothes, none marketed clothes for cultivators needs, That is, currently there is no such store in the nearby regions which tends to the needs of the cultivator which means they have an opportunity to be flag bearers for a new industry and also have a competitive edge in the regular clothing industry. coming to this conclusion she could not help exclaiming "Young master is wise".

Alexander did not even flinch because of that flattery, he just said: "What we are about to do, will also attract many greedy pigs to us, so give advice to my mother to be prepared and not to back down from any challenges, If they want to collaborate with us sincerely we accept but if they want to take advantage of us just kick their ass and teach them a lesson, if they didn't learn then kill them, no need to fear anyone, in this desolate land there is no one I dare not to kill," While saying the last words Alexander emanated a murderous intent that was impossible for a five years old child to unleash.

Audrey nodded as she went back to Anna's office. She knew that Alexander was going to start his training and shouldn't be disturbed anymore.

Meanwhile in another part of the city.

Two middle-aged men were kneeling in front of an old man, This was Walter Dunham, while the two kneeling men were Levi and Tiberius, In the corner of the room you could see a fourth person which was Walter's other manager.

"Sir, we're sorry we could not complete the task," Levi said.

When he heard those words Walter could not help but frown. This task was too simple for them to fail, "Give me more details."

"Yes sir," Levi still on his knees told him all the events transpired in the night, as for how the set of attacks by Tiberius couldn't even budge the door, or how the attack of more than a hundred people was unable to even scratch the wall of the building.

After hearing about the events, Walter fell deep into his thoughts, then he turned to see the other manager and said, "Alan, the property we gave her was normal, right?"

Manager Alan was quick to respond, "Yes sir everything of that building is made of common materials, to avoid further losses in situations like these."

Walter turned to see the pair of people in front of him, deciding what he would do, After thinking about it for a while, he ordered" You can get up, this time It was not your fault as we seem to underestimate the ninth concubine, The situation is not as simple as it seems "

The pair of kneeling men gave a breath of relief, they could not believe what was happening their boss had forgiven their lives, although they did not know why, they could guess more or less as to ​​why they still alive, because they were still useful and their boss could not find a replacement in a short period.

They got up from the floor and stood next to the other manager in silence Until a giant Blue pigeon arrived, This was a demonic beast in the Realm of body refinement, This was a beast used to send urgent messages in a short period.

When the four people saw the pigeon in the dovecote in the backyard, They were left watching without knowing what to do, as it's been a long time since they received the last one. Usually, they were secret messages that only the boss could see. So Walter got up and went to the backyard.

He arrived at the dovecote and removed the message from the blue dove. but when he read it his mind went blank, he could not believe what was written inside, in all his life something like this had never happened to him before, Someone actually has stolen from him! According to what the note said not even the shelves were left out, They took everything, and that too in one night!

For him, that was impossible because he had a cultivator in the Realm of Qi Gathering was set there to guard his fortune, something that for many was impossible, so much so that the people who were in that Realm in the Alba Kingdom can be counted on one hand! and he had five of them!

This was a hard blow for him.

Edited by Asce1993

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