
Land of Vantaria

How do you feel when you are just a 16-year-old boy and your life changes 180 degrees because of a strange woman’s voice that you hear? This is Mina’s story. Come with us so we know the rest of the story.

mohamed_meno · Fantasía
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12 Chs

7-Destroy the alliance

Everyone left to their worlds, and when I returned to my world, I was preoccupied with something the Great Magician had said.. I wonder what he meant by rewriting the history of the Earth again from the beginning! Does that mean he did it before? Was it only in the Earth world or in the rest of the worlds as well!

I began to doubt whether the Great Magician was truly our ally or not, but I did not have the courage to confront the Magician with these words. So that he does not do to us what he did to the earth.

About a month had passed and the results of the Ninth World were truly more astonishing than even Earth's.

I was waiting impatiently for our chance to use the book, but something unexpected happened. When we were meeting with the Grand Sorcerer, neither the Ninth nor the Tenth World attended the meeting. We were worried because we were accustomed to having the advisor at least attend and not the king if the king was busy, but Neither the kings nor their advisors attended.

We did not know what was happening, and we asked the magician if he knew the reason for their absence, and the great magician said that he did not know, and that for a few days he had not been able to see what was happening in the ninth and tenth worlds.

The King of the Red Blood Empire said:

"Is this new to you?"

The magician said:

"No, the only time this happened was during the war with the demons in your worlds. At that time, I could not see what was happening to you."

Everyone looked at each other with looks of fear in their eyes, and the King of the Heaven Realm said:

"Say that you don't mean that what happens in the ninth and tenth worlds has anything to do with these beings, right?"

The magician said he didn't know. But in the midst of our panic, we heard the sound of footsteps outside the private meeting room, and the sound of the footsteps came closer and closer until the door opened, and the Tenth World Advisor was covered in wounds and blood.

The Great Magician approached him and released a strange radiance from his hands, healing the advisor. The Magician said to him:

- "what happened to you?"

Counselor replied:

- "The King of the Ninth World invaded our world with an army of demon-like monsters, took control of our world and killed the king. I was able to miraculously survive the massacres that happened to our people. Please help us, wizard."

Everyone stood, and the King of Freeland said:

"Are you sure they are demons and that the King of the Ninth World is leading them?"

The advisor said:

- "Yes, I saw it with my own eyes when my king was killed. I could do nothing but run away and wait for the next meeting, so that I could come and ask for help."

Everyone was listening to the Counselor of the Tenth World, but I was looking towards the Grand Wizard and was amazed; Because for the first time I didn't see the Grand Wizard afraid.

The Great Magician spoke, saying:

- "All of you seek help from me."

Everyone looked at him and he continued, saying: "As I said before, I cannot intervene directly in any problem, so I was intervening indirectly by giving you solutions and how to implement them, but this time I do not have any solution up my sleeve except one, and through this solution we can protect... The rest of the worlds, but sacrifice must be made... the ninth and tenth worlds must be sacrificed."

The Tenth World Counselor shouted:

"What are you saying, you crazy person? It is impossible. No one will agree to this."

The advisor looked at those present, waiting for someone to support him, but no one said anything.

The advisor fell to his feet and said:

"Why don't any of you speak?"

The King of Sparta said:

- "What do you want us to say? Do you want us to stand with you and say yes, wizard, you cannot do this.. Let these fools come to us so that we can teach them a lesson? Is that what you want us to say? No, we will not because if they are truly demons then we will not be." A match for them, do you understand?"

Everyone looked at the Great Magician and said:

"We agree, Wizard, to destroy the ninth and tenth worlds."

The Tenth World Advisor was looking at everyone with regret and sadness.

The Great Magician said: "So be it." Then he showed us a hologram and said:

- "These are the ten worlds in front of you, and these are the ninth and tenth worlds. Only one click on them is sufficient and they are completely erased from existence."

In fact, this is what happened after he pressed the two 3D images and they were destroyed.

The King of the Red Blood Empire said:

"So, are they destroyed?"

The Great Magician said:

- "Yes". He also said: You must go now and never come back again. Did you hear? As for the Tenth World Counselor, I want one of you to take him with him."

Everyone was confused and asked:

- "Why hasn't the meeting started yet, wizard?!"

The magician replied:

"There will be no more meetings now. This alliance has been completely dissolved. Leave now and do not make me force you to do this... I said leave now."

We had nothing to do but leave, and the King of Octoa took the advisor of the tenth world with him and we all left. Years passed and problems began to appear and many provinces began to overthrow, and the King of Sparta was overthrown and the ruling family was eliminated, and Sparta is currently divided into (4) large kingdoms. As for me, I was able to survive with my life and lived the rest of my life. I do not know why the Great Magician left us like this suddenly.

Is it because we chose to destroy the ninth and tenth worlds! Did he see that we are greedy and selfish creatures who do not deserve help again or for something bigger than this?

The Spartan advisor finished his story, and Mina was astonished by what he heard. He never imagined that his journey to search for his mother would grow to this extent.
