
Chapter 47


That old man has really really got tracks on me.


Vera was half sitting quietly on the beautiful luxurious bed. She had long guessed her buyer was not planning to hurt her. Also she thought she'll be meeting him soon since her location had been changed.

She wondered who her buyer could be.

She was deep in thoughts when she heard a silly chuckle from someone before her.

She raised her head to look at the unwelcomed visitor.

The room was brightly lit and it wasn't hard to spot tye person who leaned on the wall beside the door. Besides his face could surpass that of the Greek gods'. He must be her buyer....she thought.

She only glanced at him in surprise for a moment however her gaze turned questioning as she stared at his unbothererd attitude. Didn't he know s

he had just traded someone's life. It is a common act in the underworld but... is he someone from the underworld? She really doesn't remember seeing someone like him before.


Oh sweet mom so it's you. Don't worry your stubborn son is hear to fetch you don't mind this son's unlawful way of bringing you back home. I just missed being fed.

Immediately the stranger which was obviously Parker said that Vera's mind was in chaos.

This....What is going on?..Is he.....


A memory from years ago surfaced in her mind.....


Sweetest mom in the world why do they only get to be fed huh?

Can't you feed me too?

Ah... you're too mean to this son of yours.

Two teenage kids walked on the corridor of a school as the boy seemed to be chasing a girl who definitely showed ignorance at the voice behind her and only hastened her pace. At that time Vera had just finished her lunch break and was heading to the next class. Who would have thought that her worst very worst enemy had been enrolled in their school.


She had only met him once when she was feeding the girls who kept quarrelling in an ice cream shop.

However this boy able to draw so much emotions from her cold and aloof face.

It was mostly anger.

The only person on the planet earth who could anger Vera to death was the handsome face which chased behind her now.

Sometimes Vera thought his shamelessness was inherited. Which was true for he had one shameless father who she was yet to meet. She felt with that degree of shamelessness she could anger a rock to take metamorphosis!


Who kneels before a stranger and asks to be fed or else he remains in the middle of the road. On that day several cars had to wait for this little scene to end.

Not only did the drivers scold her instead if him, he even got away with whatever he did and pecked her cheeks before running.


He was completely shameless!

Now a couple of days later he's in her school asking to be fed again!!

He was so lucky Vera was the calm one and that he kept himself away from her friends otherwise...


Jessica would have simply castrated him while Chantel will beat him back to clay and as for Umi she'll probably turn him into a lollipop.

At this moment Vera felt her heart was going to explode from the excessive anger.

Don't follow me!

A cold and raging voice sounded in the corridor.

No one has ever been able to draw so much from Vera as she was thought to remain calm in all situations however this guy could even anger the gods!!!

She turned to look at him with an icy glare however who was this boy before her?

The shameless extremely shameless son of his father!!!

He'd still be shameless and flirt even if he was getting castrated.

For he was his father's son!!


Eh? I'm really sorry mom. This son has made you so angry. But don't worry this son will make it up to you if you join me tonight at the Corsair restaurant.

Don't worry we'll still get to feed each other without letting the girls know..


He said so much however all that got into Vera's head was a shameless a seamlessly shameless person who used such an unscrupulous method to ask for dates and is still burnt on creating another scene to be fed. This .....this...

How did God create you? Vera couldn't help but blurt out.

Me? The guy points at his chest.

Oh God created me with fine sand..

10% brilliant, 5%loving and considerate,5 %gentleman and 80% shamelessness.

The boy said all this with a straight and prideful face.

Vera almost choked to death!!

She was sure now.

This boy's shamelessness could anger gods. And was probably inherited.

So I'll take this as a yes then.

If I don't meet you at the our date I'll be forced to propose to you before the school which will give as more time to spend together at the detention ward.

See you tonight sweet mother.

After a while of loosing her breath Vera finally .....

Ahhhhhh!!!!! Mo********** s**********

She had totally lost it back then.

But now ..... now that shameless guy, now a man stood before her again calling her his mom!!!!