
lazy royalty showing his true colors

In a world of magic, where the biggest countries are in a constant clash for resources and land because of the threats of dangerous creatures, there are 6 schools which are deemed neutral ground and every country is allowed to send up to 20 students each year to learn and rise in the ranks to ascertain their power. This story starts at one of those schools and deals with a certain royalty who is too lazy to even finish the first semester, or is he?

Grimm_48 · Fantasía
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23 Chs

how strong is she?

When the two arrive, Serena gets into a room with him.

"You want to try out some more training programs?" James asks curiously.

"No. I want us to fight seriously." Serena says, grabbing the hem of her white shirt and pulls it over her head and opens her jeans, pushing them off her legs as well after kicking off her shoes, standing in front of him in training bra and shorts.

"Fine. Magic or no Magic?" James asks, kicking off his shoes, rolls up his pants legs and tosses aside his shirt.

"Let me see how I fare against you with magic." Serena says, starting to bounce on her feet.

"Fine with me." James tells her, getting in his own stance, his left arm bend and held in front of him, his forearm diagonally shielding him while his other hand is around Hip height, half hidden behind his back due to him standing slightly sideways, his right leg shifted backwards.

"Ready when you are." He says, looking at her while she shifts on her legs continuously, facing him in a muay thai stance, her arms raised in front of her and one leg slightly behind her.

She nods and starts closing in on him quickly, only to go flying backwards after three steps.

She gets up quickly, flipping over her hands and jumps to the side, attempting to get a glance at what James did, only having seen his right hand move quickly.

James moves with her, keeping her from seeing his right hand.

"I said fight me seriously don't just block." She tells him annoyed and dashes towards him, sliding on her right leg towards him when she reaches the same distance as before so he can't push her away, A glaive forms in his left hand however, the blade imbedding into the floor and he slashes at her with it, Serena barely being able to dodge in time, a few strands of hair getting cut off when the blade passes over her leaned back head.

James then jumps up, finally revealing his right hand while she's lying on the floor and she sees the same wind gun he used on the first day of school and a concentrated stream of fire and lightning hits right beside her head.

"We should do this if we're using different rooms. It's too dangerous." James says.

"Seems like it." She says frightened, cold sweat clinging to her body as she stares at the small, smoking hole next to her.

James approaches her, his glaive and gun disintegrating into nothing and he offers her a hand with a nervous, but kind smile.

She accepts the hand and he pulls her to her feet.

"I never heard of any of the techniques you used." She says surprised, after he pulls her up, the two standing close together.

"Weapon creation is known, but not used often." James says, a wooden staff erecting out of his hand.

"Why not?" She asks.

"People prefer to learn other stuff and just use forged weapons, since they can get imbedded with magic as well it's actually an advantage, however..." James says, holding out his staff away from them and slashes through half of it, the half he's not holding dropping to the floor.

"With this technique your weapon never breaks or loses its edge." James says, the staff elongating to its former length almost instantly.

"I see." She says in realization.

"What was that white weapon you used?" She asks.

"It's difficult honestly, it's based on a gun. A weapon from before the rise of demons and use of magic. My family had some relicts of the old time and I was fascinated by them. It inspired this magic but I doubt anyone could mimic it unless they have one of the relicts themselves." James explains.

"What does it do?" She asks.

"The relict used some kind of incineration to shoot metal projectiles. Mine, I shoot concentrated magic spells with basically. The beam you saw was a fire and lightning ball compressed together and concentrated through its barrel." James says.

"How did you learn it if the relicts are so rare? Your dad?" Serena asks, accepting the almost see through revolver he creates and hands her.

"No. I created it. I always had a knack for intent, like my whole family but I have no affinity to support magic like my brother, so I started coming up with my own magics along with learning some other general stuff from the teachers my father handed me off to." James tells her, taking the gun and opening its chamber, showing her how he loads a 'bullet' by holding a finger over a hole one at a time until the gun has six different colored projectiles, blue, white, yellow, red, gray and orange.

He shuts the chamber with a flick of his wrist, and she watches him squeeze the trigger, sending out a blast of wind, followed by a stream of fire, a flash of lightning, then a torrent of rotating water, a metal spike and finally the spell he used against her previously.

"It's versatile but requires you to have learned a lot of spells already to use to its full potential." James says.

"Impressive." she says.

"So, shall we do this again? no magic this time?" James asks, looking at her with a grin.

"Yeah." She agrees, nodding and snapping out of her amazed state, taking a few steps away from him and takes a deep breath in and out, before nodding to James.

James engages the fight this time, taking a step towards her and does a backwards heel kick, rotating around aimed at her head only for her to slide back a step and close in on him when the foot passed by her.

She punches at him, James blocking the hit with a grunt, her fist connecting with his forearm.

She follows up on the hit, punching one more time with the same hand, before kicking at his knee with her shin, James blocking the hit with his shin, raising his leg outwards.

"You hit hard." He says, pushing her away and flips backwards as well with a front kick which hits her raised leg's thigh.

"I know." She says confidently and dashes towards him, James waiting until she's in close range before shifting his stance, dodging the roundhouse kick she aimed at his head and blocks the backwards kick she followed up the roundhouse kick with, sending him skidding back a couple steps as he's shielding his face with his forearms.

He pretends to be stunned and continues to hold his arms in front of him, seeing her front kick come at his guard through a slit between the forearms he peeks through, breaking his guard just before her foot connects and leans into her, his arms wrapping around her raised legs, which he pushes upwards with his shoulder, making her fall over with his momentum.

James rolls over his shoulder, releasing her leg and stops next to her head, wrapping an arm from below her shoulder, around her throat choking her.

She jams a finger of the constrained arm into his armpit, hitting a specific weak spot and she breaks free, leaning backwards into him, kneeing him in the face upside down before pushing him over and wraps her thighs around his throat, sitting up on her knees and keeping his arms pinned to the floor, James getting a closeup view of her behind while she's strangling him.

James taps out but she doesn't notice at first, until he continues to tap out and she releases him, sitting on his chest facing him while he takes deep breaths.

"Oh man, looks like I underestimated you." He groans, rubbing his neck and throat.

"I won." She says smiling happily, looking down at him from her seat on his chest.

"No kidding. I was betting on you not knowing grappling techniques. Looks like I was wrong." He says, playfully patting her thighs.

"Did you go easy on me again?" She asks him intensely, leaning down to him, her eyes inches away from his.

"No." He says, staring back at her before glancing downwards at her D cup boobs which dangle in front of him torturously close.

"What are you looking... Oh." She says, noticing his stare and leans back up with a cute blush and smirk.

"Are you sure you didn't just want to get to feel me up while sparring." She asks with a mischievous smile playing on her lips.

"No but I will remember the idea for when I'm strong enough to beat you." He says with a smirk.

"Like I'm gonna let that happen, Perv." She says amused, getting off of him and offers her hand, pulling him up to his feet and continues to pull him into a hug.

"Thanks." She says her head leaning over his shoulder.

"Anytime. I can actually learn from you in non-magic combat." He replies, hugging her back, one hand at her shoulder blades, the other playing with her luscious braid of red hair.

"Ahem... Yes, we should probably go wait for Miranda right?" Serena says stepping away with rosy cheeks.

"Yeah, she should be here soon." James agrees, watching her as she steps over to her clothes and puts them back on.

"Not like you didn't see more already huh?" Serena asks half embarrassed, half joking.

"Yeah. That red lingerie suited you pretty well, but this look has its own charm." James tells her, starting to put his shirt on too.

"Shameless flirt." She says hiding a smile.

"I only call it as I see it and you're very beautiful." James tells her.

"Thanks." She says quietly before the two head outside, Miranda joining them minutes later.