
Chapter 46

How do you call a man who lost his family after he managed to find them?




Then what if he never really had a loving family, hence he never ought to find them.




Ok so what if there was a family yet he couldn't find them for they were dead... killed , murdered.




So then what do you suggest he did?


Revenge. Find the people who hurt him and make them pay.


Well that's a good answer for every vengeful soul.

However this lonely pitiful and unlucky man had fallen in love.

A stroke of white light so blinding that it's rays shoot through his dark heart.

That love seems to come with a clause.

He'd either choose to avenge his pitiful self and risk his love's life and render himself lonely again and be called unlucky.

Or let go.

Let go of everything that's happened in the past. And have his lovely white dove by himself let her fly through the tangled corners of his life and make it blissful and be happy in the future. Be praised with luck and have a wonderful envious life. Without being lonely.

I'm sure now some of you would be having doubts on the revenge plan.

However you should know it's not easy to let go. Just like it ain't easy to forgive it really isn't easy for him to let such vicious people go.

So what would Gad blade the last descendant Dan Blade do.

He carried his what was left of his father's legacy.

A city of the dark. Located somewhere beyond humans' reach. Gathered an army, rebuilt his empire created spikes and knives around his name fought his way to the top , reclaimed his name as the king who ascended the once destroyed throne a new King who can not be easily defeated, made people wiggle in their pants and ...

and then after all the power, with all the power he had accumulated within this months after his release from that slut's clutches ....

He opened his arms wide and welcomed the woman for whom he had accumulated all this shield for , whom he had given up vengeance, the woman whose dream was to have a castle and call his husband hubby, make him eat all the food she can make although she didn't know how to boil tea, have four kids and live happily ever after with him.

He put his power, his life and his heart into the small and warm palms of this little lady who dreamed of a future with him when he couldn't figure out his past.

He knew one day the power he had accumulated would come to use and he'll be glad as ever to help her out.

And he wouldn't let go of her even if it made hell Ice cold.


Meanwhile Umi's blind folds were already removed. Unlike the others she hadn't uttered a word or thrown tantrums or even tried to make plans or figure things out.

All she did was sit and watch.

She really didn't feel like planning a counter attack or finding ways to escape.....

Although no one could really escape from Lucy ....

She just played along with the rhythm unaware of the fire she's ignited in someone's heart.

She looked around the overly luxurious room and still remained silent maybe she had yet to get over what had happened or she was just trying to forget about it.

Or rather she was afraid whatever she uttered might be recorded and revealed in the future.

Well it might be true she was going into a stage of trauma.

She hadn't expected to loose her friends all of a sudden.

She was unaware that she was about to start a new happy ever after.

Not in the castle she had always dreamt of but rather in a whole new world she'd never ventured to dream about.