
Ch. 04 The undead at the birthday party.

I went to get breakfast I reached the cafeteria and asked the lunch lady for some bacon, eggs and coffee she didn't give me coffee instead I got orange juice. I took it to a quiet table. I wasn't really in the talking mood.

I was thinking about last night, I had lost control of my body and had acted on impulse. I think the locket also helps me in controlling my urges as well as protecting others from my powers.

I was deep in thought when someone came to the table and sat down it was Raplf and he said "Hey man how are you?

I said, "I am doing quite well, for now, but my future seems a bit uncertain for now."

He was confused and asked, "What happened?"

I said "Forget about me how are you doing? How is Landon?"

He said, "I am holding fine and as for Landon I haven't gotten a word from him."

I said, "I guess he will call when he gets the time."

When we were just talking Josie also joined and asked "Can I sit?"

I said, "Please have a seat."

Josie looked at me and asked, "Is there something wrong? you feel quite odd."

I sighed and said, "I am fine miss Josie, I just had a long night."

Ralph then said, "Hey Josie, Happy Birthday."

I then asked, "Is today your birthday miss Josie?"

She nodded and I said, "I wish you a very happy birthday miss Josie. I wish that I had a present for you but unfortunately, I don't know you so well to give you a gift. Maybe you can ask me for a favour or anything like that and I will be happy to oblige."

She then said, "Oh, you don't have to." but then she paused and asked embarrassingly, "Will you be my date for my birthday?"

I smiled and said, "I will be honoured to be your date, Miss Josie."

She nodded and smiled and said, "Cool, so I will see you both at the party then?"

I said, "I wouldn't miss it for the world." she then left early without breakfast which was a bit odd.

Ralph said, "Landon was right you are smooth."

I asked, "What do you mean by that?"

He was confused and said "Dude you were flirting with her. Didn't you see how flustered she got?"

I said, "No, that is just how I talk to everyone."

Ralph said "You are dumb." and left and I was sitting there thinking what did I do?

I then went to Alyssa's room I needed to talk to her about last night. I am not a spineless coward. I can face my mistakes. I knocked on her door and asked "Miss Alyssa can I come into your room? I need to talk about last night?"

She then said, "Come in."

I opened the door and she was dressed and was looking better, like better than last night somehow she looked more beautiful. I then asked "Miss Alyssa how are you feeling?"

She said, "I am feeling amazing, my body looks more toned my skin is radiating and I think it was because of you."

I sat down on the other bed and said "Miss Alyssa I want to apologise for what happened last night. I was out of control and I hope you can forgive me when I say that, I can't be in a relationship with you."

She smiled and said "Okay"

I was confused and asked, "Are you sure you are not saying that, so you could take some sort of revenge on me later?"

She said "No, I already have a boyfriend. Last night was just a one night stand."

I was disgusted at myself how could I do this to a person and I said: "If it is like that then I believe everything is sorted and I would take my leave now. Once again I would like to apologise for my behaviour of last night."

I then left her room and was about my way when I bumped into Josie and asked "Miss Josie what are you doing here?"

She said, "I need your help." I then accompanied her to Mr Saltzman's office.

She opened the office and I saw an undead woman in front of me and I moved closer to her and touched her face and said "This is fascinating."

Mr Saltzman said, "Don't touch her she is a monster."

I said "I know I can see that. She looks dead."

Lizzie asked, "What do you mean she looks fine to me?"

I said, "She looks like a rotten corpse to me."

Josset said, "Excuse me who are you?"

I said "I apologise for the rude behaviour madam I am Lucas Clark. I am a new student at this school and Miss Josie has asked for my help."

Ric said, "Can you help us with this?"

I said "I don't know it's been what a few weeks since I became supernatural. I still am learning about my powers. So I don't know what to do with the undead." I then paused and looked at her again and found a piece of red sting but the rest was missing and it was connected to her chest so I traced my hand along the sting and said: "Well, this is certainly interesting."

Josie said, "What do you see now?"

I said, "Someone is connected to her by a string, but at the moment he has erased his trace so I can't do anything about it, but I am certain that, the person who is responsible for bringing her back can also control her actions."

Ric said, "Are you sure about that?"

I said, "It's a working hypothesis but I would rather un-undead this person before I figure that out."

Josie said "No!" we looked at her and she said, "She is the first monster who we can easily get information out of and will be of more use to us if we just kept her locked up."

I looked at her face and saw a bit of sadness and distress at what I suggested so I said "Fine, let's do that then."

Ric said, "But you just said."

I explained in a calm voice to Mr Saltzman "My idea is also good but it seems that miss Josie's idea can bear some fruit. I would like to give it a try. I suggest we properly lock her down so she can't escape."

Mr Saltzman sighed and said "Fine but no one goes in or out."

We then got out of the room and Lizzie said "So you are the one my sister is bringing to the party as a date."

I said, "Yes, indeed and I believe it's our first time meeting."I took her hand and kissed her knuckles and said "I am Lucas Clark and it's a pleasure to meet you."

She smiled and said, "The pleasure is all mine I have heard much about you from my sister." Josie gave her a look. and said in an undertone "Shut up"

I smiled and said, "All good things I suppose?" Lizzie smiled and I said "Oh, how forgetful of me. Happy birthday to you too Miss Lizzie."

She smiled and said, "I look forward to seeing you at the party." Josie said in an undertone "Lizzie!"

Well, I must be going but it was a pleasure talking to you fine ladies. I then walked away from them and went to the classes and fortunately, it looks like Miss Alyssa hasn't talked to anyone about us for which I am grateful to her.

I then completed all the classes and most of the classes were about normal school stuff, except of course with medieval history and magic history.

After the classes were done I then just went to my room and focused on my transforming abilities I can now hold my original form easily for a longer period of time.

But I am still struggling with shifting into someone else. It was getting dark so I decided to dress up and go to the party. Even though I don't like parties but I will still attend this one because I have promised someone that I will be there.


Hello readers

I hope you liked the chapter. I know that the chapter is on the shorter side but I have been sick for a few days, which is why I haven't been able to upload any chapters.

I would like it if you guys leave any comments after the chapter. You can give suggestions about the plot, Love interests etc.

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Xread, Daooflife, hopemickelson, animes, eternalD, Jeremiah, PRLXThanatos, Darklord1, evilandgod, shadowlord, daniel, madhavan, james8, Alexie, Daoist, Maxime, kuroko, Horuskk.