This is a story that is taking place in the TVDverse in the legacies timeline. The whole world is AU so anything goes. English is not my first language so there can be some errors and I will rely on you the readers to help me fix those problems.
I had put on a dark Vermilion three piece suite with emerald cufflinks and a tie pin. I was looking quite nice actually. I had let my hair sit on my shoulder it looked very free and flowing.
I then got out of the room and went to the Hall, the hall looked pretty nice but I didn't quite get as to why there was less lighting, other than that the decorations looked fine then I and walked up to Mg and said "You look nice Mg."
Mg said "Thanks man, and you look very formal and elegant."
I said "Thank you that is a nice compliment. I was hoping to ask if you have seen Miss Josie?"
He said, "Penelope was in her room maybe she knows?"
I then said "Can you point me in the direction of this miss Penelope?" he then pointed at a girl who was wearing a deep blue and silvery dress and was standing on top in a bit more secluded area.
I then said to Mg "Thank you Mg for your help." I then left his side and headed for miss Penelope.
I then walked up to her and she said "Not interested."
I was confused and asked, "I am sorry I don't get it I haven't asked anything of you?"
She smirked and said, " I am not interested in anything that you say."
I smiled and said, "You might be the rudest person that I have met in this entire school."
She smiled and said, "You still here?"
I sighed and said, "I just wanted to know if Miss Josie is ready or not?"
She was now interested and asked, "Why do you care if she is ready or not?"
I smiled and said, "Because I am her date."
She was quite surprised and said, "It looks like she is finally moving on."
I said, "Can you tell me if she is ready or not?"
She was confused and asked, "You heard what I said right?"
I said, "I have an impeccable hearing so yes I heard that, but I am more concerned with Miss Josie right now, so if you could just point me in the direction of her room."
She smirked and said, " I know you are acting like that it doesn't bother y..." I just started to leave and she asked "Where are you going?"
I said, "I don't have time to waste on you I am going to ask someone else to point me in the direction of her room thank you for being unhelpful." I then just left and then asked some random girl to give me directions to the room.
I took some time to find her room but she wasn't in there and I wasn't about to use superspeed while I am in my suit. I then thought as to where she could be.
Then I realise that she might be with that undead she was very much interested in her so I then moved to Prof. Saltzman's office and I found Prof. Saltzman and I asked: "Prof. Have you seen Miss Josie?"
He said "She is taken by that monster. It said to hand over the knife or Josie will die in an hour."
I asked, "Calm down Prof. where do you think Josie could be?"
He said "I don't know. She could be in the cemetery."
I then removed my suit and said "I will find her Prof." and then moved quickly outside the house once outside. I ran for the cemetery and found some more people.
I found a couple of people fighting some undead they were struggling a bit so I decided to help them. I saw that they were chopping their heads off so that is what I did.
I walked behind every undead and tore their heads. Soon there were non-left. Then Mg asked, "Where did you come from?"
I said, "I assume you are here to find Miss Josie as well."
Mg nodded and Hope said, "We can have a chat afterwards right now we need to find Josie."
I then nodded and looked for her Unusual soul and I looked around and said "Found Her." and then walked up to her and dug her out and she started to cry I tried to console her and said: "You are fine Miss Josie, you don't need to worry anymore, everything is fine."
Josie asked, "How did you find me?"
I said, "I looked for your soul."
Penelope was confused but Hope and Mg knew what Lucas was talking about. Josie then hugged me and I asked "Can you walk?"
She nodded and tried to walk but couldn't so I just carried her.
She then said, "I am sorry I shouldn't have let her get out."
I said "It's not your fault Miss Josie. You were just interested in knowing your mother."
She looked surprised and asked, "How did you know that she is my mom?"
I said "You both look the same, and when I suggested that we get rid of her, you protested your eyes had a longing look for her. So I connected the dots and got the answer."
She then said, "Thank you for helping me."
I said, "I need to thank you instead, Miss Josie."
She asked, "Why?"
I said, "To be quite honest I don't enjoy parties such as these I like my peace and you being abducted got me out of a situation that I didn't want to be in."
She then asked, "If you don't like parties then why did you accept to be my date?"
I said "Well, let's see you are a beautiful girl and on her birthday she wishes that I be her date. So I think I would have been a fool not to accept." She laughed and I smiled and said "I am sorry that the evening didn't go quite as well as you planned."
She said, "This ain't so bad either."
(In the back of the group)
Mg asked, "How does he do it?"
Penelope asked, "Yeah like how?"
Hope asked, "I have no idea, he is faster and stronger than any of us I mean did you even see him ripping those heads off it was like he was flicking bugs."
Mg said, "That is not what I am talking about?"
Hope then asked, "So then what?"
Penelope sighed and said "He means how is he so good with girls. I asked around and almost every girl has butterflies when they talk to him. They say he sort of makes them feel special."
Hope was looking at Lucas's back and was wondering and Mg said "Maybe he can help me with Lizzie?"
Penelope said, "No we have been over this."
We then reached the Saltzman office and I said "Delivery for Prof. Saltzman." Josie and Mg laughed others didn't.
He came to the door and asked "Why are you carrying her like that?"
I said, "She isn't able to walk properly that is why."
He then said, "Take her to her room." I nodded and he said, "Thank you."
I then said "Prof. If you don't mind can you keep my suit in your office for today. As you can see I am a bit dirty."
I then took her to the room and she said "I need to take a shower."
I said, "That would be a good idea." I then put her down and asked "Can you walk now?" She nodded and walked up to the cupboard and took out her robes and towel.
I then said, "Well, then I suppose that I should go now."
She nodded and I was walking towards the door when she said "Wait." I stopped and turned around and she kissed me on my cheeks and said "Thank you for saving me."
I smiled and left the room outside was Mg, Penelope and Hope and I said "Well, she is taking a shower and can walk properly now so I suppose I should head out." I then walked towards my room.
I was a bit tired mentally mainly I first had to deal with Alyssa then Penelope rescuing Miss Josie it was hard. While I was on my way to my room I heard "Wait." I turned around to see her it was Hope and said "Yes, Miss Hope."
She said, "I wanted to thank you for helping Josie."
I said, "As I said she is a friend." I then looked at her dress and it was looking ravishing on her.
Hope said, "Why are you staring at me?"
I said, "I was thinking that it was a shame that I never got the opportunity to dance with you."
Hope then chuckled and moved forward and said "Look Lucas, I want you to stop flirting with me."
I smiled and said, "Miss Hope if I was flirting we wouldn't be in the corridor fighting."
She smiled and said, "You think I am easy?"
I said "On contrary Miss Hope. What I mean to say is I am that good."
She said, "And here I thought you were a nice guy."
I said, "Does being a nice guy means to lie about what is it that you want or more likely desire? Because as I have said before miss Hope I am always truthful."
Hope then smiled and said, "Good night Mister Nice guy."
I said, "Good Night to you too Miss Hope."
I then walked into my room and saw her it was Alyssa and I said "Get out now!"
She sighed and laid down and said "No!"
I said, "I am sorry, did you not hear me I said get out."
She sat up and it revealed her undergarment which was blue and very see-through I was confused as to what was the point of making something like that. She said, "I am not leaving unless I get what I want."
I walked up to her and picked her up and she was thinking something else was about to happen but, I just carried her to her room and placed her on her bed and said "Alyssa you are better than this." I kissed her on the forehead and then went to my room to sleep.
Needless to say, Alyssa was confused as to what had happened. While she was still thinking about what happened I just slept in my room with peace.
Hello readers
I hope you liked the chapter. I know that the chapter is on the shorter side but I have been sick for a few days, which is why I haven't been able to upload any chapters.
I would like it if you guys leave any comments after the chapter. You can give suggestions about the plot, Love interests etc.
Thank you to the people who voted.
Xread, Daooflife, hopemickelson, animes, eternalD, Jeremiah, PRLXThanatos, Darklord1, evilandgod, shadowlord, daniel, madhavan, james8, Alexie, Daoist, Maxime, kuroko, Horuskk, Darkknight, Winglessdragon, spartan, soundingqizard, Akshay, DaoistzmxNSW, Daoistcelestial,