
Lecherous Leech

Silas was riding inside Truck-Kun, flooring it to kill a demon who possessed a friend when it was stopped like hitting a wall. He shot through the windshield and was issekaied the hard way. If dying wasn’t bad enough, his ex-wife, the daughter of god, was put in charge of judging him and his family. She decided to reincarnate them into leeches and toss them into a magical world during a boss fight.

Ultimatedaywriter · Juegos
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38 Chs

CH2: Arrival

Formations of adventures formed lines in the swamp south of the Port Tar, where monster activity had gotten fierce enough to disrupt the export of Ichor. The dark gold liquid, often called gods blood, flowed deep beneath the ground in a greater supply than anywhere else in the province. It was plentiful enough in the swamps to float on top of the stagnant water pools deep in monster territory. Anything ranked 5 or above needed a dose of Ichor once a week to keep their strength up. So it was paradoxically expected that a rank 7 monster would attack a refinery and a surprise that a rank 7 was even in the area. Anything beyond rank 4 was normally hunted down by adventurers.

Rank 5 adventurer Clouse Freed fiddled with his White rapier Divine-Arm Griffith. At the same time, his friend captain Amy Beauregard led the mage division to apply buff after buff on him. His skills, like Hero, Noble, and Paladin multiplied their effectiveness, giving him greater resistance to acid, poison, toxin, bleeding, fungi, corrosion, rust, decomposition, undeath, and madness effects in preparation to fight the titan before them.

She stood in the front with a mirror in her hands, gifted to them by the Church of Mirrors. It was a divine artifact said to be able to turn the tide of battles.

A barrier protected the defensive line as a wave of eldritch dragon breath blasted into them. Gaseous mixes of green and black swirled around the barrier, looking for a way through even as the breath attack poured over them.

He heard the whine of a horse and didn't have to turn to know debuff squad mage captain Reginald Luther had fled the battle. He heard the twinge of bow strings and knew the coward had been killed to spare the Luther family's honor.

"Debuff team cast on my mark." A voice filled to the brim with shining charisma called. Clouse looked over to see his friend Justin Franklin take charge of the debuff specialists. With the noble-born down, they needed someone with charisma high enough to keep the men from fleeing the monster's aura.

Justin raised Griffith in the air and felt his charisma-rated skills take hold.

The monster's breath attack faded, revealing its profile.

Gregor lvl710

Rank: 7

Species: Eldritch Vampire Dragon Hydra Leech


Health: D+

Mana: C+

Stamina: D+

Constitution: C

Regeneration: B-

Strength: D+

Speed: D-

Charisma: D+

Skills: S

"It's quite weak for a rank seven; maybe I should solo it," Justin said as the debuffs hit the monster.

Clouse shook his head. "Those letters are relative to rank 7 monsters, not us. A 2nd ranked troll's S regeneration is weaker than a 3rd rank troll's F regeneration. Besides, this one is starved for Ichor."

The heads of the beast flailed as its magical resistance battled the debuffs. Justin rested his longsword Divine-Arm Apollo over his shoulder. The golden blade glowed even surrounded by the swamp's mist and was one of the weapons that could deal real damage to the monster. All they needed was to wait for the opportune time.

Clouse watched the beast flail while only a quarter of the debuffs connected. It wasn't used to fighting adventurers, which was a good sign.

"Go ahead, I'll tell your girlfriend you died bravely while I plow her. Then, we'll name a son after you." Clouse said, and Justin pushed him. What would have turned a normal man into mush barely ruffled the 5th ranker's armor?

"We have to get the bleeding debuff on it, or it'll heal any damage we can manage," Amy said as she joined their group.

"Hey Amy, are you still trying to suck your way into noble society," Justin asked.

"Shut up, ass; you better not die, or I'll be telling your girlfriend all about it in bed," Amy said.

"Clouse beat you to that one," Justin said.

"Dick," Amy said.

"Poor bastard needs ichor to survive like us, and the more of us there are, the less there is to go around for monsters like it," Justin said.

"You are such a girl," Amy said.

They froze when they felt a build-up of 7th rank magic. Giant blood-sucking monsters flew at them from within the swamp, including various forms of disgusting leeches, biting insects, and vampiric fish; they were swarmed from all sides.

Warrior types from the Church of Light struck out with towering shields, heavy armor, and brutish swords. They hacked, slashed, and bludgeoned the swarming monsters as the 7th-ranked monster opened its maws for a second-breath attack.

Magic in the air was sucked away as Amy charged forward. While they were 2 ranks below the monster, they had an 8th rank magical item from the Church of Mirrors. Clouse had to hold himself back while his friend put herself up to bait out the attack they were waiting for.

Silas felt himself descend at a breakneck pace in time to see a giant monster covered in black scales and six slimy maws filled with suckers. He continued to fall closer to the monster, and no matter what he tried to do, he couldn't slow his descent. Finally, the monster's necks swelled up, and beams of black energy fired from the creatures' maws like a laser but emo. Then some red-headed chick with so many freckles her skin was brown waved a full body mirror fit for making poses with the door closed in front of the attack. He didn't want to say anything, but it looked like an incredibly dumb thing to do.

The second that thought passed through his head, the mirror absorbed the attack and bounced back rays of blue light. The light blinded him even though he didn't have biological eyes at that point. When the light cleared, he saw a bunch of seared stumps where the heads had been. The creature fell over, and Silas hadn't stopped descending. He felt himself fall into the creature until he stopped and felt filthy

Congratulations, Through Diving Intervention, You Have Been Reincarnated.

Silas Flex lvl1

Rank: 1

Species: Leech


Invertebrate – with no bones to speak of, the user gains a 20% decrease to blunt damage.

Reincarnate – Double the chance to learn new skills.


Health: 10 F

Mana: 10 F

Stamina: 10 F

Constitution: 5 F

Regeneration: 5 F

Strength: 5 F

Speed: 5 F

Charisma: 5 F

Skills: 5 F


Leech: Beginner 0% - Gain experience by drinking blood.

Initiate Threshold: Feed On vertebrate

Parasyte: Beginner 0% - Gain resistance skills when feeding on other living things.

Initiate Threshold: Feed on 10 different species

Predator: Beginner 0% - Hunt other life forms to gain experience.

Initiate Threshold: Consume 10 different species

Human: Beginner 0% - Maintain human intelligence and memories no matter the form.

Initiate Threshold: Build A Shelter

Hentai: Beginner 0% - Damage reduction when feeding into a kink from search history.

Initiate Threshold: Feed 3 tags