
Land of Vantaria

How do you feel when you are just a 16-year-old boy and your life changes 180 degrees because of a strange woman’s voice that you hear? This is Mina’s story. Come with us so we know the rest of the story.

mohamed_meno · Fantasy
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12 Chs


The Spartan advisor finished his story, and Mina was astonished by what he heard. He never imagined that his journey to search for his mother would grow to this extent.

Mina was silent for a while to comprehend what the Spartan advisor said, then he spoke, saying: "I accepted the idea of ​​the existence of parallel worlds, but the idea that these worlds were in an alliance, and the person who was leading you was a being called the Great Magician, and he was the one who created this book, is truly impossible." Accept it, because it makes you ask many questions, for example, who is this great magician and what is his origin? And how did you believe someone who suddenly appeared out of nowhere telling you that he has solutions to all your problems and that you should really follow him?

Haven't you thought for a moment that he might just be a fraud or intend evil rather than good? The most important question is how did this destroyed book reach the ninth and tenth worlds of Vantaria? Many questions that have no answers!

The Spartan advisor looked at Mina and said: "No one can answer these questions regarding the Great Magician except the Magician himself. As for the question regarding the book, whoever owns it is the person who owned the book in Vantaria itself, who is your maternal grandfather, and it is true that you forgot the most important question. What will you do?" next?"

Mina replied that he did not know whether he should continue this research or return home, so he said: "What do you think I should do, Counselor?"

The advisor said: "The decision is in your hands, not mine, and also you are just a 16-year-old boy; that is, you will not listen to anyone, and you will do what is going on in your mind, as you did with your father when he told you not to approach the book again, but you did not hear his warning, and here you are." With us.."

Mina laughed, saying: "You are right, Counselor. I think that since I have come this far, I must continue until the end, and this is what I want."

The advisor said: "As you wish, but remember that this is your decision, so do not regret it."

Mina said: "Don't worry, Counselor, I won't regret it. Well, of course I'm not going to Vantaria right now. I have to prepare myself with supplies and a plan. Also, there is a problem that traveling between worlds is random. I wanted to go to Vantaria, but then I found myself in Sparta!" "

The advisor said: "Yes, this is a problem that you can think about later, but you must think about what you will do now. How will you get food and a place to stay as long as you stay in Sparta?"

Mina looked at the counselor and said: "What do you mean? I will stay with you, of course."

"But you won't stay free," the advisor said.

Mina was surprised by the advisor's words, and the advisor said: "Why are you so surprised? Or did you think that we are in the world of stories where the hero finds himself in a problem and someone helps him for free? No, my child, we are in real life where everything does not go as we want, and it must You have to survive by any means possible, do you understand?"

Mina looked at him and said, "Yes, I understand, but I have nothing valuable other than the book, and of course you won't use it because of its side effects."

The advisor said: "Of course I will not use him, but I will use you. You can help with the housework, such as collecting firewood, or helping in hunting animals from the forest, etc., in exchange for food and a place to sleep... What do you think? Do we have an agreement?"

The advisor extended his hand, and Mina looked at him a little and said: "Yes, we have an agreement." He also extended his hand and shook the advisor's hand, then the advisor said: "Well, from tomorrow you will know what to do, but today I will let you rest and get a free meal, but don't get used to it." Is this understandable?

"Yes, Counselor," Mina said.

"You know, I have a name you can call me instead of calling me Chancellor," the counselor said.

"But you didn't tell me," Mina said. "And you didn't ask," the advisor replied.

Mina said: "Well, what is your name, Counselor?"

"My name is Achilles," he said. Mina wondered at the name and tried to stifle his laughter.

Achilles said, "You know that making fun of other people's names is wrong, right?"

"Sorry, just your name is weird," Mina said.

"Really, then," said Achilles, "what is your name?"

"My name is Mina," Mina said.

"Nice name," said Achilles. "Well now, stand up."

Mina said: "Why?"

"In order to introduce you to the place, and what your daily duties will be," said Achilles, "have you forgotten our agreement or what?"

Mina said: "No, no, I haven't forgotten, but didn't you tell me that you would let me rest for a while?"

"I have not changed my mind," said Achilles, "but I must introduce you to the place. Stand now."

Mina got up from the bed and went out of the room with Achilles. "This is the living room," he said, "this is the kitchen, this is the bathroom, this is my room, and this is Sanferus' room where I was sleeping."

Mina said: "Sanferus.. Do you mean that young man who was with us when you were telling the story?"

"Yes, he is," said Achilles, "but he left to finish some work outside while we were talking."

Mina said: "Well, tell me what I will do? What kind of work will you give me in the first place?"

"She hunts animals to sell their fur and skins when she's with Sanfiros," Achilles said, "but when she's at home she'll work on cleaning and other household duties."

"You mean to be a servant?" said Mina. "Is there anything wrong with that," said Achilles, "that you should work for your food and a place to live instead of becoming a vagabond and sleeping on the streets?"

"If you say it that way, there's no shame," Mina said.

"Okay, let's go out so I can show you the village," Achilles said.

Mina said: "A village? Is there a village nearby?"

"Yes," said Achilles, "what? Do you think we live isolated from the world?"

Mina said: "I thought!"

"Okay, let's go out now," Achilles said.

When they left the house, Mina covered his eyes; Because the sunlight was strong, and when Mina looked at the sky, he found that there were two suns.

Mina said with astonishment: "Two suns?!"

Achilles laughed and said, "You haven't seen anything yet, boy!" He pointed with his finger and said, "There is that road that leads to the village."

Mina said: "Is it far from your house?"

"No, just five minutes' walk," Achilles said.

After five minutes had passed, they arrived at the village's private market. He could hear the voices of merchants calling for customers to see their wares.

It was meat, bread, and other necessary necessities, and there were also vendors selling weapons and armor of various shapes and sizes.

"It's very crowded," Mina said.

"Of course, this is the largest market in this region, and people will definitely come from different places to buy," Achilles said.

Mina said: "Do you have the principle of barter or do you have a special currency?"

"We have, of course, a special currency, gold and silver coins," Achilles said.

Mina said: "Okay," then he began to look around him again, examining the state of the shabby buildings, the old way they were built, and their appearance from the Middle Ages. He looked at the clothes of the people on the road. They were of many shapes and colors, including clean and dirty, and indicated the condition of the person. Material and social, but it also looks like it is from the ancient Middle Ages. Then Mina said: "Isn't it strange, Mr. Achilles, that 5 thousand years have passed and Sparta has not developed scientifically and culturally?"

Achilles laughed and said: "Tell me, Mina, what does the country need in order to develop?" Mina said: "Attention to education, and supporting talented youth in all fields; To develop."

Achilles sighed and said: "It is true, this is what you need, but how will you care when the country is at war? The only thing that the kingdoms care about currently is military power and powerful weapons, not education and such talk. Also, how can a child dream of becoming a scientist or whatever it is when he knows that he is in At what moment could he die? So no, Sparta did not develop even after 5 thousand years."

Achilles was clearly sad and sad about what his world had become, but he tried to hide it, then he laughed and said: "Besides all this, we are not smart, the only thing we are good at is fighting."

"You are right, sir," Mina said.

"Come on, don't call me my master," said Achilles.

Mina laughed and said, "Okay, old man."

"I think you'd better call me master again," said Achilles. He laughed and continued, "We have arrived at our destination."

Mina looked in front of him and found the place of his friend, a man who looked tough and tough, and he was of a large build, and he said: "Hello, Achilles, how are you?"

Achilles said: "Fine, and how are you?" The man said: Fine, fine. Well, won't you introduce me to this skinny boy?

Achilles said, "Yes, this boy is Mina. Mina, let me introduce you to Mr. Gateris, a merchant who buys and sells furs, skins, and tusks of animals. We have been dealing with him for a long time."

"This is a bit of a long definition," said Gateris, "but it doesn't matter why you came to me at this time? Didn't we agree that the delivery date would be a week from now?"

"Yes I know," said Achilles, "but I was just showing Mina the place and the merchant we are dealing with."

Gatres sighed and said: "You are always like this, Achilles, taking care of the orphans of war."

"This is not the time to talk about this," said Achilles, "I have also come to ask for a weapon for Mina, for he will help Sanferus in the hunt from tomorrow."

"Are you sure? The boy looks so thin and weak, I don't think he'll be suited to hunting," said Gateris.

"If he cannot do it, he is of no use to me," said Achilles.

"Well, man," said Gateris, "your words are always harsh. Well, I think the spear will suit him. It is light, and he will be able to carry it."

"Well I want one," Achilles said.

Gatris took out a spear that was neither long nor short and had a sharp point. Gatris said, "Be careful with that tip. It's made of a mixture of steel and an adult black wolf's fang at the end, and it's sharp."

Achilles gave ten silver coins for the spear to Gatres, thanked Menes Gatres, and departed from the place; To return home.

Achilles said: "You must understand that you must do your best from tomorrow. Do you understand this, Mina?

"Yes, sir," Mina said.
