
lazy royalty showing his true colors

In a world of magic, where the biggest countries are in a constant clash for resources and land because of the threats of dangerous creatures, there are 6 schools which are deemed neutral ground and every country is allowed to send up to 20 students each year to learn and rise in the ranks to ascertain their power. This story starts at one of those schools and deals with a certain royalty who is too lazy to even finish the first semester, or is he?

Grimm_48 · Fantasy
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23 Chs

mist of concealment

When Miranda arrives the three of them head into one of the simulation rooms.

"Why are we doing this here anyways James? You know that these rooms are limited other than the chambers in the gym." Miranda asks, wearing a standard training outfit like her students are normally wearing, only hers is purple.

"Because I would like to be present to advise during training and the chambers aren't really spacious enough that I wouldn't be gasping on my knees immediately." James explains, catching Serena's guilty face.

"Plus this way Serena can hear what the original inventor has to say about the technique as well. And it can't hurt for her to start as soon as possible." James says, wrapping an arm around Serena's waist, giving her a supportive squeeze in the hopes of cheering her up.

"Fine. So, what am I doing?" Miranda asks.

"Alright both of you watch and memorize. I won't be able to so this a lot before I'm gonna need to hurl." James says, getting their attention.

He gets in a low stance his knees bend and arms crossed in front of his chest above each other.

"Mist of concealed danger." James says calmly, mist staring to pour out of him starting at his arms and he swipes them downwards in front of him before leaping through the mist they gave off and a cloud of wavy mist emerges seemingly wandering in its own with James nowhere in aight until a few seconds later James is on his knees coughing like crazy and gripping his chest.

"Can we help him?" Serena asks worried, hurrying over to James.

"No. It's in his mind. His body is doing fine, he only thinks he's suffocating." Miranda explains.

"Hah, damn that sucks." James curses righting himself up shakily.

"I think I got the gist of it, let me try." Miranda says.

"Miss confident aren't we?" James says shaking his head amused.

Miranda gets into a pose mimicking James and says, "Mist of concealed danger.", mist shooting out of her arms and blasting away from her body, James quickly cowering on the floor, hiding his face so he doesn't have to see the mist.

"Well, that was wrong." James comments, Miranda looking surprised herself.

"Do you use only so little magic for it that it doesn't travel?" Miranda asks.

"No. I just don't expel the mist. I cover myself with it Mir." James says.

"Ok fine. Let me try again." The teacher says, getting back in her position and repeats the process, this time mist shooting out of her though and covering half the room in it.

Serena quickly hugging James into her body as he's coughing and wheezing on the floor, the redhead holding onto him and rubbing his back while trying to calm him down, telling him that it's OK.

When James is almost passed out however from his body's reaction Serena feels something familiar and rushes at Miranda, tackling her down, just before a powerful shockwave blasts through the room, the two women sliding towards a wall and only bumping into it softly luckily instead of Serena's previous experience with the magic which put her at death's door.

"What the fuck was that?" Miranda shouts, the mist almost completely cleared while James is sweating and panting on the floor.

"I forgot. Thanks Serena." James wheezes out once he can breathe again, falling on his ass his body still shaking and getting looks from sympathy from both girls.

"What do you mean you forgot. What was that?" Miranda asks.

"A spell I cast on myself every day." James replies.

"Ever since our past experience I recognized that I can't keep going without protection against mist spells so I created this as a sort of safety. When I'm getting woozy due to too much mist around me the spell activates and fires off all of the magic it collected until that point throughout the day, creating a force wave intended to clear the surrounding of mist." James explains.

"And why did Serena know? Thank you for the safe by the way." Miranda says, thanking the redhead.

"She found out about it the hard way the other day when we were training." James only says.

"I see. I think you shouldn't be in here then James. Not while I have these results at least." Miranda says.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." James agrees and moves towards the door.

"One more piece of advice Mir. You need to contain the mist for the first part of the spell." James tells the green haired woman before stumbling out of the room, leaving the two women.

"You two are pretty close huh?" Miranda asks.

"Not really. James is just looking out for me." Serena says softly.

"Could've fooled me." Miranda says teasingly.

"How about you join me. Can you cast mist spells?" Miranda asks.

"One. Yeah, where I create it in front of me and it expands over time. It's kind of a setup magic for me since I don't have high magic reserves." Serena says.

"But that's good. Then you know what mist feels like to cast. That's usually the hardest part for beginners." Miranda tells her, watching Serena create a small mist cloud in front of her.

"Alright. So, I need to channel the mist through my arms huh?" Serena asks.

"That's what it looked like, yeah." Miranda says and the two start attempting to use James spell.

"Since I'm here and it's been some time since I came here undisturbed. I could run an experiment." James says to himself, entering the room next to the one Miranda and Serena are in, starting his usual training simulation, where he's in a simulated dojo with different kinds of training equipment around, feeling relaxed and focused in this environment.

"So... What to do? I'm finally off the hook for dad's expected research so now I can do my own research and train myself. I should learn some stronger spells, now that I have this." James says, reaching to his back and rubs over the branding like marking on his back.

"Hmmm. I could try to do that thing I attempted before but was usually too tired to accomplish." James mumbles and then gets up nodding to himself, holding his arms at his side, Sand starting to drip out from his arms through his magic as he's standing there with closed eyes.

"Sands of concealment." James says, slashing his arms upwards in a X pattern, only for the sand from his arms to form the X for a moment before pooling on the floor and slowly disappearing.

"The mist version took me a year and a half to create, can't expect to do this in one night." James says sighing disappointed, before taking his starting position and keeps trying to use the new version of the spell.